Chapter 27

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One week. It's been a week since I had dinner with Zayn, Niall, and Perrie. And one week since my little slip up. I haven't spoken to Zayn since and I wasn't exactly planning on it either.

Perrie was finally leaving today. I was getting extremely tired of having to sit and watch her and Zayn together. They were so carefree. Walking around holding hands, cuddling on the dressing room couch, stealing kissing without having to hide it. I was so envious it was almost sick.

Niall and I were official now. We constantly went out and about on our free time, spending almost every moment together. He even told an interviewer he was with me, causing a frenzy with his fans.

He, of course, was wonderful. He makes me laugh and makes me happy. He surprises me with flowers, gives me kisses on the forehead when we are watching a movie together, and watches every one of my performances with a big smile. He is the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and I really like him.

He just isn't Zayn.

"Hey babe, can you pass me my jacket?"

"Yeah. Which one?"

"The leather one."

I nodded and handed Niall his jacket. We were getting ready to go to a party. The boys had planned a kick back at a local club they had rented out. We all needed to have some fun and a break from our busy schedule.

All the boys, the girls, and some of our friends would be there. Perrie, on the other hand, wouldn't be. So I made sure to look my best to show Zayn exactly what he was missing.

Blonde hair cascaded down my back in long waves, my red dress clung to my curves in every perfect way possible, and my black stilettos made my legs look a mile long. I had a good feeling about tonight.

"Come on babe, the party is going to start soon."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Niall said. "Shouldn't I be the one rushing you?" He laughed, grabbing my hand in his.

"That is technically true, but we aren't exactly normal so.."

"What? I'm normal!" He said, pulling a face. I laughed and shook my head.

"Okay, maybe I'm not."

"Not even close, babe."

"Okay hush. Let's go party!"


"Niall, what time is it now?" I yelled over the music. We had been here for ages it seemed, dancing and drinking.

"It's only midnight, love. But if you want to leave we can."

My feet were killing me and I was dead tired. My bed sounded so nice right now, but I couldn't leave. Zayn still hasn't shown up yet.

"No I'm okay. We can stay for a few more hours." I said with a smile. Niall nodded and kissed me swiftly on the lips before going to mingle with some of the crowd. I smiled slightly watching how carefree he was around everyone, laughing and talking with each one of the guests regardless of if he knew them or not. Even if he wasn't who I wanted the most, I still wanted him. I adored him. I knew it was selfish, but isn't that a part of liking somebody?

I pushed my confused thoughts aside and grabbed a drink. It was strong, toxic. I sipped slowly on it, savory each time the burning liquid went down my throat.

"You know, you probably shouldn't be drinking. You turn into a babbling monster when you're intoxicated." A voice said behind me. I knew the voice instantly. I smiled darkly and turned around to face him.

Zayn stood before me, his usual cocky smirk was plastered on his face. And, oh god, did he look sexy.

"Well, fancy seeing you here."

He chuckled at my cliché statement, shaking his head.

"Very fancy indeed."

He looked at me with intense eyes and I took another sip of my drink, then bit down on his bottom lip. Oh, what I wouldn't do to bite that for him.

"You look incredible tonight, Megan"

I smirked, mirroring his expression.

"You look pretty good yourself."

He chucked darkly then leaned in closer to me.

"But you would look even better out of that dress and under me."

My body felt like it was shocked by an electric current at his words, words I wanted to hear all night.

I bit down on my lip and looked up at him, my eyes telling him I wanted him. He jerked his head to the side, motioning me to follow him into what looked like a dark hallway.

I didn't hesitate jumping up from my seat and quickly following him, but not before I finished the rest of my drink in one gulp for some extra courage. I was practically tingling. I had been craving his touch for so long, and I couldn't wait much longer.

Once we were under the cover of the darkness, Zayn's lips found mine instantly. I could feel the urgency in the kiss as it deepened quickly. His tongue found mine and I couldn't help but let out a soft moan into his mouth. His hands gripped my backside, lifting me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. My back was forced up against the wall, his body pressed up against me. I could feel his growing erection between my legs.

"Let's get out of here."

I needed him. Now.

"What about Niall?"


"Ill tell him I got tired and went back to the hotel early." I panted.

"Fair enough." He said, setting me down on my feet.

He grabbed my arm and led me out a back entrance that opened up into an alley way behind the club.

"Come on. If we go a certain way we can find a side street and catch a taxi." He said, taking my hand.

We walked and walked until we finally found what looked like a deserted road. It was late and little to no cars were out and about.

"Zayn, I don't see any taxis."

"They will come. Give it some time."

I nodded but was slowly growing impatient and wary. The street we were on was clearly on the wrong side of town to be on. A few homeless people were sleeping on the sidewalk and one was digging through the trash.

One of them stood across the street, staring at us intently. I huddled closer to Zayn for protection as the mans stare seemed to get even more intense. I took a good look at his face, studying him.

I gasped. This guys was neither homeless nor a stranger. I knew him.


(Hey guys! So I hope you liked this weeks update. I'm sorry it's only once a week but senior year is taking a lot out of me. So who do you guys like more? Zayn and Megan or Niall and Megan? Leave a comment and make sure to vote! It helps me out a lot:) thanks.) -Jenny

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