Chapter 37

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"We need to talk."

Zayn's angry facial expression and posture made me turn defensive. I instantly stood up straight and crossed my arms over my chest, standing my ground.

"No, we don't actually. I don't want to waste any more of my breath or time on you. So, I would appreciate it if you would leave me the fuck alone." I bark, attempting to close the door which he forcibly stops.

"If you don't want to waste your breath and time on me then why do you keep leading on the press? Why don't you just deny everything? I listened to one of your call-in radio interviews earlier and when they asked about the situation you said "no comment."" He fumed.

"I would if I could, but my manager insists on dragging out the story for publicity. It's not like I enjoy people thinking I'm a whore!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"For fucks sake, Megan. Lower your voice." He hissed. "Let me in. Now."

I hesitated at first, then moved out of the way, allowing him to walk past me and into my room.

"I want you to say what you have to say then I want you out." I ordered.

"Yeah, yeah I know. You don't have to tell me twice." He barked back. "Anyways, you need to tell these damn reporters that what you did last night wasn't what it seemed. You can't have them thinking that you and I had a thing. It would ruin everything-"

"No it wouldn't, Zayn. It would ruin me. You have everything in the world! If you asked for anything you would get it in a heart beat. Your fans would worship you even if you murdered somebody right in front of their face. And what do I have? I have nothing." I sighed. "I've only been in the business for a few months. I'm disposable. I don't have a huge fan-base like you or the world at my finger tips. But I can't just tell them it didn't happen."

"And why not?"

"Like I said, I'm disposable. If I go against my managements orders, not only will I get fired, but so will the other girls. I can't do that to them." I explained. Zayn ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. Then he started to pace back and fourth across the room.

"I just don't understand why you reacted in the way. It was just so childish and stupid. You brought this on yourself." He grumbled.

"Childish? Who are you to bring your girlfriend on stage during my first show and ruin the moment for the girls and I? Last night was suppose to be all about us and you took that away from us to propose to your bitch!" I yell, my my hands clenching into fists by my side. Zayn stopped pacing and stood still for a moment before turning to me once again.

"What did you just say?" He bared through his teeth.

"Did. I. Stutter." I said, emphasizing each word carefully.

"You should be glad I proposed. I practically saved that shit show and probably stopped your 'fans' from starting a riot. And keep my damn fiancé out of this." He hissed, emphasizing the word fiancé more then necessary.

"You are so fucking selfish! How dare you come in here and disrespect my band and me like that? What the fuck is your problem?"

"My problem? What's your problem?! You're the one who ended this shit yet you sit here and bitch about me trying to move on. This is what you wanted!" Zayn yelled back at me.

"No, this isn't what I fucking wanted!" I argued.

"Then, for fucks sake, tell me what you want!"

"You!" I screamed. "I want you! I love you and I want you!"

The room went quiet for a while after my words poured out of my mouth. I instantly regretted them once they were off my tongue.

"You love me?" He whispered, hardly audible.

"I-I'm sorry it just slipped out and I-" I started to apologize but was soon cut off when I felt a familiar pair of lips on mine, silencing me. I was in a state of confusion until it clicked in my head exactly what was happening.

Holy shit, Zayn was kissing me.

(Hope you liked the update:) I've been crazy busy with writing for my other fanfic called Infected but I finally had time to update this one. Next week I'll try and update by Wednesday because I have performances on Thursday and Friday. Vote and comment!!! I love to hear feedback.) -Jenny

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