*I couldn't even get 15 minutes in peace when again people decide to come and bother me. This time it was Nati, Annette, Chandrely and a little girl.

*They just came barging into my office, but that didn't bother me as much as the little girl's presence.

-Christian: What do you think you are doing? Don't you know how to knock? And what are you doing with her here?

*I say the last sentence motioning to the little girl. They all were looking pissed at me.. but the little one didn't seem to bother at all.

-Chandrely: She's my daughter, what's your problem with her being here?

*She says with an attitude. I start to wonder then, does she even know about her daughters true nature?

-Nati: That doesn't matter right now. We are here for another reason girls.

-Chandrely: No wait, I wanna know what's his problem with my kid? Are you that despicable that you don't even like kids? Maybe I should have let Natalia get threw with hat abortion after all.

*She says raising a hand at Nati's direction, then she looks at me mad while raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.
I look at them confused, I wanted to scream at them for mentioning her name and then I think.

*Did she really wanted to get an abortion? Why? Maybe because she knew there would be a chance that the thing won't be even mine?
But I let it slide.

*The little one thing was more important now, don't they know? Should I tell her? It's not my place to tell her or them. If they don't know it's there problem. Besides a girl so small and young can't be dangerous.

-Christian: I don't have a problem with her or any other kids, it's just that I don't like children to come in my office, they're messy.

*I say nonchalantly. They all look not convinced with what I just said.

-Annette: Anyway, we aren't here for that, we are here for Natasha.

-Christian: Again with this shit, I don't wanna know about her, I don't want her name to be mentioned in my house.

*I say frustrated. They all look at me not caring about what I just said.

-Annette: I don't care about what you want, I care about her.. and it's your fault that she l-

-Nati: Espera.. dejalo, no le diremos que Natasha se fue, dejalo pa cuando realise su error y el quiera ir a buscarla pa habla con ella y no la encuentre. Mejor asi, asi sufrira por idiota y estupido patan. Merece sufrir.
(Wait.. leave it, we won't tell him that Natasha left, let it for when he realizes his error and wants to look for her to talk with her and doesn't find her. Better that way, so he will suffer for being an idiot and a stupid dick. He deserves to suffer.)

*As Nati say something in Spanish, the girls nod and turn to look at me again.

-Nati: We won't do as you say, we came to tell you your truths and put you in your place.

*She says with an serious expression. I laugh mockingly not taking them serious. They all look at me with anger filled in there eyes, the little girl was just sitting on the couch playing on a phone.

-Christian: Pffft, put ME in my place? Ha ha ha, don't make me laugh.

*I say looking at them like if they were stupid. There faces hardens.

-Nati: You are full of shit. How did Natasha end up with you? I don't know. Obviously I got the best one of this family.

*My face hardens as she said that, she smiles and turn to the girls.
The 3 of them start talking between each other in Spanish again.

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