Bye Meghan

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"You should tell her." I said.

"But what if she gets scared and never talks to me again?"

"Will, you're an idiot!" I picked up a pillow and hit him in the face. "She likes you too! She's not gonna get scared and never talk to you again."


"William." I interrupted. There was a moment of silence before we heard yelling in the living room. We walked out to see what was going on. "I already said that." Cole scoffed. "Ooh girl if you gon' get snappy I can get snappy too!" Dana said I giggled as I watched the two in amusement. It went on for a good 8 minutes before they realized we were watching. At this point I was on the floor clutching my stomach. "Uh, you okay?" Dana asked me. I nodded my head trying to contain my laughter. "Um, Liv? Why are you on the floor?" He looked as if he were trying to hold in a laugh. "You-your voice!" I laughed. He furrowed his eyebrows then a look of realization washed over his features. "Ha, you heard that?" He smiled. I nodded and he helped me off the floor. "So, we gotta be at the studio in an hour." Gabe explained, looking down at his phone. "Hey, Livi?" I looked up at him. "hmm?"

"Do you wanna go? Alex will be there!" His face lit up as he said that. I smiled, it hasn't been just me and Alex in so long! "Yes!" I yelled jumping up and down. They all laughed and departed to get ready. I pulled on a pair of black Boyfriend Sweats from PINK and a blue fitted tee-shirt. My hair went up into a messy bun and I put minimal makeup on. My phone started ringing so I slowly walked over to my bed where music was recently playing.

"Batgirllll" My screen said with a picture of Alex on my back and us laughing as the background. I smiled and answered. "Aleeeexxxxx!" I yelled. "I swear to God, Olivia, if you don't go to the studio today I will personally bring you." I laughed, "Well hello to you too!"

"Yeah, yeah. So you're going?" I nodded, "Yeah. I'm going."

"Liv! Lets go!" I heard Dalton yell. "Oh they're calling. I'll see you at the studio! Byeee!" I hung up and walked out of my room. Dana's hand instantly molded with mine as we left the pent house. "What are you guys recording today?" I asked to anybody that was listening. "Our album." Dana smiled and kissed my cheek. "Oooh an album? I never know what's going on! You guys never tell me anything about your 'famous' life." I laughed a little at the end. "Then we will tell you what's going on more I guess." Cole answered. 'I guess' lol okay Cole thanks!

We took two cars. Gabe, Cole, and Dalton in Gabe's car and Dana, Will, and me in Dana's car.

"Alex!" I yelled when I saw her. She ran up to me and embraced me in her arms. "Ohmygod it's been forever!" She said. I agreed and we sat down after she greeted the boys. We caught up on everything that was happening and laughed a lot. "I've missed hanging out with just you!" I pouted. She laughed and nodded, agreeing with what I said. As time went on the boys were still recording and Alex and I were taking selfies and tweeting people. At around 6 a blonde girl walked into the studio. She was about the same height as me and was super skinny. She made me feel really insecure. Once she saw us she glared. "Oh, God." Alex whispered as she came over to us. "Uhm, who are you?" She asked in a very rude tone. I cocked an eyebrow, "Olivia." I answered. "And why are you here?" Wow, why was she so rude? "My boyfriend and friends are recording and they wanted me to come." I said with as much confidence as I could muster. She scoffed, "Who would date you?" I had to admit, that really hurt. "Da-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before Dana came out. "Meghan?" He asked. She spun around and ran to give him a hug. My heart suddenly felt heavy and my breathing quickened. What is going on? Why did he get so excited to see that bitch? I felt a hand on my back and looked over at Alex. She gave me an apologetic smile but I just shook my head and looked back at them. Dana's smile was huge as they talked and they hugged a few times. The jealousy worsened the longer they talked. I shouldn't be jealous. I trust Dana and I know he won't do anything to hurt me. I hope.

Finally after 10 minutes Dana was called back into the studio room. "Bye, Meghan." He smiled at her. Did he forget that I was even there!? "Bye, Dana." She smirked and winked. He bit his lip and I felt my heart drop to my stomach as tears well up in my eyes. I held them back the best I could until Dana went back into the room and that blonde bimbo left. "I can't believe him!" I cried into Alex's shoulder.


I'm really sorry it's so short! I'm really busy with mid-terms and stuff and I promise I'll be better at updating when they're over! I love you all!

What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now