Chapter 18

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"Rise and shine!"

Ugh, no.

"We have to be at the venue in an hour and you still haven't begun re-packing your stuff! We're leaving very early tomorrow mor-"

"Alright Lola. I'm up, I'm up!"

I forced my eyes open to glance at the clock. I had been asleep for twelve hours and I was still tired. I mentally cringed at the thought of doing a show tonight this exhausted.

"Oh, Megan you really should have went to that party last night! It was so much fun. So many famous people were there!" Lola gushed. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"It was so much fun. Also, Louis got really drunk and started teasing Niall about you." She giggled.

I groaned and force myself to sit up on the bed.

"Why did he do that?"

"Isn't it obvious? Niall likes you! And you like him."

"Um, no. That's not true."

"Come on." She scoffed. "You said in our interview yesterday that you thought he was cute and tonight you are going to dinner with him. Hello! It's a dead give away, Megan."

I pushed myself off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Ugh, I was a mess.

"It's just dinner. Two people eating together and having a good time. That's it." I reached over to grab a hair tie, pulling my hair back before I started on my makeup. I heard Lola giggle slightly behind me.

"What?" She was so weird sometimes.

"It looks like you guys have already had a good time together before." She said, pointing to my neck.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror before me. My eyes almost instantly found what she was referring to.


I had love bites in three different places on my neck from last night.

"Oh, uh, those are from my curling iron. You know I always burn myself." I lied, hoping she would believe me.

"Oh please. Do you honestly think I'm going to fall for that?" She said laughing.

Of course she would know I was lying. That was one of the oldest excuses in the book.

"You didn't have those the last time I saw you. Not to mention Niall left the party before all of us." She smirked. "Plus, the only other person not at the party was Zayn and-"

"No! No. It wasn't Zayn." I frantically cut her off. "I-it was Niall."

"I was going to say it couldn't have been Zayn because he's with Perrie. No need to freak out." She laughed. "At least that got you to admit that you and Niall were messing about."

Oh for fuck's sake.

I instantly felt guilty about lying but I pushed that feeling away. It had to be done just in case. I mentally cringed thinking about what would happen if Lola, or anybody for that matter, found out about Zayn and I.

"Well, enough chit chat. You work on covering your neck up and I'll go and pick you out something to wear tonight!" She said excitedly. I rolled my eyes and waved her on.

It took multiple layers of makeup to cover up the hickeys even slightly. I had to rely on my hair now to cover up the red marks. I just prayed that it was enough to keep the paparazzi and fans from noticing.

"This! You have to wear this!" I took a break from finishing up my makeup to look at what Lola had picked out for me. It was a short red dress with long sleeves.

"Lola, I can't wear that! It's too fancy."

"No it's not! It will make you look amazing. Plus, have you forgotten? You're being watched by the world now."

I shuddered slightly at her words.

"Come on. I bet Niall will be impressed." She smiled. I sighed and nodded my head, giving in to wishes.

"Yay! Okay come on! We have to go to the venue. I'll put the dress and a pair of heels in a bag for you so you can change after we perform." She said, leaving the bathroom to go find a garment bag.

"Okay. I'll meet you at the car after I change into my stage clothes." I say.

After she left I quickly changed and did finishing touches on my hair, making sure it covered everything that I didn't want anybody to see.

I grabbed my garment bag and my purse and headed out the door. I jumped and yelped slightly as a figure standing in the hallway appeared as soon as I opened the door.

It was Zayn.

"So I hear you're going on a date with Niall."

(Thanks for reading the update! And thanks for being patient. An update will come soon as possible but I'm not sure when. School starts again tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'll have any time to write but I'll sure try! Please vote, comment, and share this story! The more votes I get the faster I update;) -Jenny)

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