What Was That About

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"But do you like him?" Cam pushed. I sighed shaking my head. "No, Cam! How many times do I have to tell you, we are only friends!" Cam and I were fighting... again. It's been 4 months and me and Dana have gotten really close. Like best friend close, and obviously Cameron doesn't like that. We fight about this a lot lately; he thinks I have feeling for Dana. It's true, I do, but I'm not going to tell my boyfriend I am still in love with my ex. Speaking of Dana, he seems really down lately. I can't figure out why. He stopped bringing Meghan to the house or with us about 3 months ago because he knew how mean she was to me. "It sure as hell doesn't seem like you're just friends!" He yelled. I groaned and fell back on my bed. "Why do you do this!?" I asked. "Do what? Get mad when you flirt with your ex boyfriend in front of me? Because I'm pretty sure that's a normal thing for a guy to be mad about." I rolled my eyes.

Mine and Cameron's entire relationship has been like best friends. It's boring. We never do anything and he rarely kissed me anymore. He's still the sweetest guy ever and he says he really likes me a lot. I feel so bad, though. He's over here buying me food and telling me how much he likes me and I'm still thinking about Dana. I shake my head and sit up. "We don't flirt. That's the relationship we have! It was like that before we dated and it's like that after. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's not gonna change." Cam rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm gonna go. I need to let off some steam. I'll call you later, though." I nodded and he left.

"What was that about?" Cole asked, walking into my room with Kodi right behind him. I rose an eyebrow, but ignored it. "He's mad because he thinks I still have feelings for Dana and blah blah blah." Cole lets out a laugh. "Well he's right, isn't he?" I threw a pillow at Cole. "Leave me alone!" Kodi laughed at us and they walked out.

"He hasn't called yet?" Dana asked while playing with my fingers. "No." I rolled my eyes. Dana let out a light chuckle. "He's being so annoying about this!" I groaned. I didn't tell Dana the reason we got in a fight, only that we did. "I agree, but I can't really say anything because you won't tell me what it's about!" Dana whined towards the end. I giggle and pull him into a hug. "Shut up and hug me." Dana laughed and held me tight, a feeling of happiness filling me.

Dana's POV

I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face. In all honesty I get so happy when they fight. It gives me hope that they will break up and she could be with me again. I know what I did was horrible, but she doesn't understand! If I didn't do it she would've gotten hurt. I miss her, though. Being able to hold her like this whenever I want and kissing her just because I felt like it. She made me so happy and there was no doubt about it. I want her back so bad. She was my everything, IS my everything and seeing her with another guy hurts more than you will ever know. Especially when he's Mr. Perfect. Everybody loves him; he's perfect. I mentally scoffed and rolled my eyes. But it does feel good to know Liv still loves me. Well, I think she still does. I heard her talking to Will about me the night Cameron asked her to be his girlfriend. She kept saying that he didn't compare to me and she missed me, but there was one thing holding her back. I cheated on her. Gosh, I hate saying that. I never wanted to hurt her; that's the last thing I wanted to do. I was protecting her, keeping her from harm.

"Dana?" Olivia asked, pulling back slightly and looking into my eyes. "Yeah?" I whispered back. I watched her beautiful blue eyes in awe as they became slightly brighter. "I l-" She stopped herself, her eyes going wide. She pushed me off of her as her cheeks reddened. "I have to go... Do my homework." She rushed and ran into her room. I furrowed my eye brows, confused with her sudden dismissal.

Olivia's POV

Flustered, I ran my hands through my hair. Why would I say that? Reflexes, maybe. I shook my head and grabbed my phone, deciding to go for a quick walk. I told the boys where I was going and left the house. The walk was nice; it wasn't too hot. I smiled to myself as the song in my ear phones changed to Flights by Jack and Jack, some of my absolute favorite viners. I hummed quietly to the song as I neared the beach. A shockingly familiar voice interrupted my quiet jam session, though. "Olivia? What a surprise seeing you here!" I flinched at his sarcasm. "What do you want, Adam?!" I snapped. He chuckled disgustingly. "You, baby." I rolled my eyes and continued my walk. I felt a sharp pain go up my arm as he grasped it. "Let me go." I said as calm as I could. "Nah, I'd rather not." He pulled me closer to him and forcefully grabbed my waist. I flinched back but it only made him hold me tighter. "You've changed." He observed. I said nothing so he continued. "You're a lot hotter now." He said, his finger running down my cheek. A small whimper was let out of my mouth to which he laughed at. "don't be scared, babe. I won't hurt you... that bad." A tear fell from my eye as I fought to keep them back. I began to scream for help and try to kick him, but it did no use. Not one person was in sight and that's weird for LA. "Shut up!" He smacked me. My hand went straight to the throbbing skin as more tears fell. "Don't touch me!" I thrashed around in his arms, hoping to free myself from the strong boy. He threw me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach three times. "What did I tell you!?" he yelled. I balled myself up on the pavement, praying he would stop. I watched Adam search the streets for any passing bystanders. When the coast was clear he dragged my helpless body to an ally way in between two stores where he continued to beat me.

I cried and cried for about an hour with my back up against the cold wall of some bakery. I knew it was a bakery because I could smell the fresh treats. I shook with fear, praying Adam wouldn't return. My whole body hurt. I took my phone out to call the one person I knew wouldn't tell anyone. Cam. I didn't want the boys to know. They'd just get more worried and not let me go anywhere again. I tried to control my breathing as the phone rang. "Hey, Cam here. I'm really sorry I couldn't take your call, but leave your name and I'll call you back!" His voicemail. He sent me to his voicemail. Are you kidding me!? I called again, but the same thing happened.

I wiped my tears and slowly lifted my aching body from the ground. Limping, I made it home. As the elevator door opened I prayed to God no one was home. I pushed the door open, squeezing my eyes shut. I heard nothing so I opened the door all the way. I struggled to make it to my room, but when I did I collapsed on to my bed. Kicking off my shoes, socks, and pants, I got under the covers and snuggled as deep as I could until I fell asleep.






Sorry lol tbh I don't know what that was... BUT GUYS I HAVE THE PLAN TEST TOMORROW AND I DONT WANNA DO IT😭. And I need new friends so follow me on twitter @PenguinIM5 thanks babycakes!

What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now