Chapter 19: Destiny

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The people of the village, quickly built a large community fire near the center of the village. Women spread blankets, setting platters of food on them, close to the fire. The village drummers sat to one side in a small circle preparing to play the evening dances. Darkness was closing in and people started gathering around taking there place around the fire, dressed in their brightest clothes. Running Wolf and Harvest Flower took their place in front of the fire. Harvest Flower’s own platter of fried bread coated in fresh honey, sat amongst the other dishes. Stews and cooked meats, roasted corn, and other types of greens, and fruits also made up the feast.

Two warriors helped Gray Eagle to sit at Running Wolf’s left side. Harvest Flower sat at Running Wolf’s right side. Her pale sun kissed skin and golden curls standing out in the fire’s bright light. No one questioned the choice of their Chief, picking a white woman for a wife. She possessed the heart of a true Indian. Running Wolf nodded at the drummers, and the drums began with a slow steady beat. His brightly colored head dress marking him Chief.

Woman started cheering, and some yelping, when Singing Fox started making her way to Gray Eagle’s side. Her white dress beautifully decorated with heavy bead work and fringe. It showed her curved hips and thin waist. Her hair braided into one long braid down her back. Painted feathers tied at her temple waved with her movements. Her light copper skin shined with the flickering glow of the fire.

Gray Eagle sucked in his breath, she looked so beautiful. He grinned and held out his good hand for her, helping her to sit down. His hand gripped hers not letting go. She smiled at him sweetly squeezing his hand in response. Her eyes quickly scanning the many wounds wrapped in thick rawhide bandages.

The drums began a faster pace and soon voices joined the music. Dancers one by one started twisting and stomping along with the beat. Gray Eagle smiled and motioned for Cloud Runner to come over. The boy quickly grabbed a fur wrapped object and brought it over. The beat of the drum matching the heart beat of the dancers.

Gray Eagle took the bundle of fur and unwrapped a simple flute made of red cedar. Singing Fox gasped and her eyes glistened with tears. He raised the flute, and with one hand played. The notes adding to the dancers movement and the singers voices.

A small group of women started filling wooden plates with food passing them around to the people and children still seated watching the dancers. Gray Eagle’s head felt heavy and he soon stopped playing, letting his body relax into the lodge wall behind him. Singing Fox fed him bits of food and they laughed at some small joke Running Wolf made. The music paused long enough for the Shaman to bless Gray Eagle and Singing Fox’s union. They were now considered husband and wife, but they still welcomed the small ceremony.

Soon the moon overhead started to descend and sleeping children were carried away by their parents to their lodges. Gray Eagle also felt worn, his tired eyes finding Singing Fox’s.

“I must say goodnight my brother. You honor me with the nights festivities.” Gray Eagle said standing with Singing Fox’s help.

Running Wolf also stood squaring his shoulders, “You are my friend and brother now, sleep well; Singing Fox will make a good wife.”

Singing Fox blushed and let go of Gray Eagle long enough to hug Harvest Flower tightly. “Sleep well.” She whispered.

Harvest Flower replied with a soft smile, “You also sleep well, my sister.”

Singing Fox blushed deeply before returning to Gray Eagle’s side. He swayed slightly and her arms wrapped around him to help steady him. They walked to Gray Eagle’s lodge together, at a slow pace, careful not to stretch his wounds, the bandages tinted pink already needing to be changed.

Inside the one roomed lodge, Singing Fox knelt beside Gray Eagle setting fresh strips of cleaned rawhide in her lap. Slowly she peeled away his bandages, taking care to clean the wounds before applying the herbal mixture to his injuries. She wrapped his arm tightly, frowning at his grunts of pain. When she finished she placed a small kiss on his temple.

“You will heal quickly.” She said with a small smile.

Gray Eagle touched her cheek lightly, “With you by my side, I have no rush to heal and leave your side.”

She pushed him down on his sleeping mats. “Sleep. Healed or not, you will always be at my side.”

She moved to sit up but his good arm stopped her, pulling her down to lay on his chest. “This man will make you happy in every way.” He softly said, his eyes glued to hers. His hand found her cheek and slid to the back of her neck in a gentle caress.

She looked into his eyes finding the unspoken promise of forever. Her heart melted and she placed her lips over his in a sweet love filled kiss. He grunted and shifted under her causing her to lift away from him. “You rest and heal. We have forever to share ourselves.”

He frowned and silently agreed. His hold on her loosened and she sat up. Her eyes meeting his before she moved away to the other side of the fire. She let her hair down and curled on her own palette of furs.

She looked up through the smoke hole and smiled. Quickly she sat up and removed her heavy dress. With her blanket wrapped around her she returned to Gray Eagle’s side. He smiled at her and held his uninjured arm up for her. She lay down beside him curling into his side, careful not to touch his injuries. They both drifted to sleep, unaware of the two warriors sitting against the back wall of the lodge outside.

