Sweet 16

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"Okay, boys! You've got three meetings today, then I want you to get changed as fast as you can so we can make it to the party early to set up and things." Jill strictly said. The boys nodded and she looked at all the girls. "And girls, have fun." She smiled and got off the bus. Will groaned, "That's not fair! How come you get to hang out and do nothing and we have to sit through meetings all day?" I watched Tesia smirk. "Because you are the famous boyband IM5 and we are not." She then stood up and put her now empty bowl of cereal in the sink. "Have fun at those meetings. I'm going back to sleep." The boys pouted and Dana laid his head on my shoulder. "You're not going back to sleep, are you?" He asked, sounding like a child. I giggled, "Not until you leave." He cheesily smiled at me and I kissed his forehead.

"What's the party for?" Kc asked. "Uh, one of our fans is having a Sweet 16 and she wanted us to play at it." Cole explained. We all nodded. How cute.

I watched Dana and the boys walk out the door and headed back to my bunk. I spent the next 3 hours going in and out of naps. "Liv!" I heard. I groaned, not wanting to be bothered. My curtain was whipped open and Kodi's smiling face was in view. "What?" I asked, shortly. "I'm bored." I lifted my head from my pillow and looked at her. "And what do you want me to do about it?" She shrugged, "Fix it." My eyes rolled and I fell back into my pillow. "Go bother someone who cares." My words sounded muffled from my face being stuffed in a pillow. "Ouch, Liv. That hurt." She said dramatically. I moved my head to see her and she pointed to her heart. "It hurt right here." I chuckled and shook my head. "You're an idiot." I stated. A small smile spread across her face as she responded, "You love me."

"You don't know that." She nodded, "Yeah, I do." I laughed and pushed her. "Leaveee!" She shook her head, no. "Why not? I just wanna sleep!" I complained. "You've been doing that for 3 hours, shit face." I laughed again, but before I could say anything, she said, "Get up and we will order pizza." I perked up at the word 'pizza' and she chuckled. "Thought you might like that." I sat up and swung my feet over the side of the bunk. Kodi walked into the living space and picked her phone up, dialing a number.

Tesia and Kc spent the day hanging out with the OW boys so Kodi and I watched a movie and a half until the boys got back. Each boy looked exhausted and I suddenly felt bad that they had to perform tonight. They really just needed to sleep. Dana's tired face brightened a bit when our eyes locked and it made me smile. He sat down next to me and I immediately let my body mold into his side as he wrapped both arms around me. "Whatcha watching?" He mumbled into my hair after he left a gentle kiss on my head. "The Hannah Montana Movie." I smiled and he laughed. "We're gonna try to find fetus you." Kodi added. I nodded and he shook his head, chuckling.

I lifted my face to look up at him. The bags under his eyes are very noticeable now. His lack of sleep really worries me. "You should sleep. It's only 4. We've got an hour until they start to drive over there." He nodded and laid down resting his head on my lap. I smiled and took his hat off his head. I let my fingers run through his curls as his eyes closed and a smile formed on his face. "Good night, baby." I whispered and leaned down to kiss his forehead. In a matter of minutes his breathing calmed and his body relaxed, he had fallen asleep.

"I'm gonna go get ready now." Kodi whipered, getting up once the movie ended. "Wanna look good for Cole?" I smirked. She blushed and bit back a smile. "Yeah..." I giggled and shooed her away. I figured I'd wake Dana up 15 minutes from then so he'd get a full hour of sleep before he had to work. At exactly 5:00 I placed a small peck on his cheek. "It's time to get up." I whispered, shaking him a little. I tried a few more times and finally his eyes fluttered open. "Do I have to?" He asked, his voice deeper and raspier than usual. I smiled sadly and nodded. "I'm sorry, but you have to get ready." He frowned, but sat up anyway. "How long do we have to stay there?" He questioned again. "Jill said we have to be there at 6, but your set starts at 7:30 and ends at 9." I explained. A sigh fell from his mouth then he licked his plump lips. I could tell he really just wanted to sleep. "But I don't think anyone will notice if we disappear after the set, do you?" I hinted. A grateful smile curved on his face. "Thank you." He mumbled before placing his lips on mine. He pulled away after a few seconds and went to go get ready.

