Chapter 6

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Zayn crawled off of me and sat up next to me. I quickly pulled down my dress and rearranged my hair that was now a mess.

"By the way, nobody can know about this." He said, lighting a cigarette.

"I can't even tell the girls?"

"No. I don't want them telling anybody. And if this gets out into the media, it could be bad for both of us."

"Well what if they take notice?"


"Well, I mean, I'll probably be around you quite a lot. They might think something is up. Especially Alex. She always seems to know."

This was so true it was scary. She knew everything. Lola did sometimes but other times she didn't pick up on anything.

Zayn blew out a puff of smoke.

"Then we will have to be extra careful wont we?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

He got up and went over to the mini fridge, pulling out what looked like a mini bottle of whine.

"Want some?" He offered.

"Um, sure. Why not."

He poured some in a little glass and handed it to me.

"Okay now, lets talk about rules and stuff."


"Yes, rules. You ready to hear them?"

I nodded my head, signaling him to keep talking.

"Okay, so for the first couple of times I will wear a condom but sooner or later you need to get on birth control. Second, you um, need to keep your area shaved. It always was tonight so keep it that way."

I blushed.

"You have to be ready at any moment. And be up to try new things."

I nodded my head, agreeing to his rules.

"Oh, and one last thing, you tell anybody and I mean anybody.. And not only will you be off this tour, but your career will be over. Got it?"

I gulped and sat there, completely terrified. Was I really willing to do this?

"Yes, I got it." Well, I guess I was.

"Good." Zayn smiled. "Oh, by the way, always keep your phone handy."


"Trust me. Just do it."

We sat there for a while, drinking our wine and having small talk. It didn't occur to me how late it was until I started to feel tired.

"Oh shit, it's almost four in the morning. I need to go."

"Yeah, I need to sleep. We have a show together. But of course, you are welcome to sleep here."

"Um no thanks. I actually need to sleep tonight."

"That's probably a good choice. You won't be getting too much sleep tomorrow anyways." He smirked.

I got up and started for the door and turned around awkwardly to say a final goodnight.

"So um goodnight."

"Goodnight Megan. See you when the sun comes up."

I didn't exactly sleep well that night. My head was spinning, and not just from the alcohol. So many thoughts in my head. What had I just agreed to? Did I really want this?

The answer was yes. I mean, who gets a change to sleep with an incredibly gorgeous guy with no strings attached? No feelings involved? At least, I hope it stays that way.

I had to promise myself to not fall for Zayn. And if I did, I would back out of our arrangement without hesitation.

Also, I had to find a way to keep this from the girls. I never keep anything from them. Even if I did, one of them would find out about what's going on. I was going to have to be very careful.

I went over a few plans in my head on how to keep all of this a secret and soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was around noon. I rolled over and checked my phone quickly. I had a few messages. Lola had texted me saying that her and Alex had left the room to eat lunch and then one from Harry asking me if I was hungry.

My phone buzzed in my hand as I was replying to Harry. It was Zayn.

*Hope you are ready for tonight. And I don't mean the show. -Zayn*

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