Two Dogs and Flying Spider, sat waiting for the village to settle down. The drums now silent and the fire now just a dying flame. The only sounds left were that of the night. Two Dogs, Strong Moon’s brother sat listening.

Flying Spider shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his crouching stance looked uncomfortable. He sat on his heels watching the mesa stretch out into the star filled sky. “Two Dogs. I am not sure your brother, our Chief, would approve of us stealing the woman away. Would he not want to do so himself?”

Two Dogs rolled his eyes, “The girl is worthy of my brother, and I do not agree the man Gray Eagle won the fight. Strong Moon should be the victor by right.” Two Dogs picked up a small clay rock and tossed it away from him, “My brother’s honor lies with that woman. I will claim his honor back by taking her.”

Flying Spider shifted again looking over his shoulder at the wooden wall behind them. “As you say.”

They quietly made their way to the entrance of Gray Eagle’s lodge. Almost everyone in the village now indoors. Two Dogs pulled the bottom corner of the flap up. He smiled when the woman in question sat up. He let the door flap close moving to the side, Flying Spider following his movements and kneeling on the other side. Not long after Singing Fox stepped from the lodge her empty water skin hit the ground with a small slapping sound. Two dogs and Flying Spider blocking her path. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth fell open. Two Dogs moved quickly jamming a thick ball of hide into her mouth, cutting off her scream. Flying Spider quickly tying her hands behind her. A strip of raw hide was tied around her moth to keep her gag in place.

She struggled in their grip kicking and squirming at every turn. She felt the strips of rope loosen on her wrist and she struggled harder. Her thin dress stretched across her body cutting her breath off even more. Two Dogs lifted her to his shoulder quickly running behind the lodges to the path leading down to the canyon. Her legs kicking wildly behind him. Her hair tangled around her face and in the gag blocking her view.

Her hands came free and she quickly pulled the gag from her mouth letting a loud shrill scream rip from her throat. Her hair pulled free of the gag flew into Two Dogs face. He grabbed her hair in one hand and gave a hard yank. Her head now pulled into an awkward position cut her scream off effectively muffling her.  Flying Spider quickly made his way ahead of them to the horses.

“Quiet woman or your people will die.” Two Dogs warned dangerously. The venom in his voice sent shivers down her spine and tears gather in her eyes. She swung her arms and pushed at his back. He lost his grip and stumbled.

Two Dogs dropped her on the unforgiving ground with a loud thump. The breath left her lungs in a rush and she fought the pain that now throbbed along her body. Two Dogs growl sounded loud in her ears when he leaned over her in a crouched position. “Try that again and you will die this night.” He picked her back up and threw her over his shoulder this time holding her legs in front of himself.

Singing Fox let her arms hang down to the warrior’s back, her hand grazing the top of his belted knife. The pain in her body started to dull and her hair hid her movement. Singing Fox took a deep breath finally able to clear her mind enough to make one more attempt. She squirmed grabbing the knife at her finger tips. She tugged at it to pull it free, but Two Dogs quickly grabbed her wrist chuckling. He set her down pushing her over to Flying Spider.

“Hold her, and keep her quiet.” Two Dogs ordered. His eyes roaming her body like a hungry dog before turning to his horse.

The men from the village gathered at the top of the trail. Their voices telling her they would soon know what happened. Singing Fox jerked free of Flying Spider and dashed past him toward the men coming to her rescue. Two Dogs caught her by the arm and pulled her back. He shoved her to Flying Spider causing her to trip and fall backwards, her head hitting a sharp rock at Flying Spider’s feet.

“I said hold her!” Two Dogs growled out. His eyes now on her unconscious face. Her black hair spread out beneath her.

Gray Eagle hobbled behind the other warriors. His rage clear on his face. Cloud Runner already catching horses with the other braves. He watched from the cliff as Singing Fox was thrown to the ground. His heart picked up speed when she late unmoving at the men’s feet. Rage and fear for her surged.

Two Dogs picked up Singing Fox were she lay slinging her over his horse’s back. He tossed Flying Spider his horse’s reins and they quickly mounted. Setting their heels into the horses sides they thundered away in a cloud of dust. Running Wolf and Blue Wing the only two mounted following close behind at the break neck pace. Gray Eagle fully intent on following on foot if he had to cried out in pain. The tight grip of two young braves held him at a stand still while Harvest Flower knelt at the cliffs edge tears streaming down her face.

Gray Eagle let out a war cry and dropped to his knees in pain and exhaustion. His last conscious thought was of Singing Fox’s unmoving body on the back of a horse.

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