Chapter 35

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"Perrie will you marry me?"

I stood frozen, unable to move. The crowd and everyone around me erupted in applause and screams but I couldn't move or cover up my reaction. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as my worst nightmare took place right in front of me. Perrie was crying while Zayn slipped the shiny diamond ring onto her finger, a huge smile on his heartbreakingly beautiful face. Then, he scooped her up in his arms and spun her around, giving her a long kiss.

I couldn't stand there any longer. Couldn't stand looking at them anymore. I dropped my mic on the floor and stormed off the stage, angry tears threatening to spill over. Nobody tried to stop me from leaving once they saw my expression. All the workers and attendants hurried out of my way as I rushed to where the cars were parked.

"Take me back to the hotel." I commanded once I was in the car. I slammed the door closed causing the driver to jump in the front seat.

"But ma'am the show isn't-" During his defiant ramble, my attention was turned towards a figure running towards the car. Niall was making his way over, waving his arms over his head trying to get my attention I supposed but, I definitely wasn't ready to face him right now.

"Just fucking drive!" I screamed at the driver who was still mumbling about not wanting to leave yet. He finally put the car in drive and took off, leaving Niall behind us. I slumped back in my seat and started to sob. I didn't care that the driver would see me, I didn't care that the crowd saw me storm off the stage, I didn't care that I would be the topic of every sleazy Hollywood magazine, I just didn't care.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. It was Niall, of course. I forwarded his call to voicemail but he almost instantly called me back, so I answered.

"Megan, where the hell did you go?" His tone automatically put me on edge, making me defensive.

"I'm obviously going back to the hotel and away from that shit show back there."

"Shit show? What do you mean?"

"Zayn and his random proposal during the show! It was our first fucking show and it was suppose to be about all of us girls and he fucking made it all about him and that thi-Perrie." I fumed. That of course wasn't the only thing I was upset at but I could necessarily say any more about the issue. But it was also true. Zayn always had a way to ruin the best moments. This time he had gone way too far.

"I'm coming to the hotel. And don't say not to because you know I'm going to come anyways." Niall said. I rolled my eyes knowing he was right.

"Okay. I'll see you in a little bit." I said, hanging up on him. I sighed loudly knowing that I had to face Niall in just a few minuets. Not to mention the multiple friends, management, and reporters I would have to answer to in the morning.

"We are here, ma'am." The driver announced in a small voice. I nodded and slipped out of the car quietly after thanking him. I was practically blinded by photographers as I made my way into the lobby. They had already gotten notice of my dramatic exit and were shouting questions at me left and right. I said nothing and kept walking until I got to the elevator.

I was alone in the elevator until a girl about my age joined me last minuet. We stood silently as the lift brought us up one floor at a time agonizingly slow. From the corner of my eye I could see her studying me and my tear stained face.

"Hey, aren't you-"

"Yes." I sighed. I knew this was coming.

"Hi. I'm Jessica. I heard about what happened tonight." She mumbled.

"Word travels fast."

"Yeah. I take it you're upset about the proposal. I am too."

"You could say that." I chuckled without humor. There was no point in denying it at this point. It was so obvious.

"I don't think they will go through with it." Jessica said.

"And why not?" I asked, turning to face her.

"I just don't think she's the one for him, you know? I mean, I know I don't know him personally but I just have a feeling that's not who he wants." She explained. Oh, if only that were true.

"Who do you think he wants then?"

"I'm not sure. I just hope he realizes who it is soon before he takes the big leap of faith, you know."

The elevator doors opened on my floor after what seemed like forever. I turned and waved goodbye to Jessica who waved back with a sad expression on her face.

When I got to my room, I turned off my phone which had been ringing non-stop since I had left. I wanted to be left alone and only wanted to have to deal with Niall tonight. I was too mad to talk to anybody else. I couldn't wrap around my head how fast Zayn had gotten over our situation. It was as if it didn't bother him one bit. And what was that shit before the show? Was he really going to ask if I was okay when I clearly wasn't to only go and pull that stunt regardless?

"Ugh!" I screamed. He was so selfish! He was going to do whatever he wanted regardless of who he would ruin. I was so done with hurting and waisting my time on this boy. Especially when he was clearly in love with somebody else.

"If he can move on, then so can you." I mumbled to myself.

As if on cue, there was a knock on my door which had to be Niall. I quickly wiped the smeared eyeliner from under my eyes and went to answer the door.

"Megan, are you okay?" He asked as soon as I let him in.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"Don't bullshit me." He snapped. My eyes widened, taken back by this side of him.

"I just don't want to talk about this right now okay? I just want to forget this happened for the rest of the night." I said, walking over to him. "Make me forget it happened."

"How do I do that?"

Instead of answering, I pressed my lips against his aggressively. He kissed me back without question, matching my urgent pace. I reached down and started to tug his shirt over his head until he stopped all together, finally understanding my words.

"Megan, I don't know about this. You're really upset and I don't think this is the best time to do this."

"Please. I need this. I need you. I love you." I begged. His looked down at me for a second, then nodded slightly. I took that as my cue to continue so I started where I left off. I pulled his shirt over his head and locked my lips on his neck. He groaned a deep groan as I bit down slightly on his skin. He followed my lead by pulling my top off and slipping skirt down my legs. I was left in nothing but my underwear and black pumps.

"You are so beautiful." Niall said, admiring my body. I blushed a deep red, realizing nobody but Zayn had ever seen me like this before.

"Let's go." I said, grabbing his hand and leading him to my bed. I kicked off my heels and pushed him down gently on the bed, crawling up onto him. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down to where I could feel his hard bulge against my now wet core. I grind against it, earning a small moan from his lips. He reached up to unhook my bra, letting it slip off my shoulders and down my arms.

Niall suddenly rolled over, taking me with him. He was now leaning over me, his arms holding mine over my head.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me once again. Instead of answering, I pushed my pelvis up to grind against his erection which he took as a yes. He reached down to pull off the rest of his clothes and then moved his hands down to take off mine. Once we were both naked, he lined himself up to my entrance and slowly started to slide in to me.

"I love you." He whispered into my ear.

"I love you to." I replied as he started to move inside of me. Our breathing started to quicken as his pace did. The only sound that could be heard was our quiet moans and the sound of our my skin against his. As I reached my climax, I couldn't help but think of those times Zayn and I had shared these types of intimate moments. How I had let him see me at such a vulnerable time.

Those times were in the past now and were to be forgotten. As I climaxed, I swore it would be the last time I would yearn for Zayn's love.

(Thanks for reading! So, do you think it was a good choice for Megan to try and get over Zayn by having sex with Niall? Leave a comment;) also, make sure you vote for this chapter! It helps me out a lot.)-Jenny

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