Yoongi knew better though. These bastards were cruel. They would not grant the omega the sweet release of death. In the event the ever did, kill him, they would torture him beyond death before hand. Yoongi choose not to think about what these disgusting rogues would do in that situation.

Yoongi was so focused on the thought of death that he didn't even notice the three alphas that slithered their way into his torture chamber.

"Good morning princess..."

Yoongis stomach turned at the gurgle of his voice. If he'd any remaining strength he'd simply claw the bastard, leave him with a mark to make him regret, maybe even pull out his eye.

"Did you sleep well my dear? Thirsty?" Jun leaned down and grabbed the water bowl. After he crouched down to yoongis eye level, the revolting alpha held the dirty bowl in front of the omegas lips.

With a sadistic smile, "drink up sweetie, you'll need you strength..."

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he gulped a few mouthfuls of water.

"Especially for when your heat hits..."

Yoongi froze. He took a last gulp of water and nodded his head to signal he was done.

Jun lifted the bowl away and opened his mouth to speak when-

"Ah you little filthy whore!" Jun screamed in disgust as he threw the bowl at yoongi, it hit his harshly in the forehead but it was worth it.
Just as Jun had opened his mouth yoongi spat the whole mouthful of water into the other alphas face. Some landing in his eyes and mouth. It was very gross. But it made yoongi mentally smile.

"I-I'll ne-never..-*cough*- fucking do ANYTHING -*cough cough*- with a perverted monster... l-like you..." yoongi wore the cockiest smirk he could muster. It wasn't much more than the upturn of his lips though.

Jun stared with wide eyes at the omega, yet soon his shock was replaced with another sinister grin.

"You won't will you? You're forgetting one thing princess~" the alpha crouched back down to yoongis eye level as he wiped his own face with his sleeve.
"You don't a choice~ I am your mate. You will be mine."

Yoongi simply growled lowly. His inner omega, beta and alpha were all screaming in fury.

"Rest up my dear," Jun began making his way to leave the basement, "you'll need it"

Alone again.
Dark, cold, alone.

"I n-need to get away..."

Yoongi lifted his head, which felt like it weighed a ton alone, and stared at the room around him. There had to be something, anything, he could use to escape.

A small mouse scurried from the corner of the room, initially causing the omega to jump.
Yoongi soon softened at the sight of the little mouses cute ears.
"Hiya little guy..." yoongi whispered softly. The mouse moved towards him. Yoongis eyes followed the little creature. A thought popped into his head.

"I wonder...."
Yoongi focused on the mouse, trying somehow to feel its emotions.
Yoongi has never, not once, ever controlled someone's emotions without touching them.

Then again, yoongi had never tried.

The little mouse stared back, only giving the small turn of its head as it heard another sound.

Yoongi also faced the sound, his heart racing as he realised it was the rogues who were usually sent to beat him.
Quickly yoongi dropped his head, pretending to be unconscious.

"Sup faggot, look what we got for you today!" The first rogue alpha cheered while he placed the object on a lone table.
When yoongi didn't react, the other alpha harshly pulled his head back by his hair, causing the omega to release a pain-filled hiss.

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