Chapter 9: Troubled Paths

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Harvest Flower stood looking back at the village, her water skins now full

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Harvest Flower stood looking back at the village, her water skins now full. She waited for Singing Fox to fill her skins before returning to their lodges. The sound of horses riding away followed by hoots and war chants worried her. Running Wolf would be leading the war party, so that meant she would be alone in her lodge. She nibbled on her bottom lip blindly staring back at the village. She flinched slightly at Singing Fox's soft touch.

"Do not fear sister. You are well protected here. If you still worry you can join me in my lodge. Does your wounds bother you?" She looked closely at the cut in the part of Harvest Flower's head making sure it wasn't bleeding again. Singing Fox smiled brightly with relief, "It will be good to know my sister while Running Wolf is away. Come, we will cook together."

Harvest Flower smiled, "It will be good to know you. This sad time with Running Wolf gone makes me uneasy."

They walked back to the lodges dropping of Harvest Flower's water skins on the way to Singing Fox's lodge. Two warriors in charge of guarding Harvest Flower sat close by watching for any signs of trouble.

Running Wolf led the war party down to the canyon quickly reaching the hidden community corral of wild horses. Just beyond the corral a short stretch of sand met thick brush that led to tall trees. The step path through the trees led to the mountain foot hills separating them from a white mans fort.

The fort served as a trading post and held little to no white eyed soldiers. If Standing Elk reached the mountain Running Wolf feared he would lose his trail or find him at the trading post under guard. He pushed his mount to a faster pace his warriors quickly following. Gray Eagle rode ahead tracking the horses progress through the thick brush.

Once they reached the trees the ground turned hard and the tracks harder to find. The Sun sank lower and soon they would ether turn back or make camp. Running Wolf kept a blank face not showing his emotions, but to Gray Eagle this meant Running Wolf silently worried to himself the possibility of losing Standing Elk's trail. The possibility of Standing Elk returning to the village also a strong consideration pushing fourth. Gray Eagle also worried Singing Fox might become a target also.

Running wolf pulled to a halt lifting his hand to halt his warriors. He walked his horse over to Gray Eagle away from the warriors.

"What say you my friend?" Running Wolf asked with a frown.

Gray Eagle looked to the sky judging the position of the sun. "The sun drops fast and I'm afraid Standing Elk has already reached the mountain pass. He will not stop for camp." He looked over to Running Wolf, "He will return and this time we will be ready. I say we should return to our women and watch like the hawk."

"Our women? You have a woman in mind this day?" Running Wolf asked quietly.

Gray Eagle met Running Wolf's eyes and with a seriousness in his voice he answered. "Singing Fox clouds my mind."

Harvest FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now