Chapter 28

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Ashley couldn't fight the need to write in her journal. It had been too long already and there was plenty that needed to be added. Nobody would be looking for her right now. She wouldn't be desired by anyone to confront or alienate at this moment in time.

Stealthily, she crept around a corner and worked her way to the building that housed some of the homeless people of the neighborhood or sometimes some of the gang members. It was a safety net most of the time, but also left open a risk for someone to find out what she was hiding. It was a risk. It had always been a risk, but it was one that she needed to make. Recording everything that Trent did was crucial for her to get out of this mess. Recording all of her thoughts and feelings about the other things that had happened were crucial for her sound mind and mentality. It was her healing.

When the way was clear, she darted into the building and took the stairs two at a time. No need to waste any extra time in case someone did try to find her. She checked the hallway for anyone lurking around before sneaking into the room with the bookshelf. She shuffled through some of the books before grabbing hers out. Carefully, she skimmed through the pages to find where she had last left off.

She drummed her fingers on the pages as she thought about the date and where to start her thoughts at. There were so many memories and feelings swarming through her. So many things to be angry about or bitter toward. She couldn't be either though. Her chances at survival required her to let it all go and take one step and one day at a time. She wouldn't get through this all without a clear mind.

She snorted at the idea of a clear mind. How the heck was she suppose to have that when everything around her was spinning out of control, leaving her only with a jumble of thoughts and a scrambled up mind. Anyone who said it was easy to compartmentalize thoughts was lying. This sucked.

She put the pen to the paper and just scribbled out everything that had happened since her last entry. Intently jotting down the details that specifically pertained to Trent. She'd bury him eventually. Recording every bit of detail with everything that he had done. She already had witnesses for some of the results of the consequences that she had obtained. That was a huge part of evidence that would help her case. There was nothing better than eye witness accounts.

Every little sound that erupted down the hallway or in other rooms in the building stalled her writing and made her jump. She couldn't help but worry that she'd be caught scribbling down the notes, or that her notebook would be discovered among the other books. She might as well be dead if anything was discovered. That would definitely be the consequences of her actions.

She scribbled out a reminder at the end of her notes that she was in control and could do all of this. It was that small bit of encouragement that kept her going. Even the words were enough to keep reminding her of the bigger picture. She had never been scared of pain, or afraid of telling the truth, but it didn't mean there weren't times when she lied to hide something that would lead to the bigger picture. It was just how it was. Part of having a plan meant to be smart with your words. This area she very clearly lacked at times, but she'd keep trying because she had one desire.... to be free.

She closed her notebook and leaned against the wall, hugging the thick book. This would be over soon enough. She closed her eyes and let her thoughts dissolve and her purpose re-sink in. She could feel the late afternoon sun casting its rays on her back. It felt relaxing. She was still sore from everything that had happened, but more recovered than she had felt even just a few days ago.

Trust was never easy to come by and she'd always be wary of selfishness to creep into a person, but for once in a very long time she knew that she had people that would protect her. People that she could trust. It was a relief that made things easier on her. Any burden was hard to carry and the fact that these people had been placed in her life, made it easier for her to take on anything that came her way.

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