Tesia Jay

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Dana's POV

I sat there wondering what that text meant for the rest of the meeting. Is she sorry about what she made me do? She couldn't possibly be sorry for that! I mean, it's HER. She's crazy!

"Ay, Dana!" A hand was waved in my face, breaking me from my thoughts. "Yeah, man. What's up?" I asked Cole. "You okay?" I just nodded and gave him a small smile. His eyebrows furrowed suspiciously before he said, "Well, let's go then." I nodded again and stood up.

What could she mean?

Will's POV

I was worried about Dana. He was completely out of it throughout the entire meeting and he kept looking down at his phone like he was worried or something. He said he was okay so I just pushed it to the back of my head an told myself I'd ask him later.

My mind instantly shifted to something else as we walked out of the glass room.


I wanted to take her out again, but I was afraid to ask her. What of she doesn't like me anymore? What if she never really liked me at all and just felt bad for me?

I shook my head as we walked into the elevator. Liv said Tesia likes me and I'm going to take her word for it. She wouldn't lie to me, especially about this. I smiled slightly at that thought. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask her out.

"Hey, T?" I called out once we got back into the bus. "What's up?" She asked. I panicked at first. This was real. I was seriously about to ask her out on another date. "Um, I was just wondering, if ummm..." My hand reached for the back of my neck as I scratched it awkwardly. "If what, Will?" She giggled. Well that was adorable, I thought. My face felt hot as I smiled down at her. I took a deep breath. "If you wanted to go out with me tonight?" My voice got higher at the end and my words got more rushed. Her face instantly brightened and her smile widened. "Of course." She giggled again. I resisted the urge to do my little Touchdown Dance while she was here. "Great! So, um, be ready at 5?" She nodded and skipped off to the back room where the girls were hanging out. She pressed the button to close the door, but before it closed I heard her squeal and jump around. "Will just asked-" is all I heard before the door closed completely. I looked around making sure no one was watching before doing a weird dance and fist pumping. I was too happy for life.

"Okay, bro! I got you!" Dana chuckled before going through my things. He pulled out a blue tank top and khaki shorts. "Wear this and whatever shoes match." He said before throwing them at me. I caught them and ran to change. We had 20 minutes before the bus stopped. We were on our way to the next state and once we got there I was taking Tesia to the nearest best restaurant I could find. I wanted this night to be perfect because I planned on asking her a pretty serious question while we are gone.

Once I was dressed I ran into the small bathroom and brushed my teeth again then fixed my hair trying to look as good as I could. The bus jerked to a stop and I heard Dalton obnoxiously yell out that we were here. I gulped down all nervousness and as confidently as possible, which wasn't very confident bc I'm me, I opened the door and walked out.

When my eyes settled on Tesia it felt like there was no more oxygen left in my lungs. She looked gorgeous. Her dark hair was perfectly waved and the light makeup she had on accented her features. She wore a blue sundress with a white belt and white sandals. "Close your mouth Mike Chang, you're drooling." The sarcastic comment from my best friend broke me from my gaze. I blinked and my cheeks flushed for the second time that day. Tesia chewed her bottom lip nervously as her face, too, was tinted pink. I cleared my throat. "Ready to go?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded before I opened the bus door and held my hand out to help her down. "Have fun, Tesia Jay!" Kc called out. I shook my head and smiled as Tesia giggled.

Olivia's POV

"I feel like a proud mom." I chuckled as I watched two of my best friends walk away holding hands. An arm came around my waist and I looked up at Dana. "Yeah, me too." I suppressed a laugh as Dana realized what he just said. "No! I meant I felt like a proud dad! Not mom! Ugh you get what I mean." I patted his chest and walked away to the couch laughing. Dana stood there looking at the ground with a lost look on his face. "What's wrong, babe?" I asked. He shook his head, but was still in deep thought.

He came and sat down next to me. It was silent for a while before he finally spoke up. "Meghan texted me today." His voice was barely above a whisper. I didn't know why he would tell me this. What was the point? To remind me that he couldn't fully be mine? "Okay, and?" His right hand rubbed his face. "She said she was sorry." A frown took over my lips. What? I was so confused. "What? Why would she be sorry?"

"I've been asking myself that question since I got the text. There's so much she could be sorry for." He frowned also. It was silent again as we both sat and thought about this.

"Hey, guys!" Kodi and Cole came skipping out of the back room with a smile and both of their faces. "Why the stressedness?" Kodi asked. I sighed and shook my head. "Meghan." Was all I said. She seemed to understand just from that one word. "Kc! Dalton! Gabe!" Cole yelled. They all came out from their hiding places. "We need to get their minds off of things." He stated. They all nodded and stood there quietly. "Let's play a game." Dalton suggested. I shrugged, "Why not?" And for the next 3 hours waiting for Tesia Jay to come back before the concert, we played Uno.



this chapter was more of a fill in and I wanted to add some of Will and Tesia's relationship (Tesia Jay) somewhere.

Drama next chapter so be prepared!


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