Chapter 22

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Zayn was laying back on my bed watching tv casually. He didn't even look up at me as he asked me about my date which made it impossible to know if he was mad or not.

"Um, it was good. We had Italian." I answered. I stood awkwardly in the doorway waiting for him to say more. He reached over to grab the remote and switched off the television in one swift click.

"That's good then."

"Um, yeah."

Zayn finally turned his head to look at me. His face was unreadable. I wasn't sure what he was feeling and honestly, I was afraid to know.


Megan stood with her arms crossed over her chest in the doorway. She looked stunning in her dress and slightly messy hair. I would have taken her right then and there but tonight was different.

The moment she had left with Niall, I dragged myself to her hotel room to wait for her to get back. Why? Hell if I know. Was I angry? Possibly. Sad? Why would I be? Jealous? No, that couldn't be it. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

The thought of her and Niall made my blood boil. She and I had an arrangement and I wasn't particularly happy with this... Obstacle.

Not that I would let any relationship forming between her and Niall stop me from getting what I want but, it still didn't feel right to me.

I heard Megan clear her throat, disrupting my thoughts. My eyes fell back on her troubled expression. I noticed how she nervously played with her jewelry waiting for me to speak or move. For me to do something.

I got up from her bed and slowly walked over to her, not sure what to say. She looked up at me with her big blue-green eyes, the same eyes that first drew me to her. She was so unaware that those eye gave away so much about her.

Right now, they showed her curiosity and confusion laced with... Admiration? Lust?

The day I first met her, they were filled with secrets and slight sadness. Nothing that should have been. A girl like her should never have to be sad.

In that moment, I realized that I honestly knew little to nothing about this girl. I normally wouldn't care to learn more than the basic information about my, erm, sleeping partners but somehow, she was different.


She slightly tensed as I spoke her name.

"Yes?" She whispered.

"Do you want to have a drink with me? And just.. Talk?"

Confusion spread across her face at first, then resolved into a small smile.

"I'd like that." She said, causing me to smile as well.


Megan and I sat in her room and sipped on a bottle of whine that was in the mini-fridge. We had been talking for hours and it was now three in the morning. I had asked her countless questions about her and her past.

She laughed telling me about her first encounter with Lola in a math class and how she couldn't stand her bubbly personality in the beginning. Told me how her love of music started to form in a choir class she took at school where she met Alex.

I smiled as she told the story of how she snuck out one night to meet up with both Alex and Lola to go to her first high school party. The way she talked about it made her innocence more than slightly obvious.

"So you did it to rebel against your mom?" I laughed.

"Basically. She always had this really strong grip on me and I wanted to prove a point."

"And what point was that?"

"I have no idea. At the time it sounded like a good idea." She giggled.

"Did she find out?"

"No, thank god. She would have killed me is she would have found out. A crazy party with drugs, sex, and alcohol? Yeah, I would be fifty feet under right now."

We both laughed, imagining her mothers crazy reaction to her 'rebellious' nature.

"What would your dad have done?" I asked.

Megan stopped laughing and her smile suddenly faded. I must have struck a nerve.

"Um, I haven't seen my dad in a while." She said softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's okay. I'm fine." She said, but her eyes said otherwise.

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"He left my mom and I."

"And?" I tried to push her forward.

"That's it. He just left." She answered bluntly.

"There has to be more to the story than that."

"Well there is I just-"

"Talking about it helps sometimes, you know." I said, cutting her off.

Megan sat and looked at me with a troubled look across her face. Her eyes searched mine for a while, as if she was searching for something. Trust maybe?

"Do you really want to know?" She finally said. I nodded once, which made her take a deep breath.

She took a big gulp of her drink and then started to tell me the real story of her father.

(Hey guys!!! So, do you like hearing Zayn's point of view or do you want me to keep it just Megan's? And what do you think really happened with her dad? Thanks for reading! Make sure you comment some feedback and vote;) also, make sure you check my message board once in a while. I sometimes post what I'm doing in case you are wondering why an update is taking so long. So I've been trying to make chapters long but it's just not working for me. So I'm going to try a new tactic. I'm basically going to do shorter updates so that way I can update a bit more instead of sitting and trying to make up something that will make the chapter super long lol. So bear with me! Leave some ideas for the story in the comments!;) Bye guys!) -Jenny

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