Monster Part 3 - Chanlix

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Requested by: Lunapaw11

Felix laid on the ground in a puddle of blood. His blood. He didn't seem to be breathing and his usually tanned face now seemed ghostly pale. The human's lips were slightly parted and an almost dry trickle of blood trailed from his mouth down to his neck. His eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. A knife was stabbed in his stomach all the way to the handle. Felix's clothes were stained in blood, so it was obvious he suffered not only from the wound on his stomach. It was impossible to pinpoint all of his wounds due to the excessive amount of blood.

Chan's eyes widened in horror at the sight. It was like his worst nightmare was coming true. He suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe, like his world crumbled to pieces in seconds. His mind went blank and he was only hoping that his boyfriend was still alive.

Due to the increased amount of humans in the forest, Chan had to go on patrol often and he always left Felix alone in the castle because it was safer. Or so he thought. He'd known that the humans were on a hunt for the vampire (because they blamed him for the plague in their village), but he never guessed that they'd find the castle and hurt a human, one of them, so easily. It only proved how cruel and scary humans were.

Chan dropped on his knees to Felix's side. He inspected the body. It was too late. His blood wouldn't be enough. It wouldn't heal the human fast enough. The damage was too great. The only way to save him was what Chan had dreaded the most. Turning him into a vampire. The process would be instant and Felix would be saved. Even though Chan hated the idea of turning his boyfriend into a vampire, he hated the idea of a world without Felix more.

The vampire's eyes flashed red and he revealed his vampire form. The red irises showed the sadness and emptiness Chan felt as he fought back his tears. He only hoped that he wasn't too late.

The decision was made. Chan bent down, his cold lips ghosting on the warm skin of Felix's neck. His fangs grazed the spot just above his boyfriend's pulse and as Chan shut his eyes, mentally apologizing to Felix, he breached the skin and began to suck his blood. It was tasty, as tasty as Chan remembered from the last time when the human had given him a blood bank. But this time it was warm which made it all the better.

Chan stopped, because he would kill his boyfriend if he kept on feeding any further and pulled back, licking the droplet of blood that threatened to roll down his lips and go to waste. The first step of the process was done.

The vampire lifted his own wrist to his lips and bit down onto it, getting some of his blood in his mouth so he could feed it to his boyfriend. He parted from his skin quickly and bent above Felix once again, kissing him and transferring the blood in the process.

Chan pulled away and sat patiently next to his boyfriend's body, waiting for his awakening.

After about a minute, Felix's hand twitched and his eyes opened slowly, flashing in red as he focused his gaze on the other vampire.

"Hungry" Felix said with a weak voice. Of course he'd be hungry. His wounds were severe and it required a lot of energy to heal them. Not to mention, he just awakened and all new vampires were hungry. That's why Chan engulfed his boyfriend in a hug and exposed his neck for the other boy.

Felix's gaze was focused on the exposed skin and he didn't think much before he sank his fangs into Chan, not thinking if it hurt him or not because he couldn't resist his instincts. The older knew the feeling quite well and even though it hurt a bit he tried to remain quiet.

As soon as Felix realized what he'd done, he detached his lips from Chan's neck, holding his limp body.

"W-what... I-I... I'm s-sorry for hurting you..." Felix muttered as he cried. He was probably scared and confused. It was all new to him. It didn't hurt anymore and his wounds had healed fully. However, Chan...

"Don't worry, I'm not dead. I'm a vampire, I won't die from getting my blood sucked. I'm just... Exhausted." Chan said sleepily as he cuddled closer to Felix. He'd lost quite a lot of blood because unlike him, Felix couldn't control his hunger.

His boyfriend's body no longer felt warm. He was as cold as Chan was. The older vampire felt sad, knowing what he'd taken from his boyfriend and it pained him greatly.

"Am I... What happened?" Felix asked as he kept on holding to Chan, much like how small children hold onto their mothers when they are afraid of the monsters under their beds.

"You're a vampire now. I had no other choice. It was the only way I could keep you alive. I'm sorry..." Chan apologized.

"You don't need to apologize. You saved me. I don't care what I am as long as I am with you, Chan." Felix smiled as he tightened his hold around his boyfriend in reassurance.

"Let's leave. We'll go somewhere no one can find us. Somewhere safe, where no one would hurt us." Chan suggested after a minute of comfortable silence.

"Yeah." Felix agreed as he picked up his boyfriend, carrying him to their bed. They shared a brief loving kiss before Chan drifted off to dreamland.

I hope you guys liked it.
My emotions are all over the place so it's kind of hard for me to write but I'll still try to finish everything I've planned for the holidays.

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