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I heard a loud crash. There was a bunch of yelling and screaming and gun shots and I was more scared than I had ever been. Adam came bursting into the room and slammed the door behind him. He gave me no warning when he began hitting me harder than he ever had before.

He untied my hands and threw my weak body on the ground. He kicked and kicked and kicked. I heard crack after crack as my fragile bones broke in half and I screamed out in pain. Adam stopped my screams by stepping on my throat and cutting off my oxygen supply. In that moment everything was silent. I couldn't hear my struggles or the loud footsteps as they approached the door. And I couldn't hear Dana's pleas for Adam to stop.

Adam took his foot off of my throat and smirked at Dana. He said something to him and I faintly heard a scream before everything went black.

Dana's POV

I screamed as Adam kicked her hard in the temple and her lifeless eyes closed. "What the fuck are you doing?" I screamed at him. Tears flew down my face as I ran to her side. She was bruised everywhere and blood dripped from her face. Her left arm was bent in an odd way and it was purple and blue and very swollen as well as her nose and from what I could see from her ripped shirt, her ribs looked the same way. I cradled her in my arms as I ran out to the living room of Logan's cottage.

Turns out, she's a freaking psycho and has broken like a billion and 5 laws. Her and Adam teamed up because she wanted revenge on Olivia for taking her favorite toy in like kindergarten or something.

Anyway, I carried her out to the ambulance truck. They took her unconscious body from my arms and I stood still, thinking about everything as I watched them rush her away.

"Dana." I turned around to see Will. He looked horrible, but so did I. None of us had slept for an entire week and three days until we found her. We postponed all of our shows, too. To our surprise Meghan helped us find her. She told us where they were but said that she couldn't say anything else. "How is she?" He sniffled. I just shook my head and watched as a few officers took Adam to their cruiser. "You're next, Vaughns." He growled at me and I just shrugged.

If I can't have her I don't want to live.

At the hospital, we all sat in the waiting room. We were waiting for them to let us know anything about her condition since they wouldn't let us in the room. "William!" We all looked towards the voice and saw Will's family running into the hospital. "How is she? Is she okay?" Alex rushed. Will just shrugged and hugged his mom. Caroline and Alex Moore came running in next, tears and worried expressions on their faces. Gabe's parents were next to show up, then Cole's, then Dalton's. Even David and the One Way boys came.

An hour later my parents finally showed up. They were on a cruise so they had to find a way to get off. They pulled me into a hug right away. "How is she, baby?" My mom asked. "She looked horrible, mom." I cried into her shoulder. "She was bruised and all scratched up and bloody." My mom held me tighter as my dad went to greet everybody else. "oh sweetie." She cooed, rubbing my back.

Hours passed and we were all in the waiting room still. Most of the parents and the kids were sleeping, but the ten of us were wide awake sitting in those uncomfortable blue chairs. I was exhausted, but every time I closed my eyes all I saw was the lifeless look on her face when I found her.

Kc's POV

It was 3 o'clock in the morning and none of us could sleep again. I decided I couldn't just sit there anymore and got up. "I'll be back." I said. I didn't check if anyone even heard me, I just walked away. I roamed the dark, empty hallways just thinking about things. I didn't know how long I had been gone, nor did I care. I was so worried about Olivia and wanted nothing more than for her to be okay.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I ran into someone. "I'm sorry." I muttered and looked up to see the persons face. The doctor that was assigned to Olivia smiled down at me. "Hello, Dr. Webb." He returned the greeting and began to walk away. "Wait!" I called after him. He spun around and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" He smiled sadly at me and nodded once. "I was going to wait and tell you kids in the morning, but since you're here I might as well inform you now." He said. I nodded and walked to him.

"Your friend had a lot of broken bones and bruised muscles, along with a little bit of internal bleeding. Nothing we can't fix, of course, but it seems she was hit so hard in the head, it gave her a severe concision, but that's not all. She.." he trailed off and my eyes watered at the worst possible thoughts running through my head. "Im sorry, hun. Your friend is in a coma." My heart stopped and I let out a strained sob. "What?" I asked. He looked down at his clip board and back at me. "There's nothing we can do, except wait." And with that, he walked away.

When I made it back to the waiting room, Collin noticed my tears right away. He stood up and hurried over to me, holding me tight and whispering encouraging words into my ear. "What happened, Kc?" Dalton asked.

"I ran into Dr. Webb." Dana and Will shot up so fast, I thought their heads would fall off. "What'd he say?" Dana rushed. "Is she okay?" Will asked.

"She's in a coma, guys. And Dr. Webb doesn't know how long it'll be until we can talk to her again."


Okay one more chapter after this!

You can still vote for what im5 member I will do next, in the comments! Idc how many times you comment their name lol just do it. I'll be keeping track until the epilogue.

Also because idk why not, I'm gonna do a little q&a. Ask me anything and I will answer them all in the authors not of the next chapter😊

I had to change my name for reasons that suck lol meaning someone I know in the real world found me! I hate people lmao

What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now