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"So, how does it feel to preform like that?" I heard Kodi ask Cole when we all sat down in the dressing room waiting for some fans to leave before sneaking out of the back and into the SUVs. I stood at the snack table munching on a strawberry as I listened to the conversations in the room. "Amazing." Cole replied. I grabbed another strawberry then sat down next to an exhausted looking Will. "Guys, we should go explore the city later!" Tesia suggested. I sighed, "Nah, I'm good." Will nodded, "Yeah, me too. I'm so tired." The next voice I heard was Dana's. "I'll stay, too. It's been a long day." Tesia nodded then asked about the others. They all decided to go and soon everyone was in their own conversations again. "Hey, Liv?" I looked over to Will. "You seem a bit... Out of it today. Are you alright?" Concern was clear in his words. "Yeah, I'm fine. Tired is all." He didn't seem too convinced, but he let it slide. I turned my head and looking around the room. Until my eyes laid on him, I didn't even know I was looking for Dana. He smiled when he caught my gaze. The corners of my lips tugged up and I smiled back.

"Follow me." Joe, the venues security guard, ordered us. The 9 of us did as told and followed the giant man. We got into the SUVs, same as the ride there. I was sat in the way back with Dana this time and Dalton and Tesia sat in the middle row. The drive was very quiet and nobody said a word. I felt my eyes start to droop and my head start to fall. I guess Dana noticed because he put his arm around me and pulled me into him so I could lean on his shoulder. "It's okay. I'll wake you up when we get there." I lazily nodded, too tired to put any effort into my movements. The familiar feel of Dana pulling me closer to his body as I fell asleep made me feel a strange sense of comfort and safety. I breathed in his scent before I fell into a world of darkness.

I felt my body being lifted and moved. Being too tired to object, I wrapped my arms around the persons neck and laid my head against their chest. Warm lips kissed my forehead and sat there for a few seconds. The spot where the lips once were tingled and burned, but in a good way. I burrowed my head into his chest hoping he wouldn't see my smile. Of course by this point I knew exactly who was carrying me and where they were taking me. It was Dana, the only person to make my skin tingle like that, and he had to of been taking me to my room.

Dana's POV

"We're here." Dalton whispered, shaking me. A few minutes after Olivia fell asleep in my arms, I fell asleep. It felt amazing having her in my arms again and I didn't want it to end. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. After unwinding my arms from around her and getting out of the car, I picked her up bridle style to carry her to her room. I didn't want to wake her up. She looked so peaceful- and adorable -in her sleep. What surprised me, really, was that she put her arms around my neck and snuggled into my chest. I couldn't help my smile. I've been craving actual time with her like we used to have and I'm finally getting it, kind of. Without thinking I placed my lips on her forehead and left them there for a few seconds. When I pulled away I noticed a small smile form on her sweet lips. God, I love her, I thought as she tried getting closer to my body. I carried her up the stairs and into the hotel then to the elevator. When we got to her room I took my hand off of her back and swiped the card Tesia gave me in the car. When I opened the door I saw Kodi sitting on the couch and Kc coming out of the bedroom. Kodi smiled when she saw us and I signaled them to be quiet. I walked into the bedroom. "Uh, which one's hers?" I asked Kc. She pointed at the one on my left and I gently set Olivia down. She groaned and stirred in her sleep when I removed my hands from her. A gasp escaped my mouth as she tugged at my arm and pulled me down onto her. Both arms wrapped around my body and I smiled wide, letting out a soft chuckle. I removed her arms and laid down next to her. She hugged me again and put her head on my chest. I never realized how much I missed this. Cuddling every night, I mean. Falling asleep in each other's arms was always the highlight of my day.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Kc asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah." She gave me a small smile. "Ya know, if you didn't have a girlfriend I would tell you to get her back, but you do so." I rolled my eyes at that. I made sure Liv was sleeping before I said anything. "She's not really my girlfriend." I admitted. Kc's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What do you mean?" She quizzed me. "I mean, she was kind of blackmailing me. I never wanted to hurt Olivia, but it was the only way to keep her safe." Kc still looked extremely confused. I let out a laugh at her confusion. "Meghan is Adam's sister."


It's short yeah but I'm updating again this weekend and it'll be much longer! I do want to apologize for the wait. I'm kind of going through something right now and I'm super stressed, but whatever haha

I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all of your comments. They always make me smile so much! And the fact that some of you tweet me too makes me so incredibly happy! All of your support means so much to me.

And lastly, I don't exactly tweet about this because I have a friend that follows me and she does not, will not know about this. So I will tweet simple things that are kinda like code words I guess? Not really haha. if I tweet about Olivia or something you guys will know what it's about and you can do whatever but yeah I will not directly say that I write a fanfic but I will tell you when I'm updating and answer all of your questions if you ask. Thank you guys so much! love you


What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now