Chapter 10: Kidnapped

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Hanna placed a another dry stick on the fire and looked over at the feverish Indian laying next to her

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Hanna placed a another dry stick on the fire and looked over at the feverish Indian laying next to her. She couldn't stay much longer and hoped his fever would break soon. The redness of his wound now seemed more pink, but after two days he still had a high fever. She bit her bottom lip blindly staring at the flames in front of her. The soldiers at the fort pointed to this area as Indian country, warning her they were no more then hostile heathens. She couldn't believe that, they were humans after all. She reached into her small bag and pulled out her journal and ink.

Dear journal,

After two days of treating this Indians wounds his fever still has not broken. I fear I will have to leave him tomorrow morning fever or no. The wagon train is set to move in two days and I must return.

Finding any information on the red man is hard. Most do not speak English and this one refuses to wake. Although he gives me a bad feeling I hope he will survive and find his family, if he has one. His wound is now healing properly so some progress has been made. He will carry a rather large scar.

My next stop will be far to the west in California were they say Gold has been found in an untamed land. Almost no white men live there. Everyone tells me not to go or to go back home, but it is my duty to record this for the people back east.

Indians are not that bad from what I have seen so far.

Hanna Brightman
Author of Article Review
The Truth Behind The West.

She placed her journal back into her bag and quickly placed a cool hand on the Indian's forehead. He still had fever but it felt cooler. By morning it should break. She smiled to herself, one good deed done and he would never know who saved him.

2 Months Later

Dawn lit the sky with bright colors and cool air. Fall was approaching and fast. The sheep now carried thick coats that would protect them from the cold days ahead. In the spring they would be sheared and the wool packed or spun into thread for trading.

The last of the green grass would turn brown soon and the first harvest of corn would need to be picked. Large areas just outside the canyons boarders below held the villages crops that not only fed the animals but also the people. Hunting parties would also set out for days at a time bringing in fresh meat for the people to store for winter.

The village was busy with activity. Harvest Flower and Singing Fox giggled to each other in the group of women walking into the thick berry patches. Black berries, strawberries, and other wild berries their target this day. Running Wolf wanted to refuse to let Harvest Flower go. It has only been two months since Standing Elks disappearance. Harvest Flower promised to stay in a group and keep Singing Fox at her side. Running Wolf still didn't agree, but let her go.

The cool air on Harvest Flower's skin felt good, she laughed harder when Singing Fox pretended to be a ten winter old Running Wolf.

"I am very brave!" Singing Fox hit her chest with a fist, "I just didn't want to go alone."

Harvest Flower giggled, "He sounds so much like my brother growing up. Acting tuff and brave."

"The dream of every young warrior." Singing Fox hummed.

"Singing Fox? Do you think that one will return?" Harvest Flower worried aloud.

"He knows he will die if he tries. Do not fear sister, you are safe." Singing Fox smiled and pointed to a bush loaded with black berries. "Let us enjoy this day and pick many berries."

Harvest Flower gripped her basket and took off at a run, "I will race you!"

Singing Fox laughed and dashed after her. "Wait for me!"

Harvest Flower slid to a stop in front of the berries her eyes trained to the trees past them. Movement behind one put her on edge. Singing Fox stopped beside her, her hand grasping the knife hidden in her basket.

The tension fled when a small rabbit bounced into view. The women laughed and stared picking berries.

The air warmed with the bright sun light, their baskets half full of berries. Harvest Flower sat beside a tree in the shade.

"Do you think Running Wolf wants just one son or many?" Harvest Flower asked.

"Many. You see it in his eyes when the young braves surround him." Singing Fox chirped sitting down by another tree.

"I think I would like many as well." Harvest Flower hummed to herself. "A son and many daughters. It is nice Running Wolf treats you more like his sister now."

"Yes and all is well." Singing Fox agreed with a slight blush. "Gray Eagle has been playing his flute late at night but he looks at no one. I have also received some gifts too."

Harvest Flower giggled. "Gray Eagle looks at you. When you are near he tenses and is almost child like. Ask him a favor or mention something you like and see what happens."

Laughter echoed through the trees to where Rising Bear watched from a distance waiting for the chance to pull Harvest Flower away. He wanted to convince her to leave with him. His only other choice would be to steal her away, forcing her to leave with him.

The smile on her face faded and she suddenly looked pale. The woman with her looked worried when Harvest Flower jumped up and ran straight toward him. He ducked into the hollow tree beside him when she ran past. The other woman hurried over to the group to send one for Running Wolf. He had to act fast.

The sound of Harvest Flower emptying her stomach didn't stop him from approaching her. Her braided hair hung to the side like spun gold. He place a gentle hand on her back gently rubbing in small circles.

"You do not look well my sister." His deep voice only just above a whisper.

She tensed, "Rising Bear?"

He could feel her relax the moment she turned to him. "It is I." He held out his arms for her. "I have missed you."

She flung her arms around his neck in a tight hug. Her tear filled voice sounded small, "I have missed you as well. How are mother and father? Why have you come?"

He held her tight to his chest and softly kissed her temple, "I've come to take you away with me. You will come."

She hesitated and looked up at him confused, "I can not leave my husband or my people. I do not understand this. Why are you demanding this of me?"

He tightened his hold when she tried to pull away. "I will not let him have you. You belong to me. You have always belonged to me."

Before she could protest or scream he picked her up and ran. The sick feeling washed over her in waves. She opened her mouth to scream or call out to Singing Fox, but was quickly hushed by a rough hand over her mouth.

"Do not call out or fight me. You are not well and I will not leave you in this condition. He can not care for you like I can." Rising Bear said flatly.

He hated stealing her away like this, but it was the only way he could get her away from Running Wolf. He heard a scream from the group of women far behind him and he picked up his pace heading to his waiting horse. He would ride to the fort and from there he would go south and find a new people to start his life with. Harvest Flower would be his and his alone.

She struggled in his arms when another scream echoed through the trees. The sound of horses racing through the brush didn't calm her. She was unsure about what to do. She didn't want her brother harmed, but she didn't want to be carried away like this ether. Her mind started rolling with questions and ideas of what she should and could do. Her eyes filled with tears.

In a small weak voice, "Please Rising Bear, let me go. He will kill you. Rising Bear please just stop. I am happy here just let me go."

Rising Bear ignored her pleas and quickly placed her on his horse swinging up behind her. With a hard kick the horse ran blindly following his masters lead. The path up the steep trail changed from soft earth to hard rock and dirt. The horses climb slowed as its muscles bulged the higher it climbed. Soon they would reach the base of the mountain pass. The path would be steep, but it would level out into smoother terrain.

Running Wolf would never find her once they reached the forest covered hills. Rising Bear silently laughed to himself. Harvest Flower would be his and his alone now.

Down below the women huddled together in the berry patch. Singing Fox and Harvest Flower the only two missing. Running Wolf and a small group of warriors tracking the missing women.

The only information Running Wolf could ring from them, a man came down the mountain possessed grabbed Singing Fox and ran back up. The small girl also described a pink scar on the mans side, along with crazy eyes.

Running Wolf could only hope he would find his wife and sister safe. Standing Elk must have returned, and once again he dodged his death. Gray Eagle's furry set him on their trail right away.

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