James x Reader- Confident

Start from the beginning

"Alright, I get it, let's get outta here" you guys ran before Jessie noticed you.


"Hey (Y/N), do you wanna know why I asked for your advice?" James asks you.
"Hmm? Why you got a special someone too?"
"...sort of..."
"What?! This is news to me!"
"Because I've never told anyone before, but back at the academy I wasn't really that social. There was this one girl, even though we haven't talked, not even a word. I felt like I knew everything about her. Except for her name. So I hope that next time I see her, maybe we could actually...talk." You began to laugh, James was such a big idiot it was almost laughable, no it was laughable.
"Hey! Why're you laughing!?"
"B...because...t...that w...was...me...i...idiot..." you howled, gasping for air.

"Ok if that was true what band did I listen to?" James questions as you calmed down.
"All Time Low, and Fallout Boy, your music was pretty loud dude" you grinned.

"Well...why didn't you say anything before?!"

"Because...I thought you forgot about me-"
"Hey guys! Check it out! It's a pokemon trap!"
"Probably set by that pokemon hunter everyone's talking about"
"In the flesh, and it looks like I found the greatest of all prey. A talking Meowth and a Chimchar."
"You gotta do better than that"
"We're the new streamline Team Rocket, you aren't going to steal our pokemon"
"Yeah you can try to take Chimchar, but it ain't happening buddy."
"Let's go Rhyperior!"
"Ok...that's a little big...but we can still do this!"

"Is the Doctor in?"
"Yes!" James emerged from the bushes, half-carrying you in his arms.

"What happened?!"
"Whoa, is she going to be ok?!"

"Meowth and all our pokemon were stolen, we were attacked by that wily pokemon hunter."
"Chimchar...Chimchar's gone..." you mumble, barely being able to cope with that fact, James cast you a sad glance before turning to the twerps.

"Just for one day I don't want to ask Jessie for help to get back Meowth and the others. I know it's a lot to ask but...will you help us?"
"Yes, but where is the pokemon catcher"
"At the foot of the mountain, we'll take you, right (Y/N)?" You nodded and quietly got up, though James had to put his arm around you to keep you steady.

"I'll be right back, just stay here and rest up" James tells you quietly, you grabbed his hand.
"James...you'll bring Chimchar back to me...right?" You question, your eyes tearing up against your will. James nodded.

"I will, just get some rest"
"Ok..." you agreed as you let your grip on his hand go.


You woke up to a warmth on your cheek.
"Chimchar....Chimchar! Oh thank Arceus your safe! I got so scared!" You hugged your partner half to death, just so relieved that they weren't taken.

"I'm not letting you go again buddy got that? I'm with ya to the end"
"Chimchar, Chimchar, Chim!"

"Hey, I'm here too, no hello for me?" Jessie questions.

"Jessie! Your back too! I really didn't want to be the only girl in this lot of boneheads!" You hugged Jessie, tight and hard, even lifting her a little bit before taking in where you were.

"Um, how did I get up here?"
"You were knocked out like a scatterbug after a battle with a delphox. So we fixed up the balloon and got in the air before Chimchar woke you up, too bad though, I kinda liked the quiet." Meowth mutters the last part, making you stick our your tongue a little bit.
"Please, I bet you if I left the team like Jessie you would be bawling out your eyes for days"

"Would not!"
"Would too!"
"Ok guys that's enough...how about we do something else, like play a board game?"
"A board game? We don't have any board games"
"Oh, well how about we just enjoy this crystal clear night then?" James suggests, you made a dash for the nearest edge as you looked out at the stars and the view. James stood next to you and you turned to look at him as Chimchar tugged on Jessie's skirt while signaling for her to be quiet so she could have a 'watch and learn' moment.

"(Y/N)...I apologize that I didn't recognize you sooner...your so different than when you were in the academy"
"Is different a bad thing?" You question.

"No, not at all" you and James exchanged a smile before you began to look out at the stars once again. James looked at the purple rose as he twirled it between his fingers. Jessie already told him what happened to Dr. White, how she didn't get to tell him how she felt in time.

"Your pretty and I'm cute, together we can be pretty cute" you looked over at James, who cringed, ready to be slapped but you took the rose from his outstretched hand and kissed his cheek quickly.

"Not bad, loverboy" you snickered at James' red and flustered face and how he was absolutely frozen. It was from multiple things, but the change in nickname was the thing that made him freeze up. He snapped out of it and took his original place next to you. Admiring at how you stared at the landscape with a wistful look in your eye as you twirled the rose, only bringing it up to sniff every once in awhile. James reached over and put his hand over yours, you stiffened before looking over at him. "Loverboy...our hands..." "So?" "Huh, look at that, you can be confident after all" you chuckle, leaning your head on his shoulder as you looked at the view together.  

Yeah, Merry Christmas to everyone! I'm surprised I got this out so fast to be totally honest, but I hope this oneshot was well worth the wait. But unfortunately this cycle is over so you guys will probably be getting some birthday oneshots, headcanons and preferences until the next cycle. But until next time and a ho ho ho my dudes! 
This is Ftfanx777 over and out (^-^)/

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