Chapter 16: A Challange

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Singing Fox looked stunned. Her hands gripped the bread dough in front of her, mashing it with more force than necessary. Running Wolf silently watched her his question hanging in the air like a cloud of thick smoke.

"Singing Fox, it is your decision. Do you accept the Apache chief, or Gray Eagle's offer?" Running Wolf asked once more, pulling her back from her thoughts.

Harvest Flower spoke with a cracked voice, "Singing Fox? You must choose Gray Eagle." Harvest Flower felt the tears reach her eyes. "Running Wolf you can't let that man take her!" Her eyes met Running Wolf's full of worry.

Running Wolf crossed his arms over his chest. "If you refuse and Gray Eagle fights you will belong to the winner. Gray Eagle is a great warrior and will make a good husband."

Singing Fox felt her heart race, "And if Gray Eagle loses," she looked up finding Running Wolf's soft eyes, "he will die and I will still belong to the Apache Chief Strong Moon."

Running Wolf nodded, "Gray Eagle will not die. He is a great warrior, I have seen him win many battles."

Harvest Flower leaned over patting Singing Fox's dough covered fist. "Trust your heart, let it guide you. Did you not say that Gray Eagle makes your heart beat wildly."

Singing Fox blushed at Running Wolf's questioning gaze. "It is true. Gray Eagle has shown no interest, why would he now? He acts as though I am not important. Like I am just your sister and it is his duty to protect me when you are not here brother."

Running Wolf chuckled at his sister's confusion, "Gray Eagle has shown only interest from the day you became a woman. He watches you and leaves small gifts at your lodge pole."

Singing Fox blushed and ducked her head. "He claims to feel as a brother to me." she let go of the dough, raising her bruised wrists to her chest. "He only offers to fight for me because of you."

Harvest Flower shook her head, "He knows the village laws and would not offer such so lightly. The winner must become your husband. If he did not want you he would not offer so quickly."

Singing Fox stood, "I must see Gray Eagle. I will give my answer when I return." She stepped around the fire leaving Running Wolf and Harvest Flower staring after her.

Gray Eagle stood with his back to the village watching the tribe below in the canyon make camp. He looked magnificent and strong. Singing Fox felt her heart go out to him. He grew up with her brother always following Running Wolf's every move. She stopped just a short distance away from him.

He could feel her behind him, watching him. He could always tell when she was near, his blood would heat and his mood would instantly soften.

"You have made a decision?" Gray Eagle asked without looking at her.

She stepped closer, "How can I decide if it will put you in harm's way?" Her voice sounded weak.

He turned on his heel quickly closing the distance between them. "I will fight no matter your decision. I want you and I will not give you up without a fight." His hands rested on her shoulders lightly.

Her face dropped with the hopes of hiding her tears. "You have made no offer before, why now?"

Gray Eagle tilted her face up so her eyes met his. Her soft brown eyes glowing with tears yet to fall, made his heart swell. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, softly pulling her to his chest.

"I did offer, many times, your father refused. Much has happened since your brother became chief, I felt to give him time. I failed once to keep you safe I will not fail again." Gray Eagle said sliding his hands down her arms to wrap around her.

She found herself wrapping her arms around him. The feel of his muscles under her touch sending waves of heat to her heart. Without saying a word she tiptoed catching him by surprise. Their lips met in a soft kiss. A growl left his throat in a possessive manner. He held her to him picking her up and deepening the kiss. Fire flared in their blood, melting any feelings but one.

Gray Eagle broke the kiss and set her on her feet. "Your decision is made, you are my woman." He lightly stroked her hair before letting her walk away to her brother's lodge.

His mind now on preparing for the fight. Strong Moon is young and strong, to young to die for a woman. Gray Eagle would not hold back if he is pushed to that limit. If he did not agree to first blood the young chief would die. Gray Eagle turned his attention back to the village camping below. He stepped to the edge of the cliff to watch their activity. Women sat around small cook fires preparing their meals, children staying close by in groups playing, men took turns walking the length of the camp. Everything screamed peaceful. Strong Moon sat on his horse watching the cliffs above, not showing any signs of caring that Gray Eagle watched.

When morning came so would Strong Moon and Gray Eagle's challenge. The young chief would likely choose the first blood match, or so Gray Eagle hopped. The small tribe needed a young warrior as strong as he to survive.

Gray Eagle was pulled from his thoughts when Running Wolf's hand landed on his shoulder.

"My brother is thinking hard about the next sunrise." Running Wolf said quietly.

Gray Eagle grunted, "I hope he will accept the first blood fight. To kill a young chief such as he would not make this man happy."

Running Wolf nodded letting his hand drop, "Your eyes say different."

Gray Eagle kept his gaze on Strong Moon below, "I will not hesitate if he chooses death. Singing Fox is mine, no other man will ever lay claim to her while breath is in my body."

Running Wolf watched Strong Moon slid from his horse. "She made a decision then. This is good. Go sleep now, with the sun comes you will make your challenge."

Gray Eagle nodded turning back to the village. "Even if she picked him I would still fight." He walked away swiftly leaving Running Wolf to think about his remark.

Singing Fox, walking with Harvest Flower to the pool extra clothes in hand, caught his eye. She would be his wife and warm his furs soon. His feet fell in a silent beat as he made his way to his lodge. A new one would be built out of both of their lodges, a symbol of their union. He walked inside ducking his head under the skin door. He would enter an empty lodge no more when next the set. Her blankets tucked in the corner of the room she used would not be pulled out this night.

He sat by his fire pit and pulled out his little flute testing the notes before wrapping it in a soft rabbit hide. This would be played only for her and it would be one of many wedding gifts for her. His Singing Fox the woman he will spend the rest of his life with. Even if his life ends tomorrow.

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