Kissing Cameron

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"What are you doing today?" Will asked when I walked out into the living room wearing the nicest beach acceptable clothes I owned. I wore a floral print tank top with jean shorts and pink flip flops that match my shirt. "To the beach with Cameron." I smiled going to the fridge. "What time?" Gabe asked as he popped a chip into his mouth. "in like an hour." I answered pouring myself some apple juice. They both nodded as the front door opened. Dana entered with the Wicked Witch of the West at his side. I rolled my eyes at the sight of her clutching to Dana's arm for dear life. Loosen your grip it's not like he's gonna run away from you, I thought to myself. Or will he? I laughed at myself and shook my head before drinking my juice and going back to my room.

47 minutes later I got a text from Cam that he was on his way. I went out to the living room to wait but to my dismay, Dana and Meghan were still there. I gave Meghan a fake smile as she glared at me. I sat down on the chair, scrolling through twitter as I waited. "Where are you going?" Dana asked. I looked up and gave him a small smile, "I'm waiting for Cam. We're going to the beach." He nodded and smiled a little, but I could tell he was sad. Does he think that when he brings Meghan over it doesn't hurt me? Hypocrite. "Oh, that's cool." He said. I just nodded and glanced at Meghan who looked like she was about to kill someone. There was a knock at the door so I immediately stood up and walked to the door. "Hey, give me a sec." I smiled when I saw Cameron's face. He nodded and came in taking a seat where I was previously sat. Running to my room, I quickly fixed my hair then went to Will's room to tell him I was leaving.

When I walked back out I felt guilty for letting Cam sit there with them. Dana glared at him while Meghan looked at him like he was the last piece of pizza on earth. "Alright I'm ready!" I said, catching their attention. I noticed a small smile on Dana's face and chose to ignore it. "You look beautiful." Cam said as he stood up and kissed my cheek. Giggling, I thanked him. "Lets go." I said and we finally left. Once we got to the beach we found a spot where no one was and laid out our towels. Cam lifted his shirt up and over his head revealing his toned chest and perfectly chiseled abs. I looked away, trying not to stare as I, myself, began to take off my clothes. I laid down in my hot pink bikini and let my skin soak up the warm Californian sun.

We hung out and played in the water until it started to get dark. Cam suggested we go for a walk on the beach so I put my shorts on and threw my shirt in my bag. As we walked hand in hand down the beach we talked about whatever and laughed a lot. That's one thing I really liked about him, we are always laughing. We came to a big rock and sat down looking out at the ocean. The sun was setting and the chill wind blew through my hair. "Uh, Olivia?" Cam asked nervously. I looked over and smiled at his worried features. "Yeah?" Right as his eyes meet mine he gently set his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb on it. Our eyes were locked on each other's as he slowly pulled my face closer to his. His nose brushed mine and I felt his hot breath on my lips. His eyes closed so I took that as a sign to close my own. His lips pushed down on mine and I got a warm feeling in my tummy. I couldn't help but compare it to when Dana kissed me. I didn't get that tingly feeling or the burning sensation when he touched me. I had to admit, Cam was a good kisser, but Dana's kisses mean't so much more. I ignored the doubt I was beginning to have and continued kissing Cameron. I felt something when he kissed me, it just wasn't nearly as strong as when Dana did. I felt bad that I was thinking about another guy while kissing him, especially my ex, so I pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back and removed a piece of hair that fell into my face and pushed it behind my ear. "I really like you, Liv. And I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to be my girlfriend?" He asked with a hopeful smile. I didn't even have to think about it. "Of course, Cam." I smiled. He did a little dance making me laugh loudly. After that he kissed me again and took me home since my curfew was 11.

"I had an amazing time tonight. Thank you, Cam." I stood on my tipy toes so I could reach his lips. "Good night, Liv. I'll call you when I get off work." He kissed me again and I went inside with a sigh. All of the lights were off which was unusual so I just walked towards my room. When I passed Will's room I peeked in. He was laying on his stomach doing something on his lap top. I knocked on the door. "Hey, Will." He looked over and smiled, "Hey. Did you have fun?" He asked. "Well I'm no longer single!" I gave him a half smile. "Why don't you seem happy about that?" He asked shutting his laptop and pushing it away as he sat up in his bed. I sat down next to him and sighed. "I don't know. I like him, I really do, but when he kissed me... it just felt... Wrong. Don't get mad at me or tell anyone this... please." I begged. He nodded and motioned for me I continue. "The whole time.. I was thinking of Dana..." My hands suddenly seemed so interesting. "What do you mean?" Will asked. "Well, like, I don't know! I kept comparing the kiss to when Dana would kiss me while I was kissing him..." I looked up at Will. He gave me a look meaning to elaborate. "I didn't get all warm and happy inside and my lips didn't get all tingly like they did when I kissed Dana." I admitted. Will's eyebrows shot up in surprise. We sat there in silence for a while.

"If you don't feel that way about Cameron.. Why did you agree to be his girlfriend?" I thought about Will's question. "Because, Will. You should have seen his face! He was so nervous and it was so cute! He really likes me and I couldn't just be like no. That would crush him! You know how he is; he's the sweetest guy ever!" Will nodded and shrugged. "And plus, what else would I do? I can't get back with Dana! He cheated on me.. That'd be incredibly stupid on my part and he has a girlfriend sooo.." I continued. Will nodded again, agreeing with what I was saying. It fell silent again, neither of us saying a word. The door creaked slightly and I jumped, snapping my head towards the door. Nothing was there so I calmed myself down saying it was just the air pushing through the hallway from the air vents.

"I'm going to bed." I stated and got up. When I was back in my room I set my phone down on the charger and slipped off my flip flops. I was too lazy to change so I just took off my tank and shorts and put a big oversized shirt over my bikini and slipped into bed. I was about to fall asleep when my phone lit up and vibrated against the wood of the night stand.

From: Cam😍

Goodnight, girlfriend😘

I let out a sigh and texted him back.

To: Cam😍

Goodnight, boyfriend😘❤️


I'm tired lol okay so yeah Olivia and Cam are together but she's not exactly feeling it like he is... What shall happen next?

Find out after 25 votes and 10 comments🐋

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