Chapter 24

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"Come on Megan, this is hilarious! Just let me read it some more."

I have been stuck for hours in the tour bus with the girls and their constant questions about my date with Niall. I thought I had them off my back until we stopped to get gas. They had found a magazine with a picture of Niall and I on the cover that was taken last night.

"Rumor has it that the two blonde babes have been sneaking around since before they joined each other on tour. "They are inseparable and can't stand to be apart for too long." A source close to the couple tells us exclusively.

Last night, the couple went public for the first time, enjoying a lovely Italian dinner for two. After, they both disappeared into their hotel for some after dinner romance. How cute!"

Alex snickered once she was done reading.

"I swear these people take a story and stretch it to the extreme." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Aw, so you mean this was all fake?" Lola fake pouted. I smacked her on the arm, making her wince.

"So are you guys an actual couple now?"

"No. It was just one date. Nothing serious yet, Alex."

"But you like him?"

I thought for a moment. I had a lovely time last night. Niall was so sweet and so easy to get a long with. There was no tension between us. Totally the opposite of when I am with Zayn. It was nice.

"Yes. Yes I do."

Both the girls smiled at me, making me blush.

"Aw! But who would have guessed! You falling for one of the boys? Wow."

"Yeah, wow."

There was a slight bit of humor in my voice that both of them didn't catch, thank god.

I knew I was falling for one of the boys. But what I didn't know was which one of the boys it was.



Tabloids always made a mess of things. They always took their lies to the next level, creating horrid stories or linking two people together that hardly knew each other.

I always chose to ignore it. I hardly looked online or read magazines knowing I would find something that displeased me. But, today was different.

I couldn't help myself from reading the story about Megan and Niall's date last night. It was mostly made up and gave a away pointless information, as usual.

I read on and on about their "blossoming" relationship, laughing slightly at some of the things it said.

I scrolled down the story on my phone then stopped half way, looking at the picture that was posted. It was of both Niall and Megan, holding hands and smiling, walking out of a restaurant. This made my heart stop slightly in...shock? No. Not shock.

I wasn't sure what I was feeling.

All I knew was that it was dangerous to feel this way.

My phone started to ring, taking my mind away slightly from my confused feelings. It was Perrie.

"Hi babe."

"Hey love. How are you?" Her voice rang softly into the phone, making me smile slightly.

"I'm good. What are you up to?"

"I'm actually about to go to the airport." She said.

"The airport?"

"Yes. I'm going to see you tomorrow! Surprise!" She giggled.


"That's great! When do you think you will be here?" So you don't surprise me when I'm with Megan..

"Around 3:00 in the afternoon."

"Okay babe. Sounds lovely."

"Good. Oh, I was reading the tabloids today and saw that Niall and one of the girls in your opening band are together now! Megan, is it? Is that true?"

Oh, great. She knew who Megan was already.

"Um, you could say that." I mumbled into the phone.

"How cute! We should go on a double date then. Wouldn't that be lovely, babe?"

I didn't answer, utterly shocked by her request. There was no way-

"Babe? That would be nice, right?"

She asked again, waiting for me to agree.

"Um, yeah. It would." I said, my voice hardly audible.

"Great! Well, I need to catch my flight now. See you soon, my love. Goodbye."

"Bye. Love you to."

I hung up the phone and sat silently for a moment. What had I just agreed to?

"Niall!" I yelled. He came over and peaked his head into my bunk.


"Call Megan. Tell her we are going on a double date tomorrow."

Well, there was no turning back now.

( sorry for the filler chapter! I'm sick. There will be a better chapter next week. Comment and vote! See ya!) -Jenny

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