Chapter 10

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It had been a long ass day. We arrived at the hotel around 6:00 in the morning and had to fight through a crowd of girls who were waiting for the boys. Later, we had to go to a few radio stations for interviews and a CD signing. Even on our day off from the shows, we still had work to do.

"We are done, thank God!" Alex said, throwing her hands in the air. We were on our way back to the hotel, finally. I had gotten hardly any sleep last night. Four hours, to be exact. I was running on fumes.

"Now we can go around town!" Lola squealed. Damn, only she could still be bubbly after countless hours of interviews.

"I'm down for that! I'm so hungry. We could go eat. Where do you want to go, Megan?" Alex asked.

"I think I'll just chill in the room and order some room service. I'm exhausted."

"Okay, suit yourself." Alex told the driver to drop me off at the front and them take them back downtown. I waved goodbye to them and half ran into the hotel, eager to sleep.

I was surprisingly stopped by a few people in the lobby for pictures.

"So do you hang out with the boys a lot?" A girl with long brown hair asked.

"Sometimes. They are super busy so the girls and I just mainly hang out with them before the shows." I smiled, then leaned in to take a picture with her.

"Do you like any of them?" She smirked.

"Me? Oh, no. Not like that. Plus, I'm sure if I did, I wouldn't live much longer." I joked, knowing how insane their fans could get.

"Oh, and why is that?" I heard a male voice say. I turned to see Zayn walking out of the elevator, the girls around me squealed in unison. My heart fluttered at the sight of him. He was dressed in a tight black long sleeved shirt and skinny jeans, his hair perfectly styled.

"Oh, you know. Because your fans would kill me." I tried to smiled, but failed. He made me so nervous, I could hardly function.

"They wouldn't do that, would you girl?" They all squealed out no's and giggled. I rolled my eyes, they were putty in his hands. He walked closer to me and leaned in for a hug.

"Go to my room in fifteen minuets. Change first. I left some stuff in your room." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

He pulled away smirking.

"Okay, who wants a quick picture?" He asked, getting hounded by the girls. I quickly made my exit, my hands shaking as I hit the buttons on the elevator.

"Fucking shit." I mumbled to myself. I wanted to sleep, damn it! The elevator doors opened finally and I made my way to my room, taking a deep breath before opening the door. I walked in to the rather small room and saw a little package with a blue bow on it. I dropped my bag on the floor and walked over to it.

My shaking hands opened the box, and hesitated to undo the tissue paper which was covering some type of clothes.

"Fuck, just do it Megan." I took a deep breath and threw the tissue to the side. My eyes practically popped out of my head when I realized what he had gotten me.

It was a matching set of red lace underwear, both practically see-through.

"You have got to be kidding me." I mumbled. I rolled my eyes, but started to change into them. They fit perfectly. I put my clothes back over them and fixed my hair, checking myself in the mirror one last time.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand next to me.


"Hey, my room is 705. See you in a few." Zayn said, and then hung up.

"Well bye." I mumbled to myself, rolling my eyes.

I made my way down the hall to his room, stopping at the door when I got there. I stood there for a moment trying to calm down.

"Just do it, dammit." I whispered. I lifted my hand to knock on the door, but it opened before I could even make contact.

I looked up to see Zayn starring down at my with an amused look.

"You debating on making a run for it?" He smirked.

"I was, but I decided against it." I admitted.

"Well, you have a few seconds to change your mind. Because after you walk in this door, there is no turning back." He said. His words scared me, not even going to lie. But, I wanted this. I wanted him.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said. He smirked, taking my hand.

"Good. Plus, I don't think I would have let you leave anyways." He admitted, lifting our entwined hands to kiss the top of mine.

"Here we are." He said once we reached the bedroom. He opened the door and my jaw practically dropped to the floor at what I saw.

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