You're So Naive

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Dana's POV

"You have to calm down, Mr. Vaughns. We will find her, it's just a matter of time." The officer said to me. I groaned and ran my fingers threw my hair, frustrated.

It had been four days since I'd last seen my baby. And to be honest, each day gets worse. The guilt and loneliness were eating me alive! I sat back down next to Will and rested my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. We were at the police station in Oregon waiting for them to tell us they knew were she was.

"Hey, Dana?" I looked up at Tesia as she walked out of the room they question you in. "They want to question you." She said quietly. Tesia, the usually loud, outgoing, funny girl I knew, barely said anything since her best friend went missing. Those two were like two peas in a pod.

I stood up from my chair and slowly walked to the room where Officer Darren was holding the door open. I nodded my head at him and walked into the room. "Okay, Dana. I know it might hurt you to talk about her, but I'm going to need you to." I gulped and nodded. "I'm going to ask you some questions about her passed and friends before I question you about that night." I nodded again and he looked down at his clip board.

"Alright. So, what was her home life like?" My first thought was: "why the hell do you need to know that to find her?" But I answered anyway.

"Um, well she lived with us so I'd say it was pretty great." I managed to smile as I thought about the amazing memories we had. "And why did she live with you?" I took a deep breath. This was a sensitive topic for me because I didn't like thinking about what her father did to her or the fact that he shot me!

"Um, her mom died when she was younger and she moved in with her dad. Her dad was abusive so Will told her to runaway and move in with us since they are best friends." The officer nodded and continued to ask me pointless questions that made me want to hit someone.

"Okay, Dana, what exactly happened that night?"

"We were at a house party because her stupid friend Logan invited us and we were having a great time. Logan, Olivia, and I were talking on the couch when me and Logan started arguing and I didn't even notice Olivia get up." I started to choke on the lump forming in my throat as tears brimmed my eyes. "Um, once I noticed she was gone, Will came running up to me and screaming at me that Adam, her ex-boyfriend who we believe has her, was at the party too. Adam got mad at her a while ago and has been hurting her ever since."

"What are these boys' last names?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "Logan's a girl. But, um, Adam's last name is Smith."

(can't remember Adams last name sorry lol)

"Wait, is this Logan girl's last name Mitchell by any chance?" He asked me. I just shrugged and he hurriedly walked to the filing cabinet in the corner of the room. He pulled out a folder and brought it to me. "Is this her?" He asked, showing me a mug shot of the annoying blonde girl. I nodded quickly and sat up straighter.

"We might have an idea on where you're girlfriend might be."

Olivia's POV

"Why are you doing this to me?" I wheezed. He laughed demonically and smiled down at me. "Oh, babe. You're so naive." His foot smashes into my ribs and I struggled for air. "You ruined everything for me. Word got around and I can't get girls anymore. They avoid me when they see me and run if I go close to him. All my friends left me because I "changed". I have no one except my pathetic excuse for a sister." His voice was deep and scary. The never ending tears seemed to be slowing down as I was running out of water in my body.

He'd hit me so much since I'd been there, it was hard to keep my head up. The pain never stopped and it hurt to breathe. I just hoped my friends would find me before it was too late.


Two chapters after this then an epilogue!

Okay so IM5lover44 had me thinking. Would you guys rather me do imagines of all the boys or write a story?


Keep voting in the comments! Thank you💋

What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now