Chapter 24: Savor or Capture

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Singing Fox stared at the white woman with curiosity. The woman looked just as curious and a little sad. Strong Moon tensed with sudden pain. His eyes finding the white woman’s. Singing Fox smiled to herself. Maybe this woman will care for Strong Moon and she could return home with Cloud Runner.

“She is with me. She saved me so I have saved her in return.” Cloud Runner announced proudly to Singing Fox.

Singing Fox looked up to Cloud Runner and placed her hand on Strong Moon’s arm. “Come. Let us all sit around the warmth of the fire and talk.”

Strong Moon nodded and moved inside letting Singing Fox help him to his seat. Hanna stepped inside first her brown hair now in messy tangles and her clothes wrinkled from the ride. Strong Moon watched her closely. Singing Fox patted a fur pelt beside her for Hanna to sit. Hanna sat quietly admiring the beautiful woman and felt her cheeks heat up when her eyes once again met Strong Moon’s.

Cloud Runner walked in and quickly sat across from Strong Moon. “I am Chief Running Wolf’s cousin and Grey Eagle’s nephew. You must let Singing Fox return home with me.”

Strong Moon held up his hand. “I know who you are and that you are still but a young brave. I cannot trust her safety with just you. I do not trust my warriors to escort you back as long as I am in this state. Some here wish to take my place.” He looked at Hanna. “Do you know if she speaks our language?”

Cloud Runner scrunched his face trying to look displeased with the answer he received. “No she does not. I can protect her I am soon to be a man of my own. Let me take Singing Fox home.”

Singing Fox placed a hand on Hanna’s. “You could trade me for her. She will be able to care for Strong Moon and since her life is now yours, you may decide.” She said to Cloud Runner.

Strong Moon frowned at Singing Fox. “She is not a captive and you are not ether. I do not trust your safety because of the white soldiers running over the land in herds like the dying Buffalo.”

Cloud Runner looked at Hanna with a frown. “I do not know where to take this woman. Harvest Flower has not spoken in her tongue but is the same color.” He looked back at Strong Moon. “You will keep her or send her back to her people?”

Strong Moon looked puzzled at the change of topic. “You ask me when she is yours now to care for. This is not what a man would do, but you would ask me to trust you with Singing Fox’s life?”

Cloud Runner dropped his eyes to his hands. “I did not plan to take the white woman.” He looked back up to Strong Moon. “I will stay with Singing Fox until we return home. You may do as you please with the woman I only repaid a life for a life.”

Strong Moon accepted this answer and in English spoke to Hanna. “You stay here with me until it is safe to travel once more. Singing Fox and Cloud Runner wait for their people to take them home.”

Hanna gasped. “Oh. You can speak English how wonderful. I would be honored to stay. May I ask a boon from you?”

Strong Moon raised an eyebrow. “Boon?” He said slowly.

“Oh. Um.. A favor or request. Like an exchange of good will.” Hannah explained. Her eyes taking on a twinkle that mesmerized Strong Moon.

He nodded and waved his hand for her to continue.

She looked from Cloud Runner to Singing Fox, glad she was not Strong Moon’s wife. “I wish to stay here and learn about your people. The more I learn the better. I wish to save as many of your people as possible. I write a newspaper article and wish to push for a peaceful solution to the war at hand.”

Strong Moon struggled to keep up with her words. The bits and pieces he could grasp sounded good. He mulled over her request to stay and came to a conclusion. “You may stay here. Live with this man and learn much. Be an apache bride. Live as this chief’s wife.”

Hannah gasp and shook her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just want to study your people. I can’t just be your wife. Oh dear.”

Singing Fox touched Hannah’s hair speaking to Strong Moon in a fast paced way. Her eyes met Hannah’s when she finished talking.

Strong Moon squirmed just a bit. “Singing Fox wants to ask if she can weave your hair? She also wants your name.”

Hannah looked at Singing Fox, her eyes looked sad. “Yes I would love that and,” she placed a hand over her chest, “my name is H..a..n..n..a..h.” She sounded out very slowly.

Singing Fox repeated the word. “Hand nah.”

Hannah shook her head and repeated, “Han..nah.”

Cloud Runner spoke up. “Hannah. Pale Bird.” He pointed at her, “Name now Pale Bird. Wife of Strong Moon.” 

Singing Fox smiled and said very quickly, “Hannah.”

Hannah clapped her hands with laughter, “Yes. Yes you got it. Not the wife part but you both got it.”

Strong Moon smiled to himself at her happiness. He looked at Cloud Runner. “By dawn your people will follow and Singing Fox will be free to go.” He hit his chest. “Fair trade for willing woman.”

Cloud Runner smiled and stretched with a sudden bout of tiredness. His young body giving out from no rest. His eyes felt heavy and he slowly moved to the far wall were Singing Fox had the blankets spread for herself. He was soon asleep with his still childish form.

Blue Wing struggled to stay in hiding. With Cloud Runner and Singing Fox inside Strong Moon’s teepee Blue Wing could no longer think of what to do. The white woman would surely bring the white soldiers. The few murdered in the forest is a message and soon more would follow. Running Wolf sat on his heels beside Blue Wing. His mind working up a plan. Stumbling over a small group of warriors and their pray was an inconvenience but he was glad Cloud Runner and Blue Wing both avoided the ambush.

Running Wolf took one last look at the teepee. No one made a move to pack up and he hoped they would stay put for a while longer. He would go alone to ask for Singing Fox and Cloud Runner first and if Strong Moon refused. Running Wolf has no problem with taking them by force.


Harvest Flower, Gray Eagle, and Spotted Turtle sat in front of two white men inside an empty lodge. Spotted Turtle sat beside Harvest Flower and translated everything Gray Eagle and white men said. He also spoke for her to the white men. His words chipped and slow.

“No white woman passed by here. We have not seen any white people. Only you.” Gray Eagle said watching the soldiers closely.

Captain Burnett cleared his throat. “This young woman here is white. How did she come to live here?”

Harvest Flower spoke to the soldier directly knowing he wouldn’t understand her until Spotted Turtle translated. “My father saved me when I was little. I married Running Wolf and live here now.”

Spotted Turtle translated and the soldiers eyes met hers with understanding.

The young soldier spoke up. “Do you want to stay here?”

Harvest Flower leaned closer to Spotted Turtle as he spoke quietly to her.

Her eyes darkened and she nodded her head. “Yes I stay with my family.” She put a protective hand over her stomach. The thickness now beginning to show the growth of the child.

Captain Burnett cleared his throat. “Well that is settled. We are just passing through. A tribe north of here is causing trouble and one of our smaller groups has gone missing. One of our women is among them. A young lady with brown hair who writes in a note book. A small girl who talks a lot.

Gray Eagle shook his head. “No one has been to this village. Going north will only lead you to find death. She will not be alive if she is in Black Winds territory. Go home.”

The young boy looked at Captain Burnett with fear in his eyes. The look of fear caused by worry for a loved one.

Captain Burnett shook his head. “Thank you for your concern.” He said in a sarcastic huff. “We can’t just go home. Dead or alive I promised that girls family I would bring her home.”

Gray Eagle nodded. “I will not stand in your way. You will be smart to have no fire after one days ride north if you wish to live.”

Gray Eagle got up without another word and left the lodge. His wife was also in the position as the white girl and who was he to judge and tell them to stop looking. The conversation was hurting him just like the wounds on his body. He looked up at the sky one more day he would rest. If Running Wolf hasn’t returned or sent word he himself would go and bring Singing Fox home. Dead or alive.


Running Wolf approached Strong Moon’s tepee. The Sun was lower but daylight still lit the earth. Small dust clouds puffed up under his feet. Running Wolf held himself straight with Blue Wing at his side. Their horses with the warriors just outside of the village. Ready to storm in if trouble started.

Two Dogs stepped into Running Wolf’s path. Both men stood facing each other with a dark look. Nothing moved and no sounds could be heard except for the cook fires crackling in the background. All eyes on the two men staring each other down.

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