Thank you.

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It's been 3 years since I finished and ultimately finished this story. I had planned to do more parts but, realized that I wasn't passionate about the story anymore. I'm 21, almost 22 now. Lots of things have changed and today I decided to look back on this story that took me almost 2 years to write. It has accumulated over 146,000 reads and 3K votes and, although I'm a little embarrassed about the content and quality of my writing, I'm very proud of myself and thankful to all who have taken the time to read this piece.
I've since found some more inspiration for writing and have decided to slowly start working on a new piece. Im not sure if it will be a fanfic (honestly, probably will. I love this shit) but, it will be something that may take some time and something very different from this type of theme. There will be romance because, let's be real, I'm a sucker for that shit. However, I'm older now and my interests have developed so, I'm excited to see where I go.
Once again, thank you. I hope you decide to check out my other cringy writing that's I have for you or come back when I start publishing more.
Jenny Marie

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