Chapter 5: Acceptance

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The sun rose slowly, casting it's colored rays over the red canyons below. Running Wolf raised his arms in prayer. A feather floated on the wind tied to his upper arm with a thin leader band. He prayed for everything good and asked for blessings, but most of all he thanked the great creator for his bride.

A woman of fire and spirit, with hair to match. He could still feel her soft skin and smell her flowery scent. She was beautiful in every way. Sheep grazed behind him on lush green grass, watched over by a young brave from the village.

His tribe of apache was the most peaceful of them all, taking after their distant kin the Navajo. If war broke out they would fight and hold their own, but peace was favored here. Women and children grew up happy in whole family's, not having to worry if the men would come home after raids. Running Wolf only raided the renegade bands of other tribes. They seldom raided villages or white men camps.

More and more whites came with each passing summer, and Running Wolf could feel the tension rising. Cochise was already talking of going on the warpath. Whites and Indians alike were involved in an all out battle to the north. It wouldn't be long before it reached this part of the land.

When that time comes, Running Wolf would be ready. Others from nearby tribes already grew restless and itching for war. The canyons would run with rivers of blood.

The first golden rays of the sun lit up the horizon turning sand into a glittering ocean. He lowered his arms saying his last prayer under his breath. A soft breeze swept his hair up along with his feather. His wife would soon wake, and he wanted to be at her side.

She woke with him sitting beside her. His legs crossed and his hands holding a bowl of sweet smelling fruit. He smiled and set the bowl beside her. "I go to speak with the elders. Sun Dove will come help you get ready for the celebration."

Harvest Flower reached out a hand stopping him. "Thank you. Thank you for last night."

Running Wolf nodded and stood ready to leave. Harvest Flower got up and stood in his way their eyes meeting with an unknown change. She watched his eyes darken and her blood rushed through her veins.

She stepped closer to him reaching out to touch his chest. Her hands shooting sparks between them with that simple touch. Harvest Flower leaned into him and her lips touched his gently. His arms wrapped around her waist and he lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around him, as fire started to roar to life inside her chest. His tongue played on her lips and she opened up to him. Slow stokes of his tongue turned into a battle as her hands started roaming his chest and moving up to his neck.

He laid her down on the bed of pelts breaking the kiss only long enough to toss his vest to the side. Her hands now roaming his back pulling him down for a deeper kiss. Her dress tangled around her hips and he moved between her thighs. His weight holding her still as his hands found the smooth soft skin of legs. He broke the kiss and moved to her neck dragging his tongue down over her sensitive skin.

He stopped and their eyes met. "Do you want me to stop. Say it now, I will not be able to if we don't stop now." Running Wolf said between breaths.

Harvest Flower shook her head and touched his smooth cheek. Unable to speak.

The ties on her shoulder came loose quickly, as he used his teeth to untie them. He kissed each inch of skin exposed as he slowly pulled her dress down. Her rosy nipples now in full view hardened as the air hit them. His mouth covered one, and she moaned rolling her head back. Her hands now planted in his hair. His sucked on her nipple. Swirling his tongue around the hard peak before gently biting it with his teeth.

Another moan greeted him, as she pulled him closer her back arching up for him. He kissed his way across her chest and gave her other nipple the same attention. She was panting and grinding her hips into his. He pulled away from her removing her dress with a gentle tug.

She blushed and her hands went up to cover herself. "No." He said as he knelt down between her legs once more. He grabbed her wrist and held them. "I want to look at you."

Her voice trembled. "I'm afraid."

He kissed her lips gently. His hands holding hers above her head. "I will not hurt you." He whispered on her lips.

A shout from outside made Harvest Flower flinch. The sun higher in the sky now and more people moved around outside. She could no longer fight the heat running through her veins. Her fear was purely innocents.

"Take me." She whispered. "Please before I change my mind."

He stood and removed the rest of his clothing, before he lay back down beside her. He kissed her once more his hand moving down her stomach to her woman's nest. His fingers skillfully parted her golden red curls between her thighs. She was warm and wet. He slid a finger just inside her tight opening causing her to squirm and whimper. His finger moved up between her folds finding her marble of pleasure. She gasped and her legs fell open. Her hips arched into his hand.

"Please. Now." She begged. The fire in her stomach was growing. This tingling pressure was building and she felt like she would fly over the edge of a cliff. Her nails raked Running Wolf's arm as he moved over her. His shaft hard like steel.

He rubbed the tip over her soaking the tip in her woman's juice. His jaw clenched as he held himself back. He didn't want her to feel the pain he knew she would. He leaned down and kissed her as he eased the tip inside her, stretching her. She caught her breath and tensed suddenly terrified he would split her in half.

His fingers found her pleasure nub once more and she lifted her hips to him relaxing her. The fear now gone. He let her push herself up onto him. He could feel her building passion. Her nails dug into his shoulders and her warmth surrounded him. He thrust into her.

Her small cry of pain quickly turned into a moan as he moved slowly inside her. She relaxed even more and moved with him. He gritted his teeth and moved faster, deeper. Her moans pulling him closer to the edge. He stroked her pebble once more and bent his head to her breasts. She called his name as she fell from her climax. He thrust hard and joined her. His growl of satisfaction vibrated his chest.

