Chapter 40

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"Babe, do you really think this is a good idea? I mean, these reporters can twist your words and make it seem like-"

"Niall, please." I sighed. I sat in the backseat of an SUV with Niall on our way to see a reporter by the name of Jason who would be conducting Zayn and my interview. I had called him up first thing because I knew he was notorious for conducting interviews about Hollywood scandals and once he had heard both Zayn and I would be attending, he jumped at the opportunity.

"I'm just saying Megan, this probably isn't the best idea. You don't know what kind of shit this guy is going to pull out of his ass." Niall explained. I rolled my eyes for about the millionth time this car ride and tried to ignore him. He had been against this idea since the moment I told him that it was going to happen. But, what else was I suppose to do now?

"That's why it's good Zayn will be there. He's been in the business longer than me and knows all of their tricks, just like you. He can deal with the questions if that happens." I assured him. He nodded, staying quiet. He knew I had a valid point.

We pulled up to the secret location where the interview would be held. A few paparazzi had managed to follow us here, clicking their cameras every chance they got. I don't think I would ever warm up to the idea that my life was now able to be broadcasted for the world to see. It was more than impossible to wrap my head around.

I use to think that being famous would be the best thing in the world and that celebrities only said that they hated being famous because they didn't want to seem stuck up or ungreatful. Now, I knew a little bit more about the negative part of fame and had no idea why I wanted this in the first place. So many people were out to watch you fall, wanted you to fail, everything you did was watched by people you didn't even know all around the world and, if you didn't watch every move you made and everything you said, it could be the end of you and your dreams.

"Well, we're here. Are you ready babe?" Niall asked.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be." I sighed.

We followed a security guard back into a small little room that had a few cameras set up and voice recorders laid out on a table. Workers scrambled around trying to set up a few more lights and the background to make it seem like we were in a luxurious room on camera. My eyes scanned over the room once more until I stopped when they locked with a familiar pair of brown ones.

Zayn was already here, dressed in a red long sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans. He looked at ease and completely calm which made me relax slightly. If Zayn was here, I would be okay.

"Megan, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Jason." I turned around to face our interviewer. He was tall, in his mid 20's, and dressed in a very nice suit. I reached my hand out and shook his hand, forcing a small smile to appear on my lips. "Thank you for calling me. I'm so glad you chose me to do this interview."

"Yeah, well I'm just glad this whole things is going to get sorted out." I said.

"Right. So, we are going to have you both sit on the couch right over there," he said, pointing over to a plain white couch, "and I'll be sitting across from you asking questions. Simple enough, right? Right. Okay, let's get started."

I went over and took a seat on the couch and was joined by Zayn a moment later. We didn't greet each other which would have bothered me but then I remembered why we were here and that we had to be extremely on our guard. This guy was a professional and could pick up on any little thing that slipped. There was no room for mistakes.

"Okay, we're rolling. Welcome, Megan and Zayn and thank you for meeting with me today." Jason started, his posture and voice range instantly turning more professional.

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