Chapter 12

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J.F chapter 12

My sleeping was disturbed by bright sunlight shining through the window of my hotel room. I groaned and slowly slid off my bed, wincing as my feet touched the floor.
I was incredibly sore. My thighs felt as if they were on fire.

Memories of the night before flooded back into my mind. No wonder why I was so damn sore. I hobbled over to the bathroom, turning on the shower.
I dropped my closed in the corner and stepped into the water, the scalding water soothing my muscles. I grabbed my coconut scented body wash and massaged it gently into my skin. The aroma filtered through the air, calming me.

"The real work starts tomorrow." I remember him saying. I honestly don't think I can handle his type of "work." Last night was crazy enough for me.
I recall him saying he wasn't going to be romantic anymore. I mean I should expect that right? It's not like him and I are a thing. Well, we are something, just nothing more than fuck buddies.
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a plush white towel around me body. I brushed the tangles out of my hair and turned to walk out of the bathroom to grab my clothes.

"Fuck!" I yelled, catching sight of a leather jacket clad Zayn sitting on my bed.
"Surprise." He said with his famous smirk, which I wanted to slap off his face at this point.
"What are you doing in here?"
"Lovely to see you to Megan." He said sarcastically. "I was just doing to fill you in on the plans for today."
"Well you could have at least knocked." I awkwardly walked over to my suitcase and grabbed the first thing I could find.
"Megan, I've seen you naked already. I don't have to knock anymore."
I rolled my eyes at his response and trotted off to the bathroom to change.
"So the boys and I have an interview today and management wants you girls to come along. That's going to be in about two hours. Then we have a show tonight, then after the boys are going to go to a party. You and the girls are invited." He yelled through the door. I slipped on the dress I had randomly pulled out of my bag. I mentally gagged as I looked at it. It was the shortest dress I owned and it was black. Lola had gotten it for me for my birthday last year.
"Oh, and you're not going to the party."
I opened the door to the bathroom, now fully dressed, and gave him a puzzled look.
"And why not?"
Zayn smirked "because you're going to spend the night with me."

( hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in fucking ever. Now, I'm more inspired to write and will update every day or every other day. But keep the comments coming and leave suggestions! And follow me on twitter:) @datbiebercraic btw I came up with this concept way before Zayn and Perrie were engaged so no disrespect to them. I love them both:) )

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