Chapter 23: Enemy Camp

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Singing Fox sat in silence beside the small fire pit. Her thoughts on Gray Eagle and his injuries. She looked up at Strong Moon who often flinched from the pain with the smallest of movement. “Dose your injuries hurt you very much?” She asked lowly.

He shifted his position and softly nodded. “To answer you would mean showing my weakness to you.” He dropped his voice. “I’ll not say but show.”

She watched as he inched his vest off. The wounds looked angry and swollen. She did not understand how he could move at all. She covered her mouth with her small fist to keep from gasping out loud. The thin cuts on Strong Moon’s cheek and chest looked to be scratches compared to the two deep holes in both shoulders. His one tightly wrapped wrist caught her eyes. The fingers did not work but with some effort he used his palm to do most of the work, pain clearly evident with his movement. His leg was also wrapped tightly, Gray Eagle left his mark on each part of this man’s body. Clearly Gray Eagle showed no mercy.

“How do you move at all? The pain must be very great.” She felt her heart twitch with pity. He obviously doesn’t want his people to know just how weak he is. Gray Eagle and this man surely had one vicious battle.

His words brought her from her deep thoughts, “The Great Spirit gives me the strength I need to lead my people.” He tried to grab the fabric of his vest and failed. His eyes glazed with pain when he once more tried to move his hand in the awkward position.

“Here, I help.” She moved to his side and helped him slide the vest back onto his shoulders. “I am sorry for your pain. I will help you, but I must ask that you grant me a simple favor.”

“If your request is one that can be done I will do this for you.” He looked into the flames and straightened his back.

Singing Fox moved back across the pit from him. “I only ask that we remain here until my people come for me.”

Strong Moon nodded. “This I will do.” He placed a small log on the low flames watching them flutter around the new fuel. “Sleep now we eat soon.” He waved his hand at some extra furs along the wall. “Make a pallet for yourself if you want.” He looked at the space beside him. “Or share mine if you wish.”

She shook her head. “I will make my own.”


Birds whistled and tweeted in the trees as Cloud Runner led Hanna through the tangled path. Hanna looked hard to see the birds but none ever fluttered by or made their selves known. Not even the smallest of creatures appeared on their path. The sounds of the forest seemed close at hand but nothing moved at all. While riding with the soldiers all sorts of animals ran about, but now it seemed dead. Was this what the young man meant? In the distance a soft scream reached her. Cloud Runner looked back at Hanna and her face paled with the understanding. The young man just saved her life and the birds were in fact. Her thoughts cut off to an abrupt halt when a warrior dropped to the ground in front of them stopping their horses immediately. Hanna held tightly to her horse catching her balance. She struggled to understand what was going on. The words between Cloud Runner and the man lost on her.

“Young one what goes here with a white woman?” Blue Wing asked with confusion.

Cloud Runner shifted his weight and turned slightly. “She saved me from the blue coats so I now return the favor. Strong Moon is close by is he not?”

Blue Wing nodded and pointed further down the trail. “Just outside of the trees. We will follow soon to make sure no one else follows.”

Cloud Runner nodded, “Running Wolf is close?”

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