"I'll tell the maids to bring you food." He says, standing up. "You can do what you want around the house, watch TV, read a book, go down to the pool. Just don't try anything."

He walks to the door and I breathe out in relief. Trust me, I'm far from relieved but I just hate being around him. He makes me nervous and flustered. I don't like it.

I slump into the bed and muffle my screams in the pillow, crying in frustration. I can't believe I'm going to marry him. I always saw marriage as a sacred bond, to be a good wife for a husband who loves me. But he's taken that away from me. And I'll never stop fighting him for that.


"Oh my god, Aurora you're back!" Claire shirps, running towards me as I walk into the garden.

"Oh, hi Claire." I say unenthusiastically.

"They said you left." She states with a frown.

"Oh yeah. That was just a misunderstanding." I mutter, scratching my arm nervously. I glance at the maids that are cleaning the pool, and the workers that are trimming the trees and bushes.

"What's going on?" I ask Claire and she turns around to look behind her, not knowing what I'm taking about.

"Oh, that. We're getting ready for Mr Black's family's arrival. His mother always likes sitting in the garden and she likes it to look good." She informs me.

"So what's she like?" I ask her, wether I like it or not, she's going to be my future mother in law, so I better force myself to get to know her. Maybe if I knew some things about her, I'll know how to and how not to act around her.

"She's very traditional, a bit picky but she's very sweet and treats us like her daughters." She states.

I guess Tristan must be adopted then. But how is she traditional?

"What do you mean by traditional?"

"Just that she's always trying to marry her sons off, especially Sir. She wants his wife to be sweet, caring and well raised with manners. And it looks like you meet the standarts." Claire explains then winks after the last sentence, making me blush. Why did I blush to that?


"Mr Black and his younger brother Isaac. Isaac also has a twin sister but she's studying abroad." She adds.

"What about his dad?" I ask, I'm guessing his dad is where Tristan got his harshness.

"His father can have a temper. Especially when he doesn't like someone. He and Sir are extremely close." She informs me. "Anyways, I need to go help out. It was really nice talking to you, I'll talk to you later if I can." She hugs me and hug her back, feeling her rub my back.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I say pulling away and smiling at her.

"No, careful. Don't drop that." Claire screams as she runs over to the other maids.

I coudn't stop thinking about tomorrow, I hope I don't embarass myself. I hate social gatherings and unfortunately, I'm being forced to attend one.

I just hope I don't do anything stupid, because knowing me, I'll probably trip and fall on my face in front of everyone.

I don't know why I'm getting nervous about meeting them, epecially his mom. I think I know what she's like. She likes girls to be obediant and reserved. But I guess I'll know for sure when I meet her.

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