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"How is this?" Caroline asked. We were in Wet Seal and Caroline was trying on clothes. "I really like that. You should get it." I smiled. She nodded and ran back to the changing room. "We'll go see your little boyfriend after she's done here. I need a break!" Will sighed. I laughed and nodded, taking out my phone to text Cam and tell him I would be there soon. Caroline came out and we went to the check out line. We walked out of the store and made our way over to Starbucks listening to Caroline say how excited she was to finally meet Mr. Perfect.

The bell chimed when Will pushed the door open. Cameron's head shot up and turned towards the door. I giggled and a smile spread across his face. "Is that him?" Caroline asked in disbelief. I nodded and got in line. Only a few people stood in my way. "Hey!" Cam smiled when we finally got to the register. "Hey, Cam." He leaned over and kissed my cheek then greeted the other two with hellos. We ordered and he quickly made our drinks before calling a break. A small girl with dirty blonde hair pulled into a ponytail took his place. Cameron came and sat with us at a table.

We sat and talked to Cam until his break was over. Then decided on going to a few more stores before going home. Once we walked into the door my cheery mood vanished. Dana was sitting alone on the couch staring at his phone. When he looked up he gave us a small smile. "Hey, guys." He said. I smiled and went into my room putting all of my bags down. I noticed the other guys weren't in their rooms and wondered where they'd be. "Hey, where are the other guys?" I asked Dana. His head shot up at the sound of my voice and he sat up straighter. "The studio. I finished before them so I came home." I simply nodded and sat on the chair furthest away from him. He frowned slightly, but covered it up with a cough and looked back at his phone.

"I gotta go." Caroline states and stands up. "I promised Alex I'd take him to get these new shoes he wants." She gave each of us a hug before leaving. I looked down at my phone again noticing it was almost 6. "You're gonna be late if you don't leave within the next 5 minutes." I told Will. His eyes widened and he grabbed his keys saying a quick goodbye as he ran out the door. The atmosphere around us became awkward and silent. I noticed Dana kept stealing glances at me and opening his mouth like he wanted to say something, but couldn't. I ignored him and opened twitter. I went straight to my mentions and followed random fans that tweeted me nice things or asked for a follow then began scrolling through my timeline. I favorited a lot of funny tweets and retweeted a few of the boys' fans tweets to me. I stopped scrolling, however, when one of Dana's tweets caught my eye.

@DanaIM5: I miss you

I breathed in a deep breath and continued scrolling. I miss you, too, I thought to myself. Minutes passed and I grew to be impatient. I let out a loud sigh, "Are we just going to sit in awkward silence all night or are you gonna talk to me?" I asked. I watched as he licked his lips and sat up, nodding. "Um, how was your day?" He asked nervously. I couldn't help but laugh a little at what he decide to say. "It was good, I got new shoes. What about you? How was yours?" I was happy we were actually having conversation and to be completely honest, I missed this. "It was okay. I finished recording my part for a new song." I nodded, "That's cool." He nodded awkwardly and it fell silent again. "So, um, how's Cameron?" He asked. A small smile played on my lips as I answered. "He's great." Dana's expression changed to one I haven't exactly seen in a while. Broken. He looked broken when I said that and it made me feel like such a bad person. "Uh, how's, um, how's Meghan?" I asked. Suddenly my hands became very interesting as I watched myself play with my fingers. "She's good, I guess." He said. I nodded again, that feeling of someone pressing down on my chest coming back. "Why don't we play Madden?" I asked. He smiled and nodded then set everything up and threw me a controller. We played and laughed for hours. I completely forgot about everything that was going on and just focused on my time with Dana. We haven't spent time together and actually had a good time in a while.

"Nooo! You buttface!" I yelled at Dana. His guy tackled mine. Dana laughed, "One more game?" I nodded and we restarted just as the other boys walked in the door. "Ugh! I hate you!" Dana laughed and playfully pushed me. "You're never gonna beat me bro!" I giggled, tackling one of his guys. He groaned causing me to laugh harder. "Ummm..." I turned around to see 4 very confused boys. Dana paused the game and turned around. "Oh, hey." He said. Cole waved back, still confused out of his mind. I laughed, "You guys okay?"

"Wha? I thought... what?" Dalton asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Press play!" I demanded. He pressed play and we went back to the animated football game.

The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing. I saw Cam's name on the screen of my phone when I picked it up and answered. "Hey, Cam." I yawned into the phone. "Hey. Did I wake you up?" He asked sounding a bit guilty. I looked at the time, 11:49. "Yeah, but I should be getting up now anyway." I sat up in bed and stretched. "Okay, well, umm-" I chuckled a little, "What's up Cam?" I asked. "Uh, would you maybe want to go to the beach with me tomorrow?" He asked. I giggled, "Of course! What time?" Why would he be so nervous to ask me to go to the beach, I wondered. "Meet me there at 2?" He sounded more confidant now. "I'll be there." I smiled. "I'll be waiting." I giggled and we said our goodbyes. I got up and walked out of my room remembering the boys had a meeting with their record label today so I had the house to myself. Good thing, too, because I wasn't wearing pants.

Hours of doing absolutely nothing later, I got a call from Tesia. "Hello this is Jake from State Farm how could I assist you today?" I said as I pressed answer. "Put some pants on, I'm coming over." I furrowed my eyebrows, "How'd you know-" she cut me off. "I didn't. It was just a guess." She laughed. I went back to my room and slipped a pair of Soffees on while I talked to her. She hung up when she got into the elevator and soon she graced me with her presence.

"So tell me, what's going on with you and Will?" I asked. We were walking aimlessly around the beach. I noticed a blush creep up her cheeks and smile take its place on her lips. "I really like him." She admitted. "He's so sweet and funny! I bumped into him the a little while ago and he bought me pizza!" I smiled at her. "But I don't think he feels the same." She continued, letting her head fall as she watched our feet. I cannot believe she thinks that. "You're kidding, right?" she shook her head and sighed, "I mean why would he like me? He's perfect and I'm... I'm just me." She is so blind! "Yes, you are you and that's exactly why he does in fact like you back." Her eyes widened and mine soon followed realizing what I just said. "Crap! I wasn't supposed to say anything! He's going to kill me!" I rambled on. Tesia's face was red and her smile kept getting bigger. "He likes me!?" She asked. I just nodded and we continued our walk.

Hearing Tesia talk about how much she liked Will reminded me of how I used to talk about Dana and it kind of brought my mood down. I just wish he didn't hurt me like that and things could just go back to how they were! I miss him so much, but I'd be incredibly stupid if I ran back to him. I have Cameron now so I should stop thinking of Dana so much and start thinking about him.

My phone began to ring in my pocket so I took it out seeing it was Cam calling. Tesia gave me permission to answer so I happily slid my finger across the screen and put the phone up to my ear. "Hey!"


I know I know I know it's been forever! I'm sorryyyyy! My wifi still isn't working but I'm being a little badass and using my data. I hope you enjoy this little update!

I might need some time so I say this time 25 votes and 15 comments. I hope that'll buy me enough time to finish the next chapter! I love you guys thank you!

What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें