-Me: Oh my God.. I DID NOT CHEAT ON YOU CHRISTIAN. And of course it matters, don't you see that who ever send you these.. is trying to bring trouble between us? How can you be so stupid?

*He glares at me when I call him stupid.

-Christian: Don't you dare speak to me like that again Natasha. Stupid will I be if I believe your lies, at least that person who ever he is.. opened my eyes so I could see the truth.

-Me: What truth Christian? Look I've always find ure jealousy cute, but this is to much.. you are crossing the line.

*I say exasperated. He still looked at me angry, he's not thinking straight.

-Christian: The truth that you were with another man for all those days you left.

-Me: Pat is just a friend.

*I say raising my arms frustrated at him. He step closer to me.

-Christian: If he is, why didn't I see him on your birthday? Why you never talked or mention anything about him before? Why didn't you tell me where you was those weeks?

I know why.. because he's ure lover, you were with him, staying with him, spending time with him, sleeping with him, letting him touch you, maybe that baby isn't even mi-

*He says with so much hate and poison that he even scared me a little, he was someone else.. not my Christian at all.
I looked at him in disbelief as he talked, I just couldn't believe my ears.

*After everything that we went threw? So I didn't let him finish that sentence as I raise my voice a bit more at him.. I say.

-Me: I'm gonna stop you right there, before you say something unforgivable that we both know you will regret saying later.
You are gonna listen to me now.

I never talked to you about him before, because he never came up in our conversations.

-Christian: How convenient, that's a stup-

*He says chuckling bitterly.

-Me: Let me finish talking first.

*I say mad at him. He just glares at me.

-Me: I know that it's a stupid excuse, but it is the truth. He doesn't live here anymore, that is why you didn't see him before.
I was staying with Chandrely and Pat is staying there too, he just came to visit us.

You can ask the girls and they'll tell you who Pat is. And I didn't say cause I though that it wasn't necessary anymore because we were leaving that chapter behind us.

Are you really gonna believe that I slept with someone else? And that our baby isn't yours? Really? After everything that we went threw? I'm not that kind of person Christian.

Why would I do that? It's stupid. No me cabe en la cabeza.

*He doesn't look convinced with what I just told him.

*He doesn't look convinced with what I just told him

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