Postive Impact

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The car jolted to a stop in front of the air port. This is the last time we get to take a plane to the different cities. After the concert in Phenix, Arizona, we will be getting onto a tour bus and driving to the next stop- I have no idea where it is- and will be continuing with the bus. I think the bus will be fun. Instead of staying in separate hotel rooms and wasting all that money, it'll be like a big sleep over every night. Being on a bus with so little room forces us to actually talk to each other and play games a stuff. I don't know, it's just my opinion.

I climbed out of the car with Dana close behind. He smiled at me and laced our fingers. The sound of hundreds of girls talking and yelling suddenly filled my ears and I smiled. I love their fans. Girls screamed our names and I even heard a few screaming for the girls. I smiled and waved. "Olivia! Please! I need to talk to you!" A girl yelled. I looked right at her. She looked around 14, short and curvy. She was beautiful. "Dana, go on without me." He furrowed his eye brows, "You sure?" I nodded, "Yeah I gotta talk to someone." He bit his lip, but let me go. I walked over to the girl and a smile lit up on her face. The girls around her screamed and yelled my name, asking me questions and taking pictures. "Hi, sweetie. What's your name?" I hugged her. "Hi, I'm Abigail. Can I talk to you? In private?" I looked around and found Jill watching me. She nodded and I pulled the girl away from the crowd.

"I wanted to say thank you." Tears already brimmed her eyes and threatened to break loose. "What for?" I asked. "I've had a terrible life so far. I get bullied a lot at school. They call me worthless and ugly and fat and so many more things. And I don't really have a great life at home either. I, um-" her voice cracked and a tear slipped out. "I started cutting about a year ago, but I stopped because of you." My breath hitched in my throat and a tear ran down my cheek. "I've been a fan of the boys for a really long time, like Dana was 14. They were doing covers and ustreams and all that." She cried more and I pulled her into a hug. "I always knew about you and how you were Will's best friend, but when you moved in with them everything changed. I saw... I saw your scars in a ustream once. They didn't look fresh at all, but it was only a glance so I don't really know. I was always confused as to why you would do it. Your life was perfect. You lived with IM5 and you were always smiling." We both chuckled a little. "But then you told us that one day and- and I realized I wasn't alone. I'm not the only one who went through, or is still going through something like that. You were so strong and I knew I could be, too. Olivia, thanks to you I'm close to 4 months clean." I smiled and pulled her in for another hug. "You are so strong, Abigail." I grabbed her arm and felt her scars. I then lifted up the sleeve of my hoodie and put my wrist next to hers. "You are not alone." I cried. "I don't know exactly what your home life consists of, but I was bullied, too. Constantly. I don't know why the worst happens to some of the best, but that's life. It sucks. It really really sucks, I know. Just remember that if you ever need someone to talk to, you can DM me any time. I always check my dms and I will be watching out for you." She hugged me again as she cried. "No one has ever cared for me so much. Thank you." I was shocked. Growing up I always had the few people that did care, like the Behlendorf's. "Well, I care about you. And so do the boys." A smile crossed her rosie face. "Tell you what." I started. "I'll bring the boys over here to show you that they do care." She nodded a little, but it seemed hesitant. I was about to walked away to get them when she grabbed my arm. "But.. But what if they judge me and call me a freak?" I shook my head. "Trust me, they won't." I smiled. I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the security where the boys were waiting patiently. "Boys, this is Abigail. Abigail, this is boys." They all waved to her. "What's wrong, babe?" Cole asked, giving her a hug. She looked over at me and I nodded. "I, umm, I..." She looked down at her wrist. Cole noticed and gently lifted her sleeve. A look of worry suddenly crossed his face. He brought her wrist to his mouth and kissed her scars. She smiled through her tears and hugged him. "Please, promise me you'll never do it again. It breaks my heart to see the people I care about doing this to themselves." Her smile widened. "I'm four months clean thanks to Olivia." They all looked at me and I smiled at her. Dana pushed Cole off of her. "My turn!" She laughed and hugged him as well. Dana kissed her head. "Stay strong, Abigail. We are all here for you if you need us, Okay?" She nodded and he kissed her scars before handing her off to Dalton.

"I'm so proud of you." Dana whispered to me and kissed my cheek. I wiped some tears away and smiled. "It makes me feel so good that I was the reason she stopped." He smiled down at me. "Yeah, I know the feeling." I giggled and hugged him. "Thank you for that." He just nodded. Little does he know, he's the reason I stopped twice. When the boys finished talking to Abigail, Jill was rushing us to security. "Bye, honey. DM me!" I yelled back at her as I was being pushed away. She nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

The entire plane ride I thought about her. It's weird to think I made someone stop. I wonder if there's more out there? I wanted to put something on twitter saying I'll be there for the fans if they needed me, but I felt like if I do that some might scratch their wrists and thighs to make it look like they cut, just for attention. You know who I'm talking about. I'm not naming names.

"You okay?" Dana asked, putting his hand on my thigh. I nodded and smiled at him. "I just can't stop thinking about it." He nodded, "Yeah, same. But this is one of the things that makes me love you even more: Your positive impact on the world. You never stop amazing me." I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. "Would you love birds cut it out!?" My head snapped behind us. An old man sat there with a soar look on his face. "Uh, sorry?" Dana answered him. "He's speaking bull shit, Lady." The man rolled his eyes. "What?" I asked. "Love doesn't exist. It's all an act." He then began to mumble things about teenagers and 'our stupid beliefs'. "Who peed in his Cheerios this morning?" I whispered to Dana. His lips clamped shut and his face went red. His lips quivered and finally he couldn't hold back his laugh. "Would you kids shut up!?" He yelled. "Oh, now Howard, leave them alone!" The old lady next to him said, hitting his arm. He rolled his eyes and grumbled some choice words to himself. The lady laughed. "I'm sorry, he didn't take his meds today." She giggled. "You two are adorable, by the way." She added. "Awe, thank you, ma'am." I smiled at her and turned back around. Dana rubbed his hands over his smile and shook his head. Most interesting plane ride of my life.


This chapter actually means a lot to me. I dedicate this to my friend. You know who you are. I love you so much! Stay strong bae!

I actually cried while writing this btw.

Old people these days lol #ComicRelief #LearnedThatInEnglish


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