"Oh, girls! We want you to meet someone!" Cole enthused as we pushed through the growing crowd of the girl's friends and family. I looked at Dana, confused, but he just smiled. "You'll like him, I promise." I just nodded and tightened my grip on Dana's hand. The more people that arrived, the more girls drooled over my friends. I rolled my eyes and protectively pulled Dana closer to me. He gave me a knowing look and chuckled. "It's okay." He smiled before giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. I noticed a few girls glare at me, but I couldn't be happier at the moment. Actually, that's a lie. I'd be happier if there weren't a billion thirsty girls drooling over my man, that aren't his fans. I bet you most of these girls have no idea who they are. Yeah, they're big, but they're not THAT big.

"David!" Will yelled out into the crowd. A rather tan, buff, brunette guy turned around. He was hot, to say the least. I shared a glance with the girls and looked back at the guy. Dana instinctively slung his arm over my shoulders and David approached us. "Ay! It's been a while!" He greeted them, giving each a man-hug type thing. "Olivia?" He asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded. How'd he know my name? I asked myself. He must've read my mind because he began to explain himself. "Dana's told me a lot about you." His gaze landed on his arm around me and he pointed to it. "And he's holding you as close to him as he can." We all laughed and Dana nodded.

"Okay, well this is Kodi." Cole pointed to her and gave David a pointed look that I can only assume means 'Stay away. She's mine.' David nodded and smiled at her. She played with the ends of her hair and smiled back. "That's Tesia." He said next. Will made a noise that sounded somewhat like a cough, a sqeal, and a sigh at the same time. I chuckled. Wow, Will. Smooth. Nice way to 'discreetly' let David know to stay away from her. Will glared at me which only made me laugh harder. "and this is Kc." Cole finished. He then leaned over, close to David's ear. "You might want to keep your distance from that one. Collin will cut you then throw you into shark infested water." David looked slightly scared, to be honest, but brushed it off.

"Anywho!" Dalton interrupted, "This is David and he's going to be working with us. Like with choreography, photoshoots, vocal practice, things like that." We all nodded. "That's cool." I answered. David sent a wink my way, causing me to giggle and Dana to glare at him and pull me closer. David's hands shot up in surrender.

"Get up there!" Jill urged, pushing them all up the stairs and onto the stage. The crowd screamed and whistled as they introduced themselves. Us girls sat on the couch next to the stage and talked while the boys played. We've seen this set a million times. It gets boring sometimes. At one point David came over and talked to us. He's really nice and funny. "So, basically Dana bitched at me for even suggesting dancing with you." He explained. I let out a loud laugh. "Yeah, sounds like Dana." He chuckled and turned to Kodi. "So your Cole's girlfriend?" She chocked on the water she was currently drinking and I patted her back trying to hold back my smirk. We both looked back at David's amused features. "Uh, no. We're just friends." She rushed out, her entire face turning the unhealthy shade of firetruck it gets when her and Cole's 'relationship status' is brought up.

The laugh that erupted from his mouth hinted that he didn't believe her one bit. "Yeah, okay. So you both like each other then and it's um let me guess.. Complicated?" A nervous chuckle came from her as she looked down at her hands. "Yeah, I guess." She finally answered. He nodded and his gaze fell on Tesia. "And you and Will? Sorry for all the questions. I'm just trying to get things straight since I'll be seeing you a lot from now on." Tesia waved him off and smiled. "Nah, it's fine. Um, I'm not sure what me and Will are. We've went on a few dates, but nothing major. I really like him, though." She giggled. David smirked at her. "Awe, my awkward friend finally found someone." Tesia blushed fiercely and shrugged. "I guess."

"And you? You're dating Collin from One Way, right?" She nodded proudly. "Yes, I am." David smiled at her. "He's a cool, dude. He's like my spider-man movie going buddy. If that made any sense?" We all laughed and continued with our conversations. I had a weird feeling in my stomach, like someone was watching me. I looked to the left, where I felt it from, but met no one's eyes. I frowned, but pushed it to the side, focusing on the words my friends were speaking.






What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now