Promise - Jilix

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Requested by - Straykids1232
I'm sorry for the delay, lol

"Let's date each other when we grow up. It's a promise, okay?" Six year old Felix smiled at his six year old best friend, Jisung.

"Promise!" Jisung grinned, linking his pinky to Felix's, as if signing an imaginary contract.

12 years later, Jisung and Felix are 18. They are still single and haven't dated anyone before. Things between them haven't changed much, they are still best friends and are studying in the same high school.

Fate seemed to be cruel, as Felix and Jisung were in separate classes, but that didn't stop them from spending every possible second together.

Jisung had developed a crush on Felix ever since he was a small kid, but never said a word about it. He remembered the promise he and Felix made when they were six and he only hoped that his best friend remembered it too.

Therefore, Jisung had been planning to ask Felix out during the weekend. He had thought of something simple, but still romantic.

Felix and Jisung usually had sleepovers at each other's houses during the weekends and it had turned into something like a tradition. Jisung thought about setting up Felix's favorite snacks and watching their favorite movie. He would also give him a ring and he knew that his best friend would like it because Felix didn't like fancy stuff. He preferred something simple, but sentimental. Or so he'd told Jisung.

It was Saturday, and Jisung had his other close friend, Chan, to help him set up everything. Chan was a good cook, since he lived alone and had learned to do it, unlike Jisung who honestly had no idea how to cook anything besides ramen and scrambled eggs. Therefore, he asked Chan to help him make Felix's favorite cookies.

Despite Jisung being nervous, he was happy and literally glowing because he was just a happy person and he ran the scenario in his head of how Felix would say yes. His daydreaming was interrupted by his phone ringing. Felix's name showed up on the screen and Jisung almost tripped at how fast he tried to get to his phone. He picked up immediately.

"Hello, Felix!" Jisung said happily, unable to hide the smile from his face. His heart was beating fast as he was anticipating to hear his best friend's deep voice.

"Hey, Sungie. I called you to tell you that I won't be able to come tonight..." Felix didn't sound happy like Jisung did.

"Oh... Why?" Jisung's smile faltered, because he'd been expecting tonight for a long time and he'd almost finished with the preparations.

"Something came up. I'll tell you in Monday at school, okay? See you then." Felix replied as he ended the call.

"Uh, okay..." Jisung said, as Felix had already hung up on him. To say that Jisung was disappointed was an understatement. He and Felix never missed weekend sleepovers unless one of them was sick. This was new, and Felix wasn't telling him the reason. As best friends, they told each other everything, but now it seemed like Felix was keeping secrets from him.

Jisung apologized to Chan, telling him how his plans were ruined and settled on spending the evening with him instead. As a good friend, Chan tried to cheer Jisung up, but it didn't seem to work.

On Monday, Jisung didn't see Felix at the spot where they usually met up to go to school together. Something was definitely wrong and at this point Jisung wondered if he'd done something wrong and maybe Felix was mad at him. But he couldn't remember having done anything that could possibly make Felix act like this.

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