Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger

Start from the beginning

"Turn around." The robber says. "*COUGH* what....?" The man asks. "Turn towrds me!!" The robber yells. "No.... Screw you..." He mutters. The robber then violent grabs him. "LOOK AT ME!!" He aims his gun at him. "LOOK AT ME! I WANT TO LOOK AT YOUR DEATH!!" He yells. "No! Screw you!" The man yells. "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" He yells. "You crazy heartless pig!" The woman yells. "Shut UP YOUR NEXT!!" The third robber yells. "LOOK AT ME!!!" The robber yells. Now everyone was yells. In panic or in rage.

"I've HAD IT WITH THIS!!!" The robber the pulls the trigger to his gun. "NO!!" The woman yells. "SHUT! UP!" The robber yells aiming his gun at her. And pulls his trigger.


A voice. Everyone looks up. Just in time before two more bangs echo through the air. The robbers manly look up. The voice came from the back exit to the building.
Everyone was silent. "Yeah, over here!" The voice exclaimed. It was a male. "I know you hear me!" The voice said. "Who... Are you?" The robber bagging the diamonds and dust ask. "Some guy you forgot to keep bondage, dumbass." The voice said. "What?" The robber questions. "Yeah. You forgot about me. Moron. Why you robbing anyways? Having money problems? Or having trouble at home?" The voice asks. "Your lover kicked you out the house because you were cheating? Or you losing your house?" The voice asks. "WHAT?" The robber was growing increasingly more angry by these remarks. "That must be hard living a live like that. Especially since since you look like you haven't shaved in years. And look at those shoes. Are those even shows. They look like flip-flops, you also have socks with those? You've also been having those for  years and haven't changed them in a while have you? Trying to save up for more." The voice asks. Now the robber was angry.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!! RAHHHH!!" The robber charges in. "Yeah man kill this prick!" The second robber exclaimed. "Skin this kid!" The third one also exclaimed. Then, gunshots can be heard, with flashes of light emiting the area. "Did you get him?" The second robber asks. No response. "Did you get him?" The third one asks. "HEY! CAN YOU HEAR US!? DID YOU GET HIM!?" The second robber asks angerly. Finally. An answer came up. "Yeah, I got him! Ya fucking idiot." A most likely leader of the robbers said. "What did you call me?" The second robber asks. "I called you a idiot. Ya deaf?" The leader asks. The second robber was about to say something. But was cut off. "You, are just annoying, your voice, your face, your whole plan of exists, it just bothers me." The robber said. Now the second robber was pissed. He cocks his gun and storms towords the door. "OK BOY TRY SAYING THAT TO MY FACE!" He yells. He kicks the door open and aims his gun. "Here I come you mother-!" The robber was cut off, when the most, intense pain, the robber ever felt blossomed in his stomach. He slowly looks down, to see, a large, midnight black fist, right through stomach...he looks up to see the face of his attacker, and his blood goes cold, what's left of it. "...*GAGGING AND CHOKING* what....are-" "What I'm I? No....What Are WE..." The voice slowly started to distort. The third robber then mutters "Hey dude you ok?" He gets his response.....

When a headless body with a large hole in its stomach flys into view! "HAHH!" The robber yells. His eyes wide with fear. "Wha..... What the hell!?" The robber exclaimed. He was shaking. No person would punch though a man's stomach, or be able to rip off someone's head. Before the robber started shooting to the darkness of the back exit, the killer, steps into the light.

Loud, heavy footsteps thump against the ground as the...... 'KILLER' walks into the light. The second is dose, the hostages and the robber, instantly. To wided eyed, and start to shake. It wasn't a killer, or even a person at all.

It was a beast. A large.... Muscular... Razor sharp toothed and clawed beast.

"So you think you can make a quick hit on this store? And shoot at the innocent like of they were a old horse to be put  DOWN?" The creature asks. Sounding angry. "Wha.... Uh.... WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" The robber screams. Holding down on the trigger on his gun. The bullets hitting the chest of the beast. The beast would somewhat lean from the bullets punchering it. But...... It wasn't hurting it. It didn't even grunt. "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?" The robber asks still holding the trigger. And STILL. The beast still didn't react or feel any of the pain. Finally, the robber's gun makes small clicking noises, as his clip is empty. His gun's barrel was also steaming heavily. The robber attempts to reload his gun, but the beast then shoots something out of it's hand.

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