Never Thought

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We sat there silently for a while. "Will?" He looked over at me. "Do you think I'm worthless?" He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "What, no! Why would I ever think that!?"

I looked at the sand and took a handful letting it fall through my fingers. "Because, I'm ugly, fat, and pathetic." I answered him. "Olivia.." Will said taking hold of my chin and making me look at him. "You are none of those things. You're beautiful and you definitely are not fat. I can see your ribs! And who told you these things?" he asked me. I looked down again. "Everyone." I whispered. "Liv."

"Meghan. Meghan has been telling me things for a while now, Will. And she's right. I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm worthless, and I'm pathetic. I know you don't want me to be there anymore. You just feel bad for me. Same with the others!" I cried out. "I should just kill myself and make all of your lives easier."

"Olivia! No! You're my best friend and I care about you a lot! I want you at the house, it's not because I feel bad for you or that I feel like I have to. I want to! And so do the other guys! We love you, Liv." A small smile spread across me face. "Thank you, Will." He nodded and pulled me into his side. "There's more." He looked down at me with a worried expression. I let out a breath and pulled up my sleeves. He gasped and grabbed my wrists. Tears fell from both of our eyes and he felt the fresh cuts that would soon turn into scars. "Why? Why would you start again?" He asked me. "I couldn't take it anymore. With her relentless comments and all the hate, the love of my life practically cheating on me right in front of my face. I needed an escape."

"You could have come to me! I would've helped you!" He pulled me closer to him. "I thought you'd be mad at me." I whispered. He shook his head and hugged me tighter as we both cried. Once we calmed down we got into his car and he took me home.

I walked right passed the boys and tried to go into my room, but Will grabbed my arm. "I'm not leaving you alone." He said and dragged me out to the living room. I sat silently on the couch with my legs pulled up to my chest. I finally stopped crying and all the boys were watching me. Including Dana. I let out a breath when his phone went off. He put the phone up to his ear and whispered, "Not now, Meghan. I'll call you back later." My chest got heavy and tears came back to my eyes. I held them back the best I could. I noticed a sudden change in Will, too. He glared at Dana until he hung up the phone. I took my phone out and went to twitter trying to ignore the stares. "Olivia, can you please tell us what's wrong?" Dalton asked. I shook my head and rested it on my knees. I heard him sigh. "Can I tell them?" Will asked. "Can I leave the room when you tell them." He looked skeptical but finally nodded and left the room. I sat on my bed and eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I changed into leggings and another hoodie and went out to the living room. Gabe instantly hugged me. I hugged him back as he kept saying how sorry he was. Dalton did the same and so did Cole. Dana wasn't there. I sighed and got a glass of apple juice. Will told me he explained everything and why I didn't want to tell them. He just left out the part about me cutting again. I was thankful for that. I sat with the boys and watched some tv for a few. I decided I needed fresh air so I got my shoes on and my coat and opened the door. My heart stopped when I looked to my right. Dana had Meghan pressed up against the wall as he kissed her. I closed the door and ran inside with tears falling down my face. I've never been so hurt before. I never thought it was possible.

I dropped to the ground and curled up into a ball and cried in the middle of the room. The boys rushed over asking me what happened and if I was okay. I shook them off and ran to my room. I don't know how long I sat in there and cried but it was a long time. My chest ached and the tears refused to stop. I never though a heartbreak actually hurt your heart.

I pulled my phone out and called Tesia letting her know exactly what happened. I told her about what Meghan has been saying and how they've all ignored me and I told her that Will told them why I was mad. Then I told her what I saw. She said she'd be over in 20 minutes then hung up.

"Open this damn door!" I heard. Someone went to the door and I heard heavy footsteps. "Ooh you have the nerve to talk to me!" she yelled and barged into my room. She engulfed me in a warm hug then gave me a bag. I smiled when I saw it's contains. Nutella, ice cream, and Nicholas Sparks movies. She ran out to get spoons and I heard her sassy comments on her way. We sat in bed watching movies and eating ice cream. Alex came over because Gabe told her something was wrong with me. I smiled and she joined our feast. Soon after Kodi and Kc showed up with more ice cream and comedies. They definitely did cheer me up.

I'm thankful for friends like them. They've always got my back. I couldn't ask for anyone better.


Hey guyssssssss so how's it going? good? good. lol that was weird idk

So yeah girl power

I wanted to let all of you know that if you need me for anything. Whether it be someone to talk to bc you're bored or bc you really need to rant. I am here to listen. My kik and twitters are in my bio or you can just message me on here. I like helping people with their problems bc it makes me feel good inside knowing I just made someone happier. So yeah, please if you ever need to, hmu.


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