Chapter 2: Waterfalls

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Ten Years Later

It is mid summer, and the air is sticky and hot. The trees are at their greenest, and summer flowers spread in blankets by the stream. The water is cool and clear and the waterfall fell with a soft splashing sound. It wasn't a large waterfall, but it is perfect for bathing. Harvest Flower stood under it naked combing her fingers through her hair. She bathed not knowing she had company close by. She hummed a song from her childhood. A song sang to her every night after a bad dream.

Running Wolf watched as she ran her fingers through her long strawberry blond hair. It is the color of the harvest flower. Golden with a copper red shine. The falling water and her long hair hid her body from his view, but the outline is clear. He watched her before in the woods playing with small animals, and even a deer. To find her here was a surprise.

She tilted her head back letting the water rush over her sun tanned skin. She is not pale, but is not dark skinned. Her white blood showed in every way. Only her movements and clothes spoke of her tribe. At heart, she is Indian. 

Her doe skinned dress and moccasins lay folded on the bank of the clear pool. A rabbit nuzzled her soft dress before lazily chewing grass beside it. A raccoon and an otter played in the water, not far away from the falls, taking turns dunking each other. Her laughter brought his eyes back to her. She had a beautiful smile with even white teeth between rose pink full lips.

Running Wolf reached for the tethers of his horses and quietly left her to bathe in peace. Her animal friends the only other souls around. Running Wolf hoped Chief Red Feather would accept his offer for the girls hand in marriage. The months of watching and planning seemed like years.

Harvest Flower suddenly grew nervous and her laughter died when her friends stopped playing. She quickly left the pool and stepped into her doe skinned dress. Quickly sitting down to slide her moccasins on, and braid her hair into a single plat to the side.

A small girl called her name, and Harvest Flower quickly made her way back to the village. She stepped quietly along the path thinking of what could be happening. The sounds from the village seemed more quiet than usual and that worried her just a little.

A strong looking warrior from another tribe was leading four horses through the camp. His own horse he rode with a straight back. She watched him for a second between huts before darting into her brothers lodge. A look of curiosity glued to her face as she peeked out of the doorway. Rising Bear stood and walked outside to see what his sister found so interesting. The commotion of the village slowed and some women giggled off to the side pointing at the handsome new comer.

Running Wolf saw her when she entered the village. She watched him before entering a smaller lodge. A tall man walked out a minute later and made his way to Red Feather's lodge. Running Wolf felt the bitter sting of jealousy as Harvest Flower poked her head out of the skin covered door. Her eyes met his and a small smile lit her face. The women following him now giggled and talked quietly as everyone gathered behind him.

Running Wolf halted the horses in front of Red Feather's lodge, dismounting in one solid movement, and tied the four ponies to the lodge pole. His own horse was led away by a small brave. Harvest Flower paled and backed away from the door frame letting the hide fall into place. She quickly ran to the side of the hut, grabbing a basket filled with herbs and flowers. There is only one reason a warrior would tie horses to a lodge pole. He seeks a wife from that lodge.

Rising Bear stepped from Red Feather's lodge and stood with his arms across his muscled chest, his buckskin covered legs spread at a fighting angle. His voice deep an unfriendly, "Why do you come to Red Feather's lodge?"

Running Wolf glanced at the smaller lodge close by, and Rising Bear frowned. "I am Chief Running Wolf, and I come to claim the hand of Chief Red Feather's daughter. I bring four good hunting ponies for her hand." Running Wolf said in a stiff tone. His muscles tense and ready for battle.

Red Feather stepped from the lodge and his eyes roamed the horses. His gray hair was unbound and hung to his waist. His buckskin shirt and leggings covered in colorful fringe, due to his status, swayed as he moved. His old voice was strong and full as he spoke, "You bring four fine ponies." He took a breath. "I will accept your gifts, but it is her decision. Come we will smoke and speak, she will join us soon."

Running Wolf followed Red Feather and Rising Bear into the lodge. A small fire crackled in the center of the large room. An older lady sat on a cushion of pelts stirring the pot of stew. Her long salt and pepper hair braided down her back. Moon Stream blushed slightly before letting a soft smile rest on her lips.

The crackle of the fire the only sound, as they passed the long pipe around. The smell of tobacco drifted over them. When the bowl was empty, Red Feather raised the pipe with a silent prayer. He lowered it to rest on his lap, giving Running Wolf the signal to speak first.

Harvest Flower suddenly entered with a basket of dried herbs. She paused as the three looked at her, before moving to the back of the room with her mother. The sway of the fringe on her dress reached out to brush Running Wolf's back as she passed him. He made no move to show he noticed it, but the slight tense of his shoulders proved otherwise.

Running Wolf broke the silence, "I am Chief Running Wolf, of the Broken Arrow tribe." He paused, "I have seen the woman in the forest, and I want her as my wife."

A small noise in at the back wall drew the attention of the men. Harvest Flower sat with her mother. The basket of herbs spilled on the floor, where she dropped it. Her look of surprise quickly vanished, and a pink blush kissed her cheeks. Her mother smiled at Running Wolf, and then pulled Harvest Flower back to the task of picking up the herbs.

Red Feather watched her reaction, amusement filled him. He knew she had a temper, and it was the reason no one from the village asked for her hand. This young Chief might be good for her. A wolf and a wild cat would make a strong pair. The Great Spirit would be pleased.

Red Feather nodded and looked over to Rising Bear, the look of rage on his son's face amused him, "You have something to say Rising Bear?"

Rising Bear glared at Running Wolf. "I know nothing of a Chief called Running Wolf. We know not if he is a chief or fool." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Red Feather held up his hand. "I have heard of the Chief passing. You are the son of a once great leader. Harvest Flower will make a good wife."

A sharp gasp echoed and Harvest Flower left the lodge in a silent rage. Moon Stream smiled as she walked over to Running Wolf and patted his shoulder. "You will need sharp mind, as well as strong shoulders." She giggled with a bright smile her eyes holding Red Feathers for a moment. Red Feather gave Harvest Flower no choice, even after saying she had one. He could not have hurt Harvest Flower any worse.

Moon Stream followed after Harvest Flower. The sun was high, and she knew Harvest Flower would head straight for the horses. The four young ponies stood calmly outside the lodge flap untouched.

"Harvest Flower! Harvest Flower wait!" Moon Stream walked, as fast as her legs would allow. "I'm sure your father has his reasons. You can not go today. Harvest Flower slow down!" Moon Stream huffed as Harvest Flower stopped and waited on her mother.

"Mother I can't leave you. I don't want to leave the village. He's a Chief and I will not make a good wife!" Harvest Flower stomped her foot. Her honey brown eyes sparkled with anger. "Father should have told the truth."

Moon Stream laughed. "Is that all? I know letting you grow up with your brother and his friends may have spoiled you, but you will be a great wife."

Harvest Flower frowned and lowered her head, not wanting to argue with her mother. Moon Stream smiled brightly when Rising Bear walked up beside her. He hugged her shoulders. "Mother go talk with father, he has asked for you."

"Thank you my son." She patted his hand and walked back to the lodge.

Harvest Flower turned and walked quickly to the horse corral. The branches wove together making the small round pin looked worn out and old. It would be replaced before winter. Her horse walked over to her nuzzling her outstretched hand. It's sleek sorrel color broken only by its white blaze face and two white socks.

Rising Bear walked up behind her. His words stung a little. "I don't want you to marry him. I don't trust this Running Wolf."

"It's not up to you to decide brother. I can't even decide. Father has made that clear. He wants me married. No one who knows me will marry me in this village. Your friend even said no one wishes to marry the wild cat." She said with unease and sadness.

Lately Rising Bear, was protective and maybe even jealous, if brothers could be jealous. He always made an excuse to be close to her, or touch her arm. The men in the village made it clear she was not the type of woman they wanted for a wife. They all loved her but their words hurt. Rising Bear is her only friend who treated her like she is normal.

Rising Bear placed his hand on her shoulder. "I would not make you marry. You are my only sister. You are wrong; you would make a good wife." He said before walking away. His heart hurt and feelings he should not feel for a sister welled up to the surface.

A large appaloosa nickered softly as Running Wolf approached. His face remained blank, but his eyes lit up when he saw her standing there hugging her horse over the short fence.

Harvest Flower ignored him, as he took up his appaloosa's reins. Her voice was soft, but her words cut like a knife. "I don't want to marry you."

"I return tomorrow for you, and you will be my wife." He watched her with a frown. He didn't want to hurt her but he could not let her go. She is his and he would make her his wife. Once she understood him she would not fight him.

Harvest Flower's head shot up, her eyes burning in to his. He nodded and mounted his horse in one smooth jump. He met her eyes once more before riding away at a thunderous pace. The look of wildness flashing in her eyes excited him and troubled him at the same time.

She would soon, be his and he will make her happy as his wife.

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