Chapter 25: Two Foes

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Two Dogs stood ready for battle his hand resting on his knife at his side. His eyes flashed with anger and hate. How could his brother give up so easily. He never let his eyes leave Running Wolf who also stood ready for battle his hand on his knife. “I’ll kill you and that boy inside for my revenge.” Two Dogs growled and he lunged at Running Wolf his blade drawn and ready.

Running Wolf stepped back when Blue Wing shot forward. A quick thud and a grunt and it was over. Blue Wing’s knife buried to the hilt in Two Dogs chest the only proof of the scuffle. The dust around them settled and Blue Wing pulled his knife free with a wet rasp. Two Dogs knife fell to the ground with a soft bounce and Blue Wing let Two Dogs body slide to the ground at his feet.

“Games are for children. No body will kill my son.” Blue Wing wiped his knife clean on Two Dogs limp body.

The people of the village gathered around and started to murmur to themselves. Strong Moon stood at his teepee door watching. He waved at a small boy who ran toward a line of tied horses in the back. A soft wail coming from the people gathered around them broke the heavy silence. A young woman with long black braids walked forward and knelt beside Two Dogs body softly sobbing.

Strong Moon took a hesitant step forward flinching at the pain in his shoulders. The door to the teepee now open Singing Fox dashed out. Her arms wrapped around Running Wolf in an excited greeting. A sleepy Cloud Runner and a brown haired white woman exited next.

Blue Wing stepped forward his eyes meeting Strong Moon’s. Since his wife’s death Blue Wing had only stood back and watched. His job as a scout the only thing that filled his days. Cloud Runner has grown much and Blue Wing felt proud of him even if he had left him to his uncle Gray Eagle. Cloud Runner is still the only thing left of his dead wife. He could not accept her dead at his birth and it pained him to see her face on the boy. He waited silently for Strong Moon to say his peace.

Strong Moon spoke so all could hear. “Two Dogs debt is paid in blood. This man who claimed his life now also takes what belonged to my brother. His wife Dancing-with-Stars now belongs to him as well as all of Two Dogs horses and blankets. Those who disagree speak now.”

No one said a word and the woman who knelt crying looked up. Dancing-with-Stars sniffled dried her eyes and nodded her head in acceptance. She quickly made her way to her teepee and started to dismantle it giving the hide away in pieces as other women joined in to cut the outside wrap off of the teepee. Soon everything was done away with and what was left of hers and now Blue Wing’s was packed onto the back of the horse she now rode. Two young colts tied together was lead to Blue Wing to lead.

Singing Fox and Cloud Runner also mounted a horse and waited for Running Wolf to speak.

His voice rang with authority. “Let this be the last time our people meet with blades and fire in our hearts. The price is paid and we now go with what is ours.”

Strong Moon and Running Wolf clasped hands in a sign of peace. Running Wolf left leading Singing Fox’s horse with Cloud Runner following close behind.


Harvest Flower sat in front of the fire pit working on her beadwork. Two months ago she couldn’t string a bead now she was doing patterns, even if they are sloppy and just mashes of color. She held up her work and smiled. The blue beads glittered with the green and reds. The scrambles of colors looked similar to a dog instead of a cat, but it did look like a animal. She felt butterflies in her stomach and giggled placing both hands in her lap.

“I may not be good at it, but I can do it.” She whispered to her growing child.

The village seemed relaxed now that the white men had gone. Gray Eagle was doing better and hobbled from his lodge to the cliff edge. He still sat there watching for the return of his wife. She felt her heart break for him but deep down she knew an injured man couldn’t have stopped it or followed. If he had been well Singing Fox would have never left the village and a dead man would be laying at the bottom of the canyon.

Gray Eagle sat watching his limp arm now tingling with new feeling. He could move his fingers and lift his wrist but the whole arm seemed to give him trouble. He wondered if he would ever get the use of his arm back. The tingle meant he would, he hoped.

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