He rolled to his side and pulled her into his arms. She curled into him and was soon asleep. Her hair tangled around her shoulders.

The sun now peaking at the highest point in the sky. Running Wolf lay there watching Harvest Flower sleep. Her small smile relaxed him, and his eyes drifted shut as sleep claimed him.

Harvest Flower stretched and curled into the warm body behind her. Strong arms held her waist and soft kisses traveled along her neck. She smiled and wiggled closer.

Her eyes popped open and she tensed, his hardness was pressed against her backside. His hand traveled up to her breast, and the blanket drifted down leaving her chest exposed.

"My Flower." He whispered in her ear. His breath sending shivers down her spine.

She turned her head to look at him, and his brown eyes met hers. A fire burned between them, as he kissed her lips softly. He moved away from her so she could turn to him. The blanket now twisted just below her hips.

Harvest Flower looked down, and a small gasp left her lips. A small spot of dried blood stained the tanned pelts. He followed her gaze.

"Do not worry, it is proof of our joining." He tilted her face back up, so her eyes met his. "I want you."

She felt a little sore from the time before, but the pain was quickly replaced with pleasure as his mouth covered hers. His hands traveled her body skillfully setting little fires along the way. Soon she was burning, and her moan of pleasure whispered throughout the small room.

His mouth traveled down her neck to her chest, where he nibbled at each nipple. Her head thrashed and her hands fisted in his raven black hair.

A loud noise outside made him pause for a moment, her small whimper drawing him back to her golden body.

"Chief Running Wolf?" A small voice called from outside the lodge.

Harvest Flower tensed, and her face turned a deep pink. Running Wolf growled, and kissed Harvest Flower with an angry hunger.

"I must go. Sun Dove will soon bring you food and new clothes." He softly kissed her forehead. "I will return soon."

He pulled the blanket back over her, and dressed in his buckskin leggings. He wore no shirt or vest, his knee high moccasins fit his calves perfectly. His hair hung loose with no braids or feathers.

He left giving her one last look over his shoulder. Sun Dove sat in the outer room waiting. She held a bag in her lap, and a large smile on her face. She slowly stood and made her way to Harvest Flower's side. Tonight would be long and filled with happiness.

The young brave who called out, stood with four other young boys. All waiting patiently for him. Each grinned and held out an item for their Chief.

A pile of gifts lay on a large wool blanket dyed in bright hues. Water skins, blankets, furs, dresses, and a small knife all stacked together for his new bride. Pride for his people's good hearts swelled in his chest.

The boys each set their gifts at his feet. A new quiver, a bright colored blanket, a belt brightly beaded, and some new knee high moccasins. He nodded to each boy as they placed their gifts, and ran to their family lodges.

The people smiled at him and a few waved. A large pile of wood was being gathered in the middle of the village as well as large cooking pots. His people would celebrate tonight with dancing and food. Harvest Flower would see first hand the love his people had in their heart.

Sun Dove helped Harvest Flower wash and dress. Her lost look made Sun Dove think of Running Wolf's mother. She was a beautiful Navajo woman, captured by his father. Or was it she who captured him? Sun Dove chuckled to herself at the memory. Her son being chased around the village by a seven month pregnant woman with a sheep pole.

"Here I will warm food for you." Sun Dove handed a bag to Harvest Flower.

It contained a brush two feathered hair ties and a beautiful tanned doe skin dress. The fringe was thick across the chest and down the sides, with a wolf pattern stitched on with beads above the long fringe. A head band with the same beaded pattern was the last item in the bag.

"It was his mother's. I give them to you, with hopes for a long marriage and healthy children." Sun Dove smiled as she poured water into a pot over the small central fire.

Sun Dove asked quietly, "Would you let this old woman weave your hair?" Her smile grew wider at Harvest Flower's nod.

A small tear stuck in the corner of her eye as she held the dress to her chest. It was truly beautiful, and she wondered if Running Wolf's mother was just as beautiful.

The love Sun Dove showed reminded her of her mother. The food smelled delicious and Harvest Flower giggled at the sudden growl from her stomach. Sun Dove smiled brightly and placed a bowl full of stew and bread in front of her.

"Eat child. Tonight will be long." Sun Dove said with cheer.

Sun Dove started humming a soft melody with every twist of hair. The soft sound almost put Harvest Flower in a tearful daze. It was like her mother was once again weaving her hair and singing to her. She always loved it when her mother would do that. The gentle touch, and love fill sound, drove her worst fears away in the blink of an eye. Sun Dove finish her hair, and before Harvest Flower could move, Sun Dove placed a necklace of green and blue beads around her neck.

“It is a gift from me to you. I have waited so long for the day Running Wolf would finally be happy. You have made this old woman happy.” Sun Dove said with joyful tears. “Now I pray Singing Fox will find her own happiness as well. Running Wolf will need to mend the bond between them, and be the brother he is meant to be.”

Harvest Flower ran a finger over the beads at her neck. Sun Dove’s words echoing in her heart.

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