Chapter 34

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"I can't do this. I really can't do this!" I said as a paced back and forth across the small dressing room.

"Megan, you'll be fine. We've played shows three times bigger than this one." Alex tried to calm me.

"Yeah, but it wasn't our own headlining show." I finally stopped moving and plopped down on the leather couch against the wall. I had been panicking all day about this show. Not only was this our first as the headliners but Zayn was going to be here watching. In fact, all five of the boys were going to be here. I just wasn't comfortable with him being there and, not to mention, Perrie.

Perrie had told me that she and Zayn would be coming to the first show but I didn't realize she would go through with it. So I was basically walking on pins and needles all night trying to avoid them.

"Megan, get your shit together! We are going on in an hour. Get dressed and stop freaking out." Alex said, grabbing my shoulders and giving me a shake. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself once again. I couldn't let Zayn ruin one of the most important shows of my life.

"Here. Take your outfit and go get dressed. Then meet me back here for hair and makeup." I nodded, taking the clothes from her hands before she shoved me out of the door. I quickly made my way to the bathroom, weaving in and out of stage-hands and light techs.

Finally, I had the chance to slip on my high waisted skirt, crop-top, and black heels. I took a deep breath when I was done and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like hell. Not that I was expecting anything better but a girl can dream right? I had dark circles under my eyes from all the recent nights of crying images of sleeping, my hair was a tangled mess from me practically pulling it out all day, and my face was unmistakably pale.

"Fuck my life." I sighed. I had been through hell and back the past few weeks and still, nothing was better. Weren't wounds suppose to heal? Doesn't this feeling go away? If so, it needed to happen in the best forty-five minuets or else I was going to go insane.

After a few more minuets of self pity, I finally dragged myself out of the bathroom and back to the dressing room to have my face and hair picked at and prodded until I was perfect.

"Hey Megan." I heard a familiar man's voice behind me. I smiled slightly before turning.

"Hey baby- oh." My heart practically dropped in my stomach once I saw that the man before me was not my boyfriend, but Zayn. And, my god, did he look good. He had on black skinny jeans, vans, and a very "skater-boy-ish" shirt. So simple yet so amazing on him.

"I, um, just wanted to tell you good luck and congratulations on the show." He said, seeming sincere. His kind words drilled and even deeper hole in my heart than before. These past few days, I felt nothing but hate towards this boy, wishing the worst on him. Yet, here he stands, and I want nothing more than to be in his arms and apologize for everything that had happened.

Love is weird like that, I guess.

"Um, thank you." I answered him awkwardly. I dropped my eyes from his and stood there saying nothing more. There was so much we were both not saying but wanted to. I knew he wanted to talk and he knew I did but we both stood there and kept silent.

"Megan are you- are you okay-" he started to say before we were interrupted.

"Hey Megan where- oh. Um hurry up. We need to get you ready. Hey Zayn." Alex said, slightly shuddering when she caught sight of Zayn who waved sheepishly at her.

"Um, bye. Thanks for the chat." I mumbled, scampering off to meet up with Alex.

"What was that about? Are you okay?" She whispered to me once I say down in the chair she had out for me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Was I really? No.

"Alright then. Let's get you all dolled up."

Thirty minuets later, my hair was curled and my makeup was on and intensely dark. I loved it. Most of my nerves were gone now and i was in 'show mode' as I liked to call it.

"Let's go! The crowd is waiting." One of the stage-hands said, leading us to the stairs. "Okay, you're on!"

We ran up and took our places on the stage, the crowd roaring. Then, the stage lights turned on and shined down on us. A huge smile took over my face as I looked out and saw the sea of people. When the music started, we started our song and everything was perfect and it was.. up until our second to last song.

While performing, I glanced into the audience and saw a familiar boy with a baseball cap on in the third row, making me stumble and drop my mic. It was Zayn. He was suppose to be up in the box watching with the rest of our friends, the box where I wouldn't be able to see him from the stage. I quickly picked up my mic and attempted to get back in the song but failed miserably. I forgot the harmonies and words all at once. In order to save myself, I put my mic out to the audience for them to sing.

I shot Alex and Lola a very apologetic look once the song was over. They both looked annoyed beyond belief. I took a deep breath and looked back out to see Zayn's expression but was met with only the faces of screaming fans. He was gone.

"Alright guys! Before our last song I was asked to do a favor by a really good friend of mine. His name is Zayn." I heard Lola say. My head snapped around to look at her. "Zayn wanted to borrow the stage for just a moment if you guys don't mind."

I looked over at Alex who was just as puzzled as I was. Then my attention turned over to Zayn as I saw his figure come out from behind the stage, microphone in hand.

"Um, hi. My name is Zayn." He said, earning deafening screams from the audience. "I wanted to congratulate these girls on this side tour they are doing. They deserve it." He said, his eyes looking directly at me. "But I wanted to take this time to bring my girlfriend out here for a moment."

I stopped breathing as soon as he said his request. My eyes darted over to the stairs to a very flustered Perrie walking up them and over to Zayn. He turned around to her, taking one of her hands in his before speaking.

"Perrie, you and I have been together a very long time. You make me happier than you know and I love you so much and I know you would do anything to make me happy.But, there is one thing you could do to make me even happier than you already have." He said, getting down on his knee.

No. He wouldn't. He can't do this.

"Perrie will you marry me?"

(Sorry it's taken so long for an update. I'm having the most emotional week of my life and I hate it. Please vote and comment. Also, please check out my other fanfic called Infected (a Harry Styles fanfic.) Thank you.) -Jenny

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