Chapter 53

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"You're kidding right?" I begged. The last time my "dad" made a statement, everything went to shit. This was the last thing I needed right now.

"I wish I was."

"Oh my god." I groaned. "What did he say this time?"

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"I'm going to eventually so I might as well hear it now."

Alex nodded and then started to read the article out loud.

"Recent photos have led people to believe that One Direction member Niall Horan is going to be a father very soon. His girlfriend, Megan Bates, has been seen purchasing a pregnancy test which was followed up by the couple being spotted at a clinic in New York City. Witnesses in the clinic said the couple looked "very in love and excited.""

I rolled my eyes at the exaggeration.

"But, not everything is all hearts and flowers in the future parents' world. According to Megan's father, he has been told that he will have no role in his grandchild's life. He tells reporters that "she is planning on keeping my grandchild from me and has caused me nothing but turmoil in the past few months. I want nothing more than to be a supportive father and now a supportive grandfather but I can't get through to her. The fame has gone to her head." He then goes on to discuss her ability to take care of children and states that she is "careless" and is "too worried about herself." Because of this, Jim Bates plans on fighting for his grandchild's custody in court once the child is born."

Fighting for his grandchild's custody in court? Fighting for his grandchild's custody in court.

"No!" I yell. "No, he can't do that to me! He's fucking psycho!"

"Megan, calm down."

"Calm down? My father is in the middle of ruining my career and trying to take my child away from me! There is no being calm in this situation!"

"Megan. We have to talk to our management about this and let them know what's going on. Then, they can help us find the best lawyer money can buy and this will all go away. Just please calm down."

"Fine. Let's call Liz then." I suggested.

"Good idea."

I picked up my phone and dialed my manager who picked up on the fist ring.

"Megan. I was hoping you would call."

"Oh. I take it you read the article."

"I all but memorized it. So it's true then? You're pregnant?"

"That's the only true thing about that article." I explained.

"Fuck. Alright, well I didn't see this coming at all but I'm on it."

"Okay. I want to take my father to court."

"I thought you would." She said. "I called a few of the best lawyers I know and I think I'm on to something."

"Thank you Liz."

"No problem. Now, you have a show to get ready for so go. Goodbye." She said then hung up.

"Fuck! I forgot we had a show." I whined and dropped my face into the palms of my hands.

"You will be fine. Come on, let's get ready here then go to the venue. We are playing Madison Square Garden Meg! At least look at the bright side here."

"You're right, you're right. I'll get ready okay?"

My phone started to ring.

"Okay good. I'll let you answer that. I'll see you in about an hour."

She left my room, giving me some privacy to talk to Liz.


"Hello Megs."

Except it wasn't Liz.

"Hello Dad."

(Ooooo. Hello! Hope you liked this update:) it wasn't as long as I thought it would be. Oopsies. I'll probably update tomorrow though:) anyways, vote and comment please!)- Jenny

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