Chapter 65

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"Niall. I'm so sorry. It-I never meant for it to go this far. Please just let me explain." I begged.

"Explain? What is there to even talk about? You fucking broke me! You broke us! You broke everything we had! And with my best friend, of all people."

"Please. It was never suppose to be like this. It was just suppose to be casual sex-"

"You slept with him? Are you serious?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"If you weren't happy with me then why didn't you just tell me?"

"I am happy with you, Niall. I am."

"Then why did you do this? Why did you decide to go and sleep with Zayn? He's engaged for fucks sake!"

"I don't know, okay?"

"This is because you lost the baby isn't it? You were trying to find something to do in order to keep your mind off of the loss, weren't you?"

"No, that's not it. If you would just let me explain-"

"You weren't the only one who lost the baby, Megan! It was mine also but you don't see me sleeping around!" He yelled.

"It wasn't your damn child!" I yelled.

"What?" He hissed.

"Skylar wasn't yours, okay? She never was. You didn't lose anything because it was never yours to lose."

"You mean she was- Zayn is-"

"Yes. Zayn was the father."

Niall's eyes went wide and his mouth slightly fell open. "And you didn't decide to tell me this until now?"

"I tried to tell you the day I found out but, it didn't work."

"Oh, it didn't work? Really? You're so full of shit." He snarled.

"Can you let me fucking explain? Just shut up for two seconds and let me speak, my god!"

"Fine." He shrugged, then sat down on the couch.

"Zayn came to me with a proposition only a week or two into the tour. He was looking for somebody to have sex with since Perrie wasn't around to satisfy his needs. I agreed to his proposal because he said it would only be about sex. No feelings. This was even before you and I went on our first date. I tried to end it a few times because I knew it was wrong and I knew that I was hurting you but, I couldn't. It got too deep and I started to fall in love with him."

"Wow, this is classic." Niall chuckled without humor.

"I never meant to hurt you." I whispered. "It was never suppose to be this way."

"It all makes sense now." He sighed. "All the times I would find you hanging out with him randomly, the weird tension I felt when we went on that double date with him and Perrie, why you got so mad when he proposed on stage, and why he wouldn't leave your side in the damn hospital. It all makes sense."

I didn't speak. I just stood there as he let everything all sink in.

"I fucking loved you." He finally said.

"And I loved you. I still do, Niall."

"But you love him more." He stated.

"I'm sorry."

"Well what now? That's it? He isn't going to get married and then you and him are going to live happily ever after?"

"No. He won't call off the wedding. Him and I are through. For good."

"Yeah? Well, so are we." Niall said. "I hope you're happy. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go check myself into a separate room. Goodbye."

I watched as he walked out of the room, my heart aching after him. I always knew this day would come. I just wasn't ready for it to be this soon. Everything had all gone to shit so fast and I had no idea how to handle it.

I walked out of the hotel room and walked slowly down the hall to Alex's room. She answered her door almost instantly.

"He knows." She stated simply. I didn't answer. I just broke down right there in the her doorway.

"Somebody sent him a picture." I sobbed. "I never wanted him to find out like that."

"I'm sorry."

"Who would have sent it? Oh god, I bet it was Perrie. I swear-"

"It was me, Megan." Alex said.

"What?" I said, shocked.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't let this shit go on any longer. It was time for it to end." She said, each word hitting me like a brick.

"You bitch."

"Excuse me?"

"He wasn't suppose to find out like that! I was suppose to tell him on my own!" I screamed.

"And when was that going to be? Tomorrow? Next month? Next year?"

"Shut up, Alex! You betrayed me. I thought I could trust you. How could you do this to me?"

"It was for your own good." She said.

"You obviously have no idea what's good for me."


"No! Don't. I'm done." I cried. "Just leave me alone."

I left her standing in her door and didn't turn back when she called my name. Once I made it back to my room, I laid down in the big king size bed and pulled the covers over my head and cried. Everything had finally caught up to me.

(Hey everyone! Sorry I made you wait so long. I was busy with YouTube and stuff:) but we are getting close to the end of the book! But I still haven't decided how I wanted it to end yet. How do you want it to end? Leave a comment and make sure to vote:) love ya!) -Jenny

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