She Looks So Perfect

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It's been two day since we got to Phenix and we were boarding the bus to get to wherever we were headed next. "Mine!" Kodi called out hopping onto the bunk she rightfully claimed as her own. I chuckled and placed my bags on the one under hers. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was sleep. So I tried to do just that. I jumped up on the bunk and closed the curtain, getting under the shiny, blue, silk-like blanket. I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

"Is she asleep?" I heard. "I don't know. Poke her." Another voice instructed. "No, she might bite me." I groaned and opened my eyes to see Will and Tesia standing in front of me. "Whaaat?" I asked, clearly annoyed that they woke me up. "Can you make pancakes?" Tesia smiled, hopefully. "What time is it?" I asked closing my eyes. Will took his phone out of his pocket. "Uhhh..." He looked scared for a moment, like he was afraid to tell me the time. "6:47?" I grew furious. "Why would you even consider waking me up this early!?" I whisper-yelled. They looked a each other with the same afraid expression. Good. They should be scared.

"Whuh gonnn on?" I heard Dana's tired voice and his face pop out of the curtain directly across from mine. "They woke me up." I groaned. Dana licked his lips lazily and shoed them away. They did leave, surprisingly, and Dana jumped down from his bunk. I was confused before he hopped up on mine and laid next to me. "Go back to sleep." He urged, wrapping me in his arms and stuffing his face in the crook of my neck. I giggled and kissed his head before closing my eyes as well and falling back to sleep.

"Simmer down, simmer down

They say we're too young now to amount to anything else

But look around

We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now" Gabe's voice filled my ears and I slowly began to wake up.

"If you don't swim, you'll drown

But don't move, honey." He continued. Tesia began singing the part I knew was assigned to Dana. I was amazed, to be honest. I had no idea she could sing.

"Let's get out," Will sang after Tesia. "Let's get out, cuz this dead beat town's only here just to keep us down

While I was out, I found myself all alone just thinking

If I showed up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it

Would you wanna run away too

Cuz all I really want is you" I heard Tesia giggle before she started with the chorus. "She looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear" I chuckled and looked over at Dana who was also awake. "We should go out there." I said. He nodded and we went to join them. Dana an I joined in on the hey's and everyone smiled at us. Cole suddenly went serious and I noticed his gaze set on Kodi. Her face turned beat red as she smiled at him.

"You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear

And I know now, that I'm so down" A smiled broke out on his face as he intently stared at her. The speed of Dalton's strumming and Gabe's drumming quickened.

"You lipstick stain is a work of art

I got your name tattooed in an aero heart

But I know now, that I'm so down" We all continued with the hey's again. I smiled at Kodi who was trying her hardest to make her blush disappear, but nothing could make her cheeks return to their natural color. She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face, either. When her and Cole made eye contact again he held his gaze then slowly bit his lip and dropped his right eye in a wink. The sound that came out of Kodi's mouth at that moment was the cutest little giggle ever. We all laughed and Dana and Tesia went on doing the chorus together. I smiled watching them and listening to how their voices went together.

The rest of us quietly hey'ed in the background. Kc came and sat on my lap as we swayed back and forth. The music came to an end and we all cheered. "That was amazing." I complimented. Dalton smiled and agreed. He didn't have a part because that was from the short time he took a break from the boyband thing.

We sang songs and laughed for hours after that. If this was what tour life was like, I can't wait for it to really start. At one point Cole went and sat by Kodi. He sang his parts looking at her and it was the cutest thing ever. He needs to break up with Cassidy, because Coli is my OTP.

Cole's POV

I have to do it. When, though? Soon. It has to be soon. I can't keep doing this to myself or to her. I looked to my left and smiled when I saw Kodi laughing at something someone said. I didn't even know what was going on. It was like I was in my own world with only her. She was just so beautiful. Everything she did made me smile. She noticed me staring and her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. How adorable, I thought. I took this chance to make some sort of move. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She blushed even more and leaned her head on my shoulder. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest. I hoped she couldn't feel it.

"But you're gonna miss me when I'm gone..." Dalton finished our Best of 2013 MashUp just as my phone rang. I sighed and looked at the picture of the beautiful blonde girl and her name that filled my screen. I felt like I was leading her on now. It made me feel so bad, like I was a jerk. I was dating her, but I'm siting here spending all of my time thinking about one of my best friends. I glanced up at Kodi and noticed a pained expression on her face when she saw who was calling me.

"Are you gonna answer that?" She asked quietly. I just stared into her brown eyes for a minute until I realized she asked me a question. "oh, uh, yeah. Yeah. One sec." I stood up and went to the back of the bus by the back room. I closed the mirror door and sat on the couch back there. I sighed before I finally slid my thumb across the screen.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, baby. I miss you!" Her voice filled my ears. I smiled a little. I missed her, too, but not in the same way. "I missed you, too." I said. "Is something wrong? Cole are you okay?" Concern laced her voice. I took a deep breath before talking. "Listen... Cassidy.. We need to talk." I heard her inhale sharply. "Why? What's going on?" Her voice cracked and I felt a pang of guilt wave through me. "I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore."

"What? Cole, baby, no. Please!" She begged. "Is it the distance? We were trying so hard to make this work! please don't give up on me." I rubbed my eyes and leaned back. "I'm sorry, Cass." I muttered. "It's over. I need to do this. It's best for the both of us... Trust me." She let out a shaky breath. "Okay." She finally said. "Bye, Cole. I love you." I didn't say anything. I couldn't. After a few seconds of silence I finally hung up. I hated knowing that I was the reason for her tears, but I needed to do it.


HEYYYYY so I wanted to give you more on an inside look of what's going on with the other boys. If you liked it and want me to do it again with the other boys or one of the girls please don't hesitate to comment and tell me!

The song in this, if you have been living under a rock or something, was She Looks So Perfect by 5sos. I mean even if you didn't know the song you know it now bc it's their latest coverrr! Which, may I say, wAS FREAKING AMAOZNG I MEAN SIDNYOU HEAR THEM AND GABE??? ARMS??? WHAT AND COLE WITH THAT SOLO AND DANA WITH HIS SEXY ASS AND HIS EARRING AND THAT NECK VAIN OMG I JUST NO OMG AND WILL HIS VOICE GIVES ME LIFE AND HIS SMILE WAS SO CITE I WAS LIKE AWE BABYYYYY Okay yeah sorry

Coli was like a last minute thing lol like the name idk it sounded cool so I was was like yeah.

Haha Kodi's getting some lovin(;

Okay, bye now.


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