Chapter 13

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"Because you're going to spend the night with me."
My heart lurched and my stomach flipped.
"What? Where?" He chuckled at my facial expression.
"My room of course. The same one from last night." He said, taking out a cigarette casually and lighting it.
"What am I suppose to tell the girls? They might get suspicious." I said, watching him walk over and slump down on my bed.
"Just tell them you're tired and want to go to sleep. Shows take a lot out of a person so it's a believable excuse." I guess that could work. How is he so cool and calm about this?
"How are you so.. carefree about this situation? We could get caught at any moment. The media have ways of getting all sorts of shit on us. They could get pictures of us coming back to the hotel at the same time and instantly piece something together, Zayn." He rolled his eyes at me and put his cigarette out in the ashtray on the nightstand by my bed.
"Megan, chill out. Do you also know how easy it is to deny those claims? I do it all the time. You wouldn't believe all the shit I've gotten away with just by saying a rumor wasn't true."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure. This isn't the first time I've done this. Now, go finish getting ready. I'll see you at the interview." Zayn said, getting up to leave. He shot me a quick wink and was out the door....

The girls and I loaded up into the SUV after the interview with the boys. They were both squealing with excitement other than me, who just thought the interview was a bit awkward.
"I can't believe we just had out first interview! Oh my god!" Lola gushed. I don't know why she was so excited. They didn't even ask about us! They mainly only wanted to know if we were secretly hooking up with one of the boys or wanted to know who was the funniest backstage. Of course I was the one to get the "who would you want to date out of the five" question. I tried to dodge it but of course they wouldn't let me off the hook, so I blurted out Niall's name to be safe.
"So Megan, I didn't know you liked Niall." Alex said, raising her eyebrow at me and smirking.
"I don't. I just wanted the guy to shut up is all."
"But did you see Niall's face when you said that? I swear I've never seen anybody go that red!"
"Shut up Alex! He did not!"
I rolled my eyes as Alex kept on teasing me as if we were in grade school. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, trying to mentally prepare for the show and also the 'after party.' tonight.

(Sorry guys! Just wanted to do a short little update before I went to bed. Hmm... Megan and Niall? I might be cooking a lil something up lol. I'll update tomorrow or the next! Keep voting and commenting! -Jenny<3 )

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