"No of course you didn't, your overbearing psychotic brother would have daggered you before you had the chance. Oh wait he did" Anna said standing on her feet and walking threateningly close to her aunt. 

"God why did Kol put me on babysitting duty" Rebekah marmalade turning away from the situation and falling on the bed. 

'I could say the same thing" Anna replied under her breath. "I think he said something about us bonding or other crap like that" 

"Well there was a point when we were close" 

"And then you got caught up in the Silas race so you can look after yourself not caring who you leave in the ashes" Anna replied snakily. 

"What the bloody hell is that meant to mean. I have spent 1000 years a the side of my brothers and the one time I do something for myself I get criticised to no end." Rebekah said raising her voice.

"Because it will kill Kol" Anna shouted her eyes glassed over. Rebekah looked taken back, speechless with her mouth forming an 'O' with her eyes wide. She was about to reply and ask further questions when a towel covered Stefan walked into the room. 

" I know you were, uh, daggered for a little while, but, uh, knocking is still a thing." Stefan said clearing her throat at the scene unfolding in his room. "Hey Annie" Stefan acknowledged smiling, to which Anna widely smiled. 

"So is writing in your diary apparently. I'm just checking for doubts. You can never be too cautious when it comes to love. One minute, you're begging me to compel Elena from your mind, and the next, I'm up coffin creek with a dagger in my back." Rebekah replied, moving on with the situation but giving Anna a look which said 'we will talk about this later'.

"Right. Well, you can read it all you want. I'm done with her." 

"Ha" Anna said, Stefan glared at her and she turned her head shrugging her shoulders giving a 'you serious' look.

"Until we find the cure, right?"

"And then its al driving off in the sunset with miss Elena" Anna added

"So what your friends now" Stefan said pointing back and forth between the two originals. 

"No, I still hold a strong dislike for her but I'm being forced to smile and look pretty as she ropes you into her plan" Anna smiled glaring at her aunt. 

"What plan" Stefan replied nonchalantly.

"We're at a bit of a disadvantage in this whole race for the cure. Team Klaus has Jeremy the hunter, team Shane has Bonnie the witch-

"If you're here to remind me of our last place status, I'm very well aware. The plan?"

"The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient evil guy my brother Kol and his daring daughter are afraid of. Shane was so eager to prove his existence that he gave away that he has one of the keys to resurrecting him, his headstone. So I want to steal it which will mean Team Shane will have to join Team Rebekah, and Team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs."

"Rar rar GO team!" Anna shouted pumping her fist in the air sarcastically.


"Why did you want me here dad, can't you kill enough people on your own?" Anna huffed walking into the Mystic Falls bar, as both Mikaelson's strolled into the grill heads turned their way. If they were on a tv show smoke would be filling the air and wind blowing their hair. 

"I want to kill the weed. Now go and compel the bartender over their darling, theres a good girl" Kol said smiling.

"I'm not a kid dad!" Anna huffed stomping over to the bartender. She lifted his head to meet hers, so their eyes were opposite each other. "You and your co-workers will leave, you shut the grill early because of family reasons you couldn't get out of. Now leave" Anna compelled turning to the other employees and repeated it. 

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