She regretted not having a weapon on her like she usually did. There was no way he'd be there to hurt her. None. But that didn't stop the desire to have an extra way of safety to be nearby. Dom would be there soon. He'd keep her safe. She'd just have to hold out until then.

As if reading her thoughts, he calmly addressed her worry. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here only to talk with you."

"I didn't know social calls were your thing." She calmly retorted and sat down on the couch across from him, drawing her legs up into a pretzel shape. She kept her back tight against the back of the couch.

"I guess I have you to thank for that. Venturing out hadn't ever been something that was safe to do. Not that I minded getting out to check on things." He allowed his body to relax, but the alertness didn't budge.

"I guess with Trent dead, you don't have to be as careful." She'd play along. Converse with him until he revealed his reasoning for sharing her company. She wished it had been a different day. It would have been nice to allow her nerves to relax versus being uptight.

"Oh, on the contrary. I do still have to be careful. Cautious I guess you could say. But it's easier to talk with you with him no longer alive to protest. Safer for you." He took a moment to fully take in the room they were in.

Ashley smiled at him. Keeping her gaze intently locked on him. Waiting for him to try to come after her. "Don't tell me that my safety has always been in your intentions, Zareavo." She drawled out with a hint of sarcasm.

"Seeing you get hurt has never been an intention. I will admit it hadn't crossed my mind to protect you until Dom took an interest in you." His eyes locked back on hers. There was no escaping how overwhelmingly powerful his look was. It sucked her in without really even trying. He had the leadership and the confidence to back it up. "I want you to join us."

"Join you?" She echoed. The words were both sweet and uncomfortable at the same time. If this meant to further strengthen her relationship with Dom – a way to provide more safety – it really wouldn't be an awful idea. She had just gotten out of a gang that she hadn't originally thought was a bad idea either though. Would this really be any different?

"Trent was a bully, only interested in selling drugs and getting money for less than honorable intentions. I can promise you that things would be different. You wouldn't have to do anything that you wouldn't want to do. You'd have a choice, Ashley. We'd protect you." He slid forward in the chair and leaned closer to Ashley. "We don't sell drugs or do anything illegal that's not asked for. We protect our neighborhood and anyone that needs it to ensure that those problems don't end up with my people. I think you can provide better intel on things that have been a problem in the past."

The idea was completely foreign to her. The look on her face she was sure showed that. "I don't understand. You have a gang, just like Trent did. What makes you any different? How can you only offer protection?" The idea was perfect, but that was also the problem. Perfection lacked in the places they called home. There was no way that this man was devoted to only protecting people. How else would he have gotten the reputation that he already had.

"I understand your skepticism. I'm not afraid to kill someone who threatens people in my family. I also will do whatever it takes to make sure that nobody harms the people and the businesses that ask for or need my protection. Everyone in my family serves to protect anybody that needs it. They do it for me and because they desire to see people have better lives. Our way of doing things might not be legal or right all of the time, but it's making a difference. I believe that that's what you desire to do. You want to make a difference." His speech was eloquent. Easy to listen to. But words were just that – words. They weren't actions that proved the truth that what he was saying was right and honest. That was something that needed to be proved.

Ashley sighed. "I appreciate your offer, but I need more than just your promises. I need more to go on... to believe."

"That's understandable as well. If you don't believe in my cause and don't believe in me, then there's no way that I can let you in with everyone else. You have to learn." He stood up from his seat. Eyeing her up to see if anything changed in those few moments. "Talk to Dom... and to Liv. See if you'll believe after hearing what they have to say. I'm offering you a chance to make a difference. Think about it." He paused. "By the way, I took the liberty of firing your lawyer. You need someone who knows the streets to get you off. Whether you join me or not, making sure you don't serve any time is both in Dom's and your best interests. I will see you in court."

Ashley watched him leave without another word. Her nerves relaxed a little bit. She knew that he was one of the best lawyers that she could have. She just hoped that it wouldn't lead to a price needing to be paid in the future. Her gaze caught something black inching around the corner of the other room. Watching her with bright green eyes and a thick black coat.

Ashley smiled. "Hey kitty." She was relieved to know that she was there. And was even more relieved to recognize those green eyes – they were older and wiser, but still the same eyes from the kitty she had tried to keep so many years prior.

The cat stood up and sniffed the floor casually before letting its short legs stride over. It jumped up on the couch with a grace that only a cat could pull off. A purring shook her body as she rubbed up against Ashley and collapsed in her lap.

All Ashley could do was pet the warm, plush coat. It was enough to relax her. It dissolved the tension in her shoulders and back. "Why didn't you come out sooner, kitty? I could have used your warmness so many times already."

She could see how the difference in environment had turned the scrawny kitty into a beautifully developed cat. There was no doubt that that could be the key to Ashley's sanity and future as well. It was high time she did something that made a difference. A way to give back to the community. Maybe this was the key that she needed in order to create the life that made her into the woman someone would be proud of. A woman that she would be proud of. It was worth a try, whether or not Miko's way was the way to go.


Well I wouldn't exactly say it's a bad thing to have Miko Zareavo in your back pocket. Then again, what's in it for him? Is he genuine?

Guess we'll see.

By the way, loves, there's only one more chapter left ;)

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