Chapter 20: Stolen Property

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Singing Fox bounced hard on her stomach, and a sharp pain shot through her ribs. She opened her eyes, only to see the pounding hooves of the horse hit the ground in a break-neck pace. The warrior who held her in his lap spurned his mount forward, leaving who ever followed behind in a cloud of dust.

Singing Fox couldn’t move, her breath only came in gasps. Her eyes and throat burned from the dust, the horse’s feet stirred up. She blinked trying to pick out something she could remember. The horse lunged forward jostling her vision. She could feel her stomach start to rebel against her. She gagged and groaned once more when nothing happened. Soon her body could take no more and blackness took over, surrounding her in its painless, yet comforting way.

Gray Eagle struggled with the two warriors holding him down. His bandages starting to turn a dark red. Harvest Flower knelt down holding out her hands, “You must stop this, Gray Eagle. How are you to save her if you can not save yourself? You would bleed to death before you reached the canyon opening.” She placed a soft hand on Gray Eagle’s chest, the heat of his skin almost matched that of the fire. “Running Wolf and Blue Wing will bring her back unharmed. Your blood already turns hot.” Harvest Flower looked up and nodded to the two warriors.

They quickly picked Gray Eagle up and carried him back inside his lodge. Harvest Flower followed close behind, sending Cloud Runner to summon the Shaman. She worried that Gray Eagle would get a higher fever and poison his blood. Gray Eagle said nothing and quietly obeyed, trusting Harvest Flower’s word. Running Wolf is a great warrior and Chief he would bring Singing Fox back. Harvest Flower let the tears stream down her cheeks. Her unborn child fluttering like butterflies in her stomach.

Gray Eagle nodded to the Shaman who already started his chanting, upon entering the lodge. The two warriors sat on each side of Gray Eagle, watching for his next attempt at going after Singing Fox. Harvest Flower quickly worked at cleaning and replacing the blood soaked bandages. Her eyes filling with tears over and over again. Each moment that passes is another moment her friend is missing.

Gray Eagle felt his body relax and drift onto the helpless wave of unconsciousness. His eyes closed and he fell into a deep fevered sleep. Harvest Flower motioned for the two warriors to leave them. They quickly obeyed her without question. She pulled a blanket over Gray Eagle covering him from the neck down in a thick pelt. Her work only just beginning.

Dawn broke and Running Wolf pulled his horse to a stop. Blue Wing following Running Wolf’s lead. “They travel fast to the North. We will not catch them this day. I trust you to follow and find their camp. I will return to the village and gather a war party.” Running Wolf said turning his horse around.

Blue Wing nodded kicking his heels into his horse’s flanks. Each thundering off into the opposite direction of each other. Running Wolf back to the village, and Blue Wing following the trail leading further into the canyons. The skyline whispering of the rising sun.

The village seemed more quiet on this morning, even the sheep refused to bleat. The people all worked silently waiting for the return of Running Wolf. Harvest Flower bathed Gray Eagle’s face with cool water, trying to tame the fever plaguing his body. The Shaman also worked at brewing a tea to help with the growing heat of Gray Eagle’s flesh. Village boys took turns fetching fresh cold water.

The sound of a lone horse approaching caught Harvest Flower’s attention and she quickly rushed from Gray Eagle’s lodge.  Her eyes met Running Wolf’s and her heart sank. He jumped from his horse to the ground walking toward her. His horse quickly being led away by a brave.

One other brave led a horse, only this brave led Gray Eagle’s horse away from the village. Cloud Runner made his way to the path quickly finding the trail leading North. He used a boulder to mount Gray Eagle’s horse with a small amount of struggling. He gripped the reins tight and set his heels into the horse’s sides. The horse bolted, Cloud Runner holding on tight. They headed North following the prints left by Running Wolf’s horse. Cloud Runner’s Grandfather lived in the North and if he was right, his cousin’s wife would be too.

Running Wolf called a village council, gathering enough men to take with him. If they caught up to the Apache tribe it would surely mean a fierce battle between the two villages.

Singing Fox woke up. Her arms and legs tied together behind her. She tried to twist her wrist hoping the ropes would not hold.

“They are tight this time. I will not chance you getting away again.” Two Dogs said from above her. “Don’t struggle, they will only tighten.”

Singing Fox closed her eyes, her head pounded and her ribs ached. “Why do you do this? I belong with my people. Gray Eagle is my husband now. Let me go.”

Two Dogs stuffed a gag in Singing Fox’s mouth, “You talk to much. I hope Strong Moon can tame you, before he let’s you walk freely among the people.”

Singing Fox’s eyes flashed with rage at Two Dogs. His chuckle eating at her painful headache. She closed her eyes and relaxed on the ground. Laying on her side with her feet tied to her hands pulled at her sore ribs. She wanted to scream with pain, but held back. The fear of letting him know she felt anything gave her strength to hold her tongue. She opened her eyes and looked up at the cliffs, her eyes caught a movement just to the right of a single gray rock, that stuck up in the sky. She hoped it wasn’t a dream and she was seeing true. Blue Wing held up two fingers just inside the rocks shadow.

With the sun now in full bloom the start of the long day seemed to be the start of a new nightmare.

Running Wolf is close, she could only wait until she would be free again. She felt herself drifting off to sleep her head now pounding softer. Sleep would help heal the pain and recover her strength. She thought she heard the men packing up to move on, but sleep already claimed her.

Blue Wing sat close by watching the treatment of Singing Fox. He ground his teeth and touched the hilt of his knife gently. Killing the warriors and taking Singing Fox wouldn’t be easy. The place they made camp is to open. Blue Wing wouldn’t be able to get close without being seen. He decided to wait for Running Wolf or at least until he could sneak in close and catch them off guard. Running Wolf would only be a day behind so a better plan would be to slow this group down.

With that in mind he quickly made his way around the camp out of sight. He would block as many trails as he could find to slow down the warriors and their captive.

Cloud Runner grew aggravated as the sun rose higher. He stopped long enough to water the horse and chew a piece of dried meat. He decided it to be wiser to travel on to his Grandfather’s band of Apache and not straight to Singing Fox. Going by what he remembered, his grandfather would be just beyond the next canyon. A two day hard ride at the least. Cloud Runner pushed Gray Eagle’s horse into a faster pace. He would let the horse rest at night.

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