Chapter 23

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"Jim! Please! Keep it down. Megan is asleep."

My mothers yelling woke me up from my sleep, just like countless times before. I heard glasses shattering in our kitchen down the hall as my mother kept trying to calm my father down.

"Don't tell me what to do."

I could hear the familiar drunk slurs in my fathers words as he spoke. That's how he always came home from work. Always drunk, angry, and smelling like whiskey.

He wasn't always like this, so I hear. My mother would always tell me that he changed once I was born. He would stay out later than usual and he stopped sleeping in the same bed as her. "The romance was gone." She always said, making me feel guilty.

"Jim! That's our family picture. Don't break it." I heard my mother plead. My father barked out a laugh.

"This family is already broken. Might as well break the picture to."

"Well maybe we would be in a better place if you wouldn't come home fucking drunk off your ass every damn night. Ever think of that?"

I laid frozen in my bed. It instantly went quiet in the kitchen, which terrified me. I could imagine my fathers furious face, red with anger, as he glared at my mom.

The silence was finally broken but not the way I thought it would be. My mothers scream rang through the house, making me jump out of bed and run down the hallway to the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks as I took in the scene before me.

My father had my mom pinned up against the wall, his hands wrapped around her throat, choking her.

"Stop!" I screamed. "Stop! You're hurting her!"

He turned his head to look at me and smirked, dropping his hands from around my mom's neck. She collapsed on the floor, gasping desperately for air.

"Aw, how sweet." He slurred. "Mommy's little hero, right? Her little twelve year old hero." He threw his head back in laughter. "What are you going to do you little shit? Kick me? Cry? Or hey, why don't you sing me some of those sad songs you think you can sing?"

I tried to hold back my tears but failed miserably which made him smile widen more.

"You're so fucking pathetic. Out of all the mistakes I could have made I had to make you, right? What luck."

He started to walk towards me, his hand raised, ready to swing. I cringed, waiting for the impact when the door flew open.

"Stop right there! Hands above you're head!"

I opened my eyes back up and found three police men standing behind me. My mother had somehow called the cops during their altercation, saving me from my fathers attack.

-----------end of flashback------------

" They restrained my father and took him to jail that night. And a week later, he was found guilty of spousal abuse and child abuse in our town court. Leaving my mother and I to fend for ourselves for the next few years. We had to live on good stamps and sometimes go to a community kitchen for food. We were so bad off.."

Zayn sat across from me, watching me intently as I finished my story. He had sat and listened the entire time, never interrupting. Just listening.

"Now, I just worry about my mom. I left her all alone. Without anybody. I worry about her every day." I almost whisper, holding back tears.

I had never opened up to anybody about what had happened, ever. Yet, for some reason, I knew Zayn would be the right person to open up to.

"Megan, your mom will be just fine." He said, finally speaking. He reached over to put his hand on top of mine, reassuring me.

"I hope so. I'm just so worried." I sighed.

"What is there to worry about? Nobody can hurt her."

Oh, if only that were true.

"Zayn, my dad gets out of jail next month." I whispered. I looked up to find him looking conflicted. Mixed emotions in his face.

"I'll make sure your mom is safe." He said.


"Don't worry about it. She will be fine. I promise." Zayn assured me.

"Thank you so much." A slight smile formed on my face, making him smile to.

"Well I need to get to bed I suppose" He said, getting up from the table. I stood up also and walked with him to the door.

Zayn put his hand on the handle then suddenly froze, turning around.

"Megan, you had nothing to do with what happened that night. I want you to know that." He said.

I stopped breathing for a moment, shocked about what he had said.

"You're an amazing person. One of the best. And I don't want you thinking otherwise, okay?" He said. I shook my head, unable to speak. He then took my face in his hands and planted a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. It wasn't sexual in any way, just sweet, which made my heart almost beat out of my chest.

Zayn pulled away all too soon and then turned to leave.

"Wait." I stopped him, remembering a question I needed to ask him.

He turned around and waited for me to speak.

"Why did you wait up for me?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

Zayn looked at me for quite a while, his eyes looking strait into mine. Finally, he spoke.

"I really don't know." He mumbled, turning on his heel and walking our the door. Leaving me.

(Hey guys. I've been dealing with some personal stuff so I don't know when I'll update next. Please be patient. Vote vote vote! Also, comment why you think Zayn waited for Megan to get back on her date with Niall;) love you guys) -Jenny

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