I walk over to the dresser, to grab my phone when I hear her call out for me.

"Tristan? Can I-um pick up some stuff from my apartment?" She asks as I stare at her. "I-It's just some very meaningful stuff to me. I-I would really appreciate it if I can retrieve them. I'll bring them back here, I promise just please don-" She rambles on. She looks scared, as if I'm going to say no to her.

"Sure, I'll go with you. I need to assure you'll come back here. Meet me downstairs when you're done." I watch her face light up and she scurries back to the bathroom.

I make my way downstairs, greeted by my men. I walk into the kitchen to find Claire and the other maids preparing breakfast.

"Morning, sir." Laura, one of the maids greets as I stride in with my men.

"Listen up." I raise my voice, catching all the maids' attention. "I want you all to assist Aurora with everything she needs. Don't decline any of her requests. Got it?" I command and they all nod.

"Boss, it needs to be done soon." Elijah states, making my attention go to him as we all walk into the dining room.

"I'm on it. Jonas, you and Holden are on guard. Kane, you and Alex are going to go out the back. Make sure you knock everyone out, fucking kill them if you have to. That's when me and Elijah will go in. I want their boss, alive. Got it?" I glare at them and they all nod. "Tell all the other men to gear up, get the guns, amo, everything we need. We can't fuck this up." I command, standing up. They all stand up and stride out to do their work.

After eating breakfast, I stand next to the stairs, my eyes on my phone. Not a minute later, she descends. Her hair down, her face bare and natural, wearing a baby blue dress and white sandals. Fucking hell, my eyes eat her up. This woman manages to look good whenever.


We're in the back of the car on our way to her old apartment. I lean back on the leather chair, spreading my legs as I watch her. I fucking love the way she moves, everything she does. Fidgetting with her fingers as she looks down at her lap, she must've felt my eyes on her. She looks up at me, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"It happened two years ago." I state, referring to the question she asked me yesterday night. She blinks up at me, wondering what I'm talking about.

"I was driving by and I saw you. I wanted you, and now I have you." I add and she frowns.

"H-how do you know my name?" She asks.

"I did my research." I reply.

"W-what do you plan to do with me?" She asks in a shaky voice.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Are you going to do stuff to me? Against my will?" She asks, slightly scared and I chuckle. She's so innocent.

"I'd never do that. You can relax, love." I say and she looks relieved.

"Aurora, you do know that even if you run away, I'll always find you. Right?" I hum, raising my brow, waiting for her to respond.

She just nods.

"Hmm, good girl." I praise her. She needs to fucking know that she's to spend the rest of her life with me.

Reaching her apartment, I wait for her as she gets in and collects her things. After that, I took her back home, and put one of my men on duty to guard her.

Now, it's time for me to pay a little visit to Henry.

I go down to the basement, and he's suspended from his arms, his legs spread and chained. Time to have some fun.

Caged By